shocked phrases for composition

My forehead glistened with a layer of perspiration and my shoulders drooped as I plodded under the blistering rays of the sweltering sun.COLD WEATHER:->I felt as if icicles were forming with very breath I exhaled and my movements became arthritic due to the frigid cold->The arctic temperature caused me to convulse involuntarily and a rash of goose bumps to erupt all over my body.-> The whole place was blanketed with a thick layer of snow that froze the warmth out of every life formPLS, Im only 12 plus this is from what I know when I am 11so pls dont expect much.. nice phrase butcan pls add more?? . That is to say. How to report a burglary to the police in a foreign country? Need a better saying than Shock? Hearing her laughter was music to my ears. Why English is Considered an International Language? Im absolutely astounded that your party would take this position. Shock jock. Short sharp shock. Know the Eight Principles - Part I, Business Communication - Your Key to Success, First Timers Guide to Improve Spoken English, Who or Whom: Learn the Right Usage with Examples, Tips for Making Small Talk and Breaking the Ice, Golden Rules for Improving Spoken English. In other words, it is almost like a simile, except you are not using the words like or asas. It was seriously very very helpful! By the way overwhelmed, if you want some creative phrases to describe weather, I can help you with that.HOT WEATHER:The sun beat down mercilessly, sucking up every jot of moister in the atmosphere and leaving the earth parched into a barren wasteland. How to arrange a promotional campaign on road? Examples: I was shocked to hear the news. Difference between a CV, Resume and Bio-data, Learn English using social networking sites. Rate it: ( 4.00 / 2 votes) sick and tired. He was fuming but he contained his anger. Registration is free! How to deal with irate guest at a reception? })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-PJ4RXRK');'--scrollbar-offset', window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'px' ); To save this word, you'll need to log in. Completing this assignment wasa breeze. I will begin with words and phrases for a composition with a Situation Outline that has been done during my lesson. By the time the firemen arrived, the flames were already dancing on the roof. How to handle a traffic cop in a pullover at a foreign location? Good phrases can really pull up your scores for language. Pssst We will also share the latest compo topics during test or exam season! Gosh all Hemlock! How to Talk About a Book youve Read Recently? Learn a new word every day. How to buy a shirt with the help of a salesperson? How to handle a guest with young children and elderly people? It allows your readers to visualise how a character is feeling. My face got aflame like paprika.. His eyes flashed with anger and resentment. How to invite people for a function youre hosting? He clenched his fist and shook with fury. E.g: Jack and Diane kept on quarreling as they could not see eye to eye with each other. Don't be shocked. How to Describe a Television Show you Saw? Personally, I have experienced a language culture shock when I . You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. How to recommend your friend on places to visit in the city? A similar expression is My wig! Sometimes folks get a little more verbose with this one, yelling, My wig and whiskers! or My wigs and eyes! The short version appeared in 1848, in Charles Dickenss Oliver Twist: Oh my wig, my wig! cried Master Charles Bates., Quite a few of these terms are minced oaths, which turn God and Jesus into more acceptable terms. to excessively think or focus on one's self or one's own interests, concerns, or personal problems - usually to their detriment. 11. Hear a word and type it out. For more useful idioms, you check outour LIST of 88 AWESOME IDIOMS that you can learn and apply immediately. How to convert a window-shopper to a real customer? . That night I could not sleep. He bowed at the waist, those wings vanishing entirely, and had begun to fade into the nearest shadow when he went rigid. Was I being kidnapped? Points to remember while avoiding nosy people Part one, Common English Mistakes to Avoid In a Job Application. I nodded and was sent home. 3. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions; Word of the Day . . 1. : The murder shocked the entire country because of the nature of the victim and the manner of his death. Similes are best used when they are original, creative, relevant and logical. The news came as a complete shock. I walked along the pavement of the park, the trees shading me from the relentless sun. awesome phrases they rlly helped me out thanks . thks a million, Wow , it really help me a lot with my compo ! How to talk about your job role and company? How to conduct an ideal interview conversation? Common expressions to help you express shock: I was shocked to hear. How to attend a customer call as support executive? Whether you are a native English speaker or an aspiring English learner, it is always tricky to handle situations where we have to express shock or grief. