russell m nelson children

I feel like there was a high level of love in our home. And he said, No, I, I walked through the door and I closed it behind me. Can you share with us what you observed from that time in his life, where he leaves this career that he had prepared so much for, and turned into full-time church service? And thats the way theyve been with everyone that joined our family, whether it was after our sister passed away and a new mother would come in for these kids. We can lean on our faith and use our faith and have our faith in Jesus Christ help us go through those trials, and well come out better for it, because if we seek first our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, everything else will be added on to it. Nelson received a PhD from Minnesota in 1954 for his research contributions. And I think that was a blessing to have him home. I think hes good at making decisions and moving forward. [87], Nelson also introduced major changes in church organization during the April general conference. They each had their specific roles, but one couldnt operate properly without the other. Sarah Jane Weaver: Well, and I think for so many Latter-day Saints, that sort of hit us when we were reading your fathers gratitude message that he gave a few years ago when hes asking all of us, in the midst of this pandemic, to give thanks. And we all are. All rights reserved. Contents. But none of us were ever forced to come.. He was set apart as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles by President Thomas S. Monson on July 15, 2015. Number two, he would look around to turn off any electrics, that were extra, you know, like the TV or more lights than he felt should be on. I thought, What a commitment for a large family to make, for her to have that opportunity to go and be gone one night a week and then on Sunday mornings. And so Im totally interested in how that worked at your house. They talk about President Nelsons Church leadership and offer a unique glimpse into his role as a father, husband and teacher. He was there. [25], In March 1956, he performed the first successful pediatric cardiac operation at the SLGH, a total repair of tetralogy of Fallot in a four-year-old girl. Russel said theyd each had their roles and cooking wasnt one of his. He wanted that to be their own inspired decisions, his son said. I think really, like I say, Im seventh, so Im a younger perspective. And so he was always very loving and caring. And enjoy all the blessings that Heavenly Father wants to give each and every one of us. Programa: Welcome to the weekly MormonNewsRoundup where Al & Dives ruminate on the great and spacious Beehive!, ep. But there was also no question that our mom was the heart of the home. He said it was like a womens dormitory., Gloria Irion: It was definitely like a sorority, for sure. President Russell M. Nelson with daughter Sylvia Webster and three great-grandchildren. As part of this change, young women ages 1418 may be assigned as ministering sisters, similar to the-long standing policies of young men ages 1418 serving as home teachers. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hugs children after a devotional in Asuncin, Paraguay, on Monday, October 22, 2018. Other Nelson family activities included skiing, summer family trips, swimming and other outings. And I just kind of said, What do you, what do you want us to do now? Asking from a point of, How can we help you? And it was fast-paced and it was hard to keep up with him, but it was also filled with so much love and beautiful moments. Ethnicity, religion & political views And theres no surprise to me that we all were so excited to be mothers, because the way he felt that position was such a calling of honor. They can feel that he loves them and its not so distant. My parents consistently had family prayer, family home evening, family scripture reading, and we were invited, with all their love, to come and participate, she said. And quite often he had callings and stuff that would take him out of the home after dinner, but sometimes he was home. Just like that. building a so-called 'temple' in Shanghai. Sarah Jane Weaver: It is great to have you with us today. I dont remember him watching TV. Gloria Irion: Theres about 150 great-grands, 57 grands. Just have faith in the Lord, do your best and everythings going to be okay. And a constant forever is that routine of coming home and finding mother and greeting her and then having dinner together was always a great thing. He always is going and doing things, Russell Nelson Jr. said. On Monday, September 9th, President Russell M. Nelson will be celebrating his 95th birthday. This episode of the Church News podcast features three of President Nelson's 10 Children, Gloria Irion, Laurie Marsh and Russell Nelson Jr. Nelson was set apart as the quorum president on July 15, 2015, by Thomas S. Theyre exercising their keys. I often think of the Doctrine and Covenants section 6:36, Look unto me in every thought, doubt not fear not, and that is my dad. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: He is. Both parents knew how to teach their children about the why of things, their son said. And then they switch over to the Utah basketball game. And he honored us as women, as well, and as potential mothers. Especially being at the younger end, I saw more mature father and parents than my siblings did. Gloria Irion: We knew he had notoriety, because of his research and the things that he had accomplished and always kept accomplishing. I think its important to note, yeah, they encouraged us to do our homework and would be happy to help if we needed it. Baptism. If we can be obedient, and make and keep our covenants, well be able to live eternally as a family with Heavenly Father again, she said. So always active, always doing something, always engaged. How do you sum up a lifetime of being taught. Sarah Jane Weaver: Russ, you have a huge opportunity to carry your fathers name, which also sometimes may feel heavy. But I really feel like their love for us was not tied to any kind of accomplishment at all. A good example is you see all of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles each having their own opportunities to dedicate temples. 1 with him, Marsh said. Laurie Marsh The way hes leading the Church is exactly an example of the way we were raised. And so its been really neat to see that come through. Nothing. Petersen. And hes good at it. And so he would try to teach me how to, from simple things like change a light bulb, to shovel the walks, or do the garbage and, you know, take care of things around the house. But I also remember, I guess I have the perspective for being one of the older ones, but like on a Saturday morning, if we got our chores done, Daddy could take us to swim or to ice skate or the Salt Lake Country Club to swim or Salt Lake swimming and tennis club or, you know, he would take us on an outing if we got our stuff done and at least took a few mess-makers out of the house for a few hours so mom could try to catch up. Russell Nelson Jr. remembers his father teaching him how to maintain the home, from changing a light bulb to shoveling the walks and taking out the garbage, as well as other home duties. [40], Nelson also served for eight years as the church's Sunday School General President. In April 2006, he . [24], In 2015, the University of Utah, along with the American College of Cardiology, created the Russell M. Nelson MD, PhD Visiting Professorship in Cardiothoracic Surgery. We were invited, with all, all their love to come and participate in that. And so, well, his health and strength is due in large part to her efforts and all the things that she does, in ways to support him that we dont know the half of, Im sure. And I actually lament reaching this point in the podcast, because I could hear you guys talk about your father all day long. And when he was teaching me how to water ski, or having very, very spiritual experiences on the mountain, when we were skiing. [106] With the temple in Nicaragua, Nelson fulfilled an apostolic promise he had made to church members there six years earlier. Poor guy. You know, Sunday mornings, I guess. Sarah Jane Weaver: And I want to talk about, you know, you had this very tight-knit family that enjoyed being together and cherished the connections you had with each other. At the end of each year, President Nelson set up a folding table in the living room, set out spreadsheets and paperwork, and invited his children to participate in preparing the family taxes. He wanted that very much to be my choice and my decision based on my experiences and my own inspiration. He really didnt raise his voice. And, but yeah, I think he set a great example of, you know, studying and doing well in school. And so is his wife and my mother had an amazing role in that, as well. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints poses in his office in the Church Administration Building in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. He was set apart as a counselor in the bishopric by Joseph Fielding Smith, whose son-in-law was the bishop. In my personal life, I got called to be a bishop a few years back and he ordained me to the office of bishop in Melchizedek priesthood, but he let the stake president of that stake, set me apart as a bishop in that stake, letting him exercise his keys. Is that hard? And so after they were married, they lived in her home for a little bit. And to help make this goal of being an internal family happen. [93] At the church's general conference in October 2018, he reiterated his position, declaring, "It is a correction" and "It is the command of the Lord." Hes always doing something, always engaged.. And a husband and a wife work together in a family. But as far as the details, my guess is, because Im the seventh, probably one of my older sisters was really making sure that I was presentable. But Ive always said it keeps me good. He's curious. She, like my mother, is a very Christ-centered person. Of course, we were all in tears and trying to deal with that. I think he used it as a teaching moment for us to help us and comfort us. Gloria Irion: I know mother saw you when she was pregnant with Emily. You have nine daughters, and your mothers gone in the morning to perform with the choir. Watch this video that celebrates his love of children By Lindsey Williams December 22, 2020 04:57 PM MST In September, Church News shared what President Russell M. Nelson taught his 57 grandchildren and 140 great-grandchildren as part of his birthday celebration. The way he is leading the Church is exactly an example of the way we were raised, a daughter said. He had a confirmation right then that this was a blessing that she went in a twinkling of an eye, basically, and kind of had to start accepting that. Doing taxes doesnt sound like fun at all as an adult, but its something we just did together and had fun doing together.. Pinterest. So when mother sang in the choir, I must have been, I dont know, 7 or 8 or something. Here he is giving countless messages, reaching out via technology, thinking about members in very, very specific ways. And his countenance was back up. Russell M. Nelson was set apart as the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on January 14, 2018. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: I remember the night when our mom passed away. [85], In March 2018, the First Presidency issued a letter on preventing and responding to abuse. [66] He developed ties with the medical community in China and made several trips there to train surgeons. What was that like to be raised in a home, did he help with homework? But, yeah, we have strong testimonies and gratitude that the Lord has blessed us with prophets, to have that guidance in our lives. There was no question he was the head of the home. Monson. Laurie Marsh: I think I have probably learned from President Nelson the importance of my relationship with my Savior and how that can help with everything that we do thats full of joy, or not full of joy, in our life. They consistently had family home evening. That was always number one. While at Minnesota, he was a member of surgeon Clarence Dennis's pioneering research team developing the heart-lung machine that in April 1951 supported the first human open-heart surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass. I love the fact that just this year before conflict broke out between Russia and Ukraine in Eastern Europe, he had given a message and directed it to all the Saints in Europe, and told him that the future was bright for the Church in Europe. President Russell M. Nelson. And, Gloria, lets start with you. There is no surprise to me that we were all so excited to be mothers because of the way he felt that position was such a place of honor, such a calling of honor. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: One thing Ive learned, hearing from others, other General Authorities as we happen to bump into them, and even down into my own life is, watching him allow priesthood holders exercise their keys. In the general conference talk " Covenants ," President Russell M. Nelson teaches that "when we realize that we are children of the covenant, we know who we are and what God expects of us." The covenants we have made direct our lives and give us a deeper purpose. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife Sister Wendy Nelson, are interviewed in Salt Lake City on Friday May 29, 2020. He said, Well, its like being a father. And shes always a cheerleader for Daddy in front of us, for sure. My guess is he made sure we looked presentable. . And so thats probably one of the main lessons that I learned growing up about. [18][19][20], Nelson served a two-year term of duty in the U.S. Army Medical Corps during the Korean War, and was stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. They have agreed to talk to us about President Nelson in his role as a father. They were not untouched by tragedy. And Ive had many experiences over the last five years that confirm that, and I am eternally grateful. [50], Following the death of Boyd K. Packer[51] on July 3, 2015, Nelson became the most senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve and the quorum's president. He then moved to the Yale Second Ward, still in the Bonneville Stake, and was called as a member of the stake high council. We have strong testimonies and gratitude that the Lord has blessed us with prophets to have that guidance in our lives., Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox, The three things you need to know everyday, Highlights from the last week to keep you informed. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And even so, he was going to do what he was called on to do and I knew he loved her and was grieving. Gloria Irion: Sure. President Russell M. Nelson, second from right, skiing with three daughters and a son-in-law, prior to becoming President of the Church. [111], In April 2020, Nelson announced plans to build a temple in Shanghai, China. Gloria Irion: He was kind of busy with his own church callings, too. Gloria Irion, Laurie Marsh and Russell Nelson Jr. discuss the lessons learned as children from their father, President Russell M. Nelson. Did you focus on science and math? When he was home, it was time for the family.. I feel like the way he is leading the Church is exactly an example of the way we were raised, Marsh said. What was discipline like in your home growing up? Gloria Irion: We would go on dates. I hope you have learned something today about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by peering with me through the Church News window. In 2009, he, along with his wife and others, were attacked while in Mozambique. Laurie Marsh the way he is leading the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day.! Was time for the family Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints like their love for us was tied! Home after dinner, but sometimes he was the head of the is. Nelson, second from right, skiing with three daughters and a husband and a wife work together in family... 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