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. The signboards were as bright as daylight. These men were part of the CID! How to Avoid Common Grammar Mistakes - I? 10. Jumpiness. How to Answer Phone Calls Smartly in English? How to Overcome the Anxiety of Making Mistakes when Speaking English? wow u did come up with a lot of good and useful phrases. (Definition taken from, E.g: Dining at this high-class restaurant cost me, E.g: Missing that field trip turned out to be a, E.g: The teacher was talking so fast that I could not, E.g: Jack and Diane kept on quarreling as they could not. Great way to improve your English. Boost your language marks for compo writing and WOW your teacher! Obama? How to start teaching English to a beginners level? N2UxNTRhMDZkYyIsInNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjcwZDg0YjA3Zjg4NDNmODRjNzc3 To Do A Double Take. How to Give Directions to Your Friend to Reach a Restaurant? Shock horror. How to conduct an HR interview effectively? How to create an activity plan for your class? How to respond while arriving late in a meeting? Nglish: Translation of shocked for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of shocked for Arabic Speakers. thx!!! I could hear the faint wail of the ambulance in a distance. I clambered out of my hiding spot. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. How to apologize when you forget important dates? michael smith wife espn. How to write good subject lines for emails? Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our future posts for this level, English Composition an Unwelcomed Guest P5, Compiled List of SA1 Composition Topics 2016, Tips on preparing Primary 5 students for their PSLE year in Term 4 and model composition being late, P5 Model Compositions & How we can make the most out of them, 3 simple writing techniques to make your P5 composition sparkle, PSLE English Composition model on the theme of A Mishap, Phrases to create suspense & Model Composition Upper primary English, 5 Situational Writing tips for P5 students, P5 English Paper 1 Reminders & Model Composition A new friend, Words and Phrases for different writing scenarios, P5 Paper 1 Reminders for SA2 & Prelim composition model, Three ways to score for your P5 composition & a model on A Surprise, P5 Weighted Assessment Model Compo: Being Responsible, P5 English Composition Protagonist vs Antagonist, 4 tips to manage composition themes well P5, Primary 5 English Comprehension Open-ended, P5 English Composition model on the theme of A wish that was fulfilled, P5 English Composition : How to score for Paper 1 and model on Trusting Someone, Primary 5 Composition A Dangerous Situation, Primary 5 Composition An Adventure & descriptive writing, Comparison of P5 and P6 Composition Writing & How we can help to bridge that gap, P5 SA2 Composition Theme An act of honesty, P5 English Composition Encouraging Someone, Desperate for a cool shower and some lunch, Took the shortcut through the deserted, shady park, I bent over and reached towards the suitcase when I felt someone grab me from behind and shoved me in some bushes, When I recovered from the shock, I looked around me, Was sure that I was being kidnapped and was about to, CID badge, explained to me that they were on a sting operation, Lying in wait, to ambush the drug smuggling ring, A few minutes later, a group of men walked casually up to the suitcase, A few of them had large parangs with them, The leader of the gang picked up the suitcase, The detectives leapt out of the bushes, rushed forward, shouting at them to stop and drop their weapons, Detectives overpowered them and handcuffed the men, Emerged from my hiding place, legs trembling, One of the detectives warned me not to tell many people about what had happened. How to describe household chores in English? Good phrases for Essay/Composition Phrases and guidelines on writing descriptive essays. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. raising eyebrows while they wait for clarification or agreement. "I will hunt down every scrap of human scum left on the station and use it to lubricate the joints of my robots." - SHODAN, 'System Shock'. My school bag weighed down on my exhausted shoulders. How to explain your job profile, technologies you have worked and skill set? He looked like the leader and suddenly I saw that they were all equipped with knives or parangs. OMG! His fist came down on the table with a loud bang. Walao, Keep using vulgaritiessrsly Just Don't Be Jealous of the publisher WOW WONDERFUL!LOVE IT!THANKS IT HELPED ME A LOT IN MY COMPO! I had learned a valuable lesson that day and that crime does not pay. someone's jaw dropped phrase. Why parents should encourage their children to speak English? It was as if it was beckoning to me. We're all in complete shock. I only searched for anger and bam! For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below: You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC. It is called plagiarism. My exam is the 1st day after this weekend, Thanks. Tears welled up in HIS eyes and began rolling down HER cheeks like rivulets? ; Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask ( David Reuben book ) ; Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask ( Woody Allen . This website uses cookies. How to Describe a Restaurant to Your Friend? When many natural disasters occur, people will use this idiom to describe it as something very powerful. E.g: This assignment was a piece of cake. Remember You are writing to letthe reader for the sake of enjoyment. PHRASES FOR COMPOSITION. ZmM5ODQ1ZGFhNDQ0YTJkMjdjYzEwNjRiMWJkYzZjZTJjMTg4ZDgzNTk4OTc0 Thank you very much! Actually, for the shock/frightened section, paralysed(UK) should be spelt like this, not paralyzed(American). Extraction of Starch from Potato-930778-.pdf, Kaushik_Singh_Chakravarty_Rewards_Detection_Dishonesty_Experiment_India.pdf, Erasmus+ _Primary socialization in kindergarten our priority_.pptx (1).pdf, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Learn different ways to say Im shocked in English. awesome! Meaning: somebody stopped you in your tracks and you cant think for a minute. How to politely respond to unreasonable demands of the customer? Just half hour ago she was here talking tome.We are completely taken aback by this incident.Ex: We were completely taken aback when we heard about the bus going down the river.I cant get over the newsEx: I cant get over the news that she will no longer be able to walk.I was stunned.Ex: I was stunned when I heard that he has consumed poison after seeing his results.Phrases to express sympathyI'm sorry to hear aboutEx: I'm sorry to hear about your grandfathers death.Please accept my condolencesEx: I'm sorry to hear about your loss. The phrases are totally awesome! How to Communicate well in Hospitality Industry? All of them were handcuffed and taken away. ( overwhelmed by emotions), 2. They asked me to hide in a corner and I obeyed. Phrases Tamil tuition | Tamil assessment books | Tamil toys | English to Tamil dictionary | Call 66186567 | Shock - Composition phrases for PSLE, P5 & P6 Hi there, this is Harry and welcome back to my English lessons where I try to help you to speak better English. Your child should concentrate on using the RIGHT PHRASE for the RIGHT SITUATION. Personally, I'm not a believer of memorization. Ex: I cant get over the news that she will no longer be able to walk. Blessing in disguise - something good that was not recognized at first. How to Describe your Phone and its Features? In other words, an idiom is a quirky series of words combined to form a special meaning. Points To Remember When Handling Crisis at Work, Principal vs Principle - Know the Difference. By the time the firemen arrived, the flames were already. YjRiY2E2MDI1MTVmZjU3YmM0ZTRkOTY0ZmQ4MGZhZTBhOWJhMTU2MTI0ZmRm Afraid of your own shadow ; Afraid so ; Be afraid, be very afraid ( the meaning and origin of this phrase. MjIzZDhkY2Q3ODg2MzVhZTYyODQ3ZTc3ZjNiODdhOWFjYjNlZDNkYzdhZWIx :). How to Face an Interview with Confidence? srsly? j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'? Meaning: you are so surprised or shocked by something that you cannot respond at once. Im staggered by the news that the robbers got away with 40 million of jewellery. 5 Reasons why reading habits are important. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. However, there are lots of expressions and words that you can use in English. How to Write a Formal Email Regarding a Leave/ Off? First of all I'd like to point out The main problem is Speaking of What we have to decide is Many people claim that In this day and age How to explain a new technology to a non-techie person? She stormed out of the room in anger. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. When I opened the envelope, I got that promotion. The winner of the race paraded around the track like a peacock. When I started to look at that, I was sort of intellectually shocked. How to explain local rules and precautions? Tips to discuss fears and phobias in English, How to take a customer survey (Restaurant), Avoid these nervous mannerisms in an interview. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Ive won the first prize in that competition. | Fear - Composition phrases for PSLE, P5 & P6. Ummso how can I say about happy birthday planning? Gosh all sufficiency!. When she heard someone call her name in the dark, she turned, 6. Overcoming limitations is just a click of mouse away in this age of effective and advance communication technology. Why parents should encourage their children to speak English?3. We tried to carry him but he was as heavy as an elephant. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black, leather suitcase lying peacefully in one of the bushes. It is always good to memorise a bunch of good phrases before your composition examination. Friday, March 16, 2018. . How to talk about a viral video you saw recently? thx now i guess my writing standard improved. 2. I am shocked, like a good Westerner should be. NjcwNTdiOTU3NDdhZGFkNGQ4ZmQ3NmNmYTQ4MmQzZTgwMDk0M2Y3OGNmMjEw stiffen the snakes! It was a sunny Saturday morning. How to communicate cost cutting measures to employees? After a few minutes, a group of men, some teenagers, casually approached the suitcase. I really needed it for my compo! Some idioms are also not commonly used in our everyday speech, hence over-usage of the less well-known idioms might make reading awkward. They looked unkempt and terrifying. How to inquire about local entertainment centers in a foreign location? I could feel the heat singeing my my hair and my skin seemingly crackle in this unforgiving heat, as if I was being slow-cooked like a Kalua pig for a Hawaiian feast. The gang was not about to give up and surrender without a fight. After a wash of cold I step from the shadows, feeling a new warmth to the day. How to improve your grammar and comprehension for Entrance exams? Ex: I understand your situation. Sort: Relevancy A - Z. contemplate one's navel. Bust mines off tops, leave a rapper's nerves shocked. What is the purpose of the collation selection in the installation screen? How to Talk About a Particular Problem you are Facing? Introducing a point. How can I better convey my point across to the reader? YmYzODdhMmI4ODdjMGM2MWNlODlkOGRmNWYwYmZhODQ2ZWQ0NjMwNWMwNzRm $360.00. The detectives leapt out of the hiding place and surrounded the gang. YzkxNDkyYWFmNTg2MjdlNTMyMDhmNzVmZTRiMjBhZTNiMTk1YjE1YWQ3OWQ3 How to order food in English like a local? In need of more phrases on sadness! Meaning: is used to describe one who hands dance and feet trip; dancing and gesticulating for joy. The material may not be republished without permission. My heart was hammering away in my chest. M2FkOTgxZDU4OTk3YjU3NTM1Y2YwNGZkMDVlMzA3OGZmZDA4ZGU5ZDY1MGY4 This video is a third part of the series on Good Phrases to Describe Emotions in English Compo and Essay for primary school students. A detective gently warned me not to tell many people about this incident. How to raise a concern to parents regarding deteriorating performance of a child? Usage: "That is" and "that is to say" can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. How to conduct group discussions for interviews? How do you define a word that cannot be figured out by looking up in the dictionary? A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something that is not literally applicable to suggest a resemblance. Join our online spoken Englishclasses to learn more about idioms and phrases to tackle different situations in everyday life. Tahirn Artreches Camacho, Psy. How to handle an irate customer in a service industry? var kadenceConfig = {"screenReader":{"expand":"Expand child menu","collapse":"Collapse child menu"},"breakPoints":{"desktop":"1024","tablet":768},"scrollOffset":"0"};,,, Like this article? Learning Simple Present Tense with examples, Top 5 Tips to Learn To Speak English Fluently. Good phrases can make or break your writing. Then fear hits, and it comes down very sharply. ( extremely hungry, describe someone who cannot stop eating. OTdhNGQyMGY3ZTZlYjViYzZiODYxN2M3MzQ2ZmE0NTM0ZmQ4ZTZlNjI3MzQ3 How can I make this phrase or sentence more interesting for the reader? 4. What are different types of Reports in English? Spit take ( spitting out a drink in response to a joke or surprise ) Start again. Meaning: quite a formal way to say that youre really surprised. You really help me! 21 Suprise Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples) 1. How to improve your vocabulary for entrance exams? You are not writing to IMPRESS the reader. TAKE THIS COURSE. "I had nearly given up hope when out of the blue I was offered a job" YzM5NjFmMmVlYmI3MDJhNzVlZDE5MGE4MTA4ZDBlNTI3NWY3ZTI3ZGQ4YjM0 They are so useful to me! How to explain product features to a customer? Im speechless, I dont know what to say. How to ask your boss for a promotion in fluent English? How to place an order in a fast food restaurant? What are Some Etiquettes Used While Eating? How to motivate a disinterested customer to buy? Could you post phrases for stress? A strained or faked smile. How to explain issues in a project functionalities? The Critical Role of Vocabulary to Learn Fluent English, Conversation with a Fellow English Learner. var njt_wa_global = {"ajax_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","nonce":"21cb820144","defaultAvatarSVG":"\n \n \n \n <\/svg>","defaultAvatarUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/wp-whatsapp\/assets\/img\/whatsapp_logo.svg","timezone":"+08:00","i18n":{"online":"Online","offline":"Offline"},"urlSettings":{"onDesktop":"web","onMobile":"api","openInNewTab":"ON"}}; How to communicate with your subordinates to get the maximum output? This term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. His blood boiled. The news came as a complete shock. Ex: I was shocked after hearing about her early demise, Ex: Johns demise came as a complete shock. I know I might not have a huge vocabulary range but I'm trying my best. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. People will immediately know by the look on your face, that you're somewhat shocked by what you've seen, or what you've heard or what somebody has said to you. A number of strange-sounding Australian exclamations mentioned in Sidney J. Bakers 1945 book The Australian Language deserve a comeback: Here are some well-established variations on the theme to show that we have not been idle even in simple matters: speed the wombats! Thanks! Idioms should be used sparingly in a composition. This piece of work can be very good for math,science and social studies! How to Stress on Words While Speaking English? In Vermont, Oh fishhooks! is an exclamation of surprise, according to the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE). Dos and Donts of effective sales communication, How to speak professionally? An unexpected pat on the shoulder got me startled. Getting caught unawares is a mistake. How to follow up after interview candidates? How to ask for directions to a coffee shop? How to give the perfect presentation in English? An arm and a leg Very expensive or costly. Like many exclamations, gup drifted toward surprise over the years. Good expressions..hope this helps:)#fingers crossed. Spitting out a drink in response to a beginners level boss for a minute for. Can learn and apply immediately to raise a concern to parents Regarding deteriorating performance of a?., leather suitcase lying peacefully in one of the corner of my eye, &... Have experienced a language culture shock when I started to look at that, I dont know what say. At Work, Principal vs Principle - know the difference the customer nosy people Part one, yelling my. Something that you can learn and apply immediately he looked like the leader and suddenly I a! 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