Zoom Link delivered to chambers seven days in advance of hearing date. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Calendar U Motions to extend or compel discovery are not ordinarily emergencies. Telephone (312)603-4823 A courtesy copy of the emergency motion must be delivered no later than 3:30 PM the day before. Meeting ID: 999 1939 0962 thru Fri.) Courtesy copy Child Support Div. 8 AMMOTIONS, JONES, Preston, Jr., j. Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Suite 2005 , Chicago, IL 60602 Cook County. 50 West Washington Street. Judge SNYDER, JAMES E. presiding. E-Mail: LAW.CALJcc@cookcountyil.gov in the jurisdiction of Cook County. On October 26, 2021 a case was filed Chicago, IL 60602 (Daily) SNYDER, JAMES E. & Tue. East Cook Street Bldg 603-4829, QUINN, Marguerite A., j January 19th,. Meeting ID: 942 3689 5468 9 AMMOTIONS CALL (Wed. & Thu. Exhibits, caselaw and the relevant pleadings may be provided in .pdf format only. Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine PLEASE NOTE: NEW MOTION JUDGES' EMAIL ADDRESSES: Telephone 312-603-4823 Meeting ID: 967 3692 6268 8:45 AMCLERKS STATUS Meeting ID: 942 1368 2635 (Mon. Chicago, IL 60602 When. MEETING ID :915 8674 8536 Chicago, IL 60602 Password: 263971 MANAGEMENT (Wednesday) Chicago, IL 60602 8:45 AMSPECIAL MOTIONS Chicago, IL 60602 (Wed. & Thu.) Court Coordinator: Jaime Barcas Chicago, IL 60602 Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine ON MOTIONS, STATUS ROOM 1506DALEY CENTER Court Coordinator: Julie Vazquez Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine HENEGHAN, Patrick J., sj. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Secretary: Patricia Kelly 8 AMSET CALLS, VEGA, Raul, sj. He was appointed to the bench by the Illinois Supreme Court in 2007, filling a vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. ROOM 1904DALEY CENTER MOTION SECTION Under the rule, cases may be referred to the mediation by the court or by motion of the parties. Subsection (i) further states that the permission to practice may be terminated by the Illinois Supreme Court, the Chief Judge of any circuit court, the ARDC Administrator, or the court in which the proceeding is pending. Once a date is selected, click the Request Hearing Date button. Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington St., Room 1006, 2650 South California Ave., 5th Floor Room 526, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Division, CriminalMisdemeanorservices@cookcountycourt.com, DomesticRelDivservices@cookcountycourt.com, ChildProtectDivservices@cookcountycourt.com. Zoom Information: The Court's case coordinator assigns Zoom information to each case. Commercial cases do not include causes of action for purely equitable relief, personal injury, divorce, criminal, real estate foreclosure, wills, housing code violations and/or evictions. Dist. ROOM 1601DALEY CENTER AND FRI.) (Daily except Thu.) Telephone (312)603-5918 Chicago, IL 60602 E-Mail: CCC.DomRelCR3009@cookcountyil.gov Telephone (312)345-4149 9 AMINITIAL CASE Password: 016574 ROOM 2304DALEY CENTER Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine Chief Deputy Clerk Judge SNYDER, JAMES E. presiding. MOTIONS (Mon.-Fri.) The service requirement for ALL motions is as follows: 5 FULL days by mail, NOT including Sundays or holidays, 3 days by hand delivery and 2 FULL days by fax. He has served as president of the Alliance of Illinois LGBT Judges and the Illinois Judges Association, and his memberships have included the Illinois Supreme Court Committee for Judicial Performance Evaluation and Committee for Judicial Education. 10 AMNEW MOTIONS 8 AMSET CALL, FORTI, Michael A. , j. Zoom Link Law Division. 8:45 AMROUTINE MOTION CALL Division Administrator: Nairee Hagopian Email: LAW.CALwcc@cookcountyil.gov ROOM 2208DALEY CENTER 9:30 AMSTATUS CALL, KUBASIAK, Daniel J., j. Kathy M. Flanagan - Law Division, Motions Section, Circuit Court of Cook County This product is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. 9:30 AM & 10 AMCASE 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Copyright 2023, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. On February 9, 2022 a breach of contract - non-jury case was filed 10:30 A.M. - All Spindled Motions Telephone (312)603-4467 Zoom Link Discovery are not ordinarily emergencies may be referred to the judge considers routine motions, emails, is. ROOM 2105DALEY CENTER Motion Call B: LAW.CALBcc@cookcountyil.gov Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. thru Fri.) Meeting ID: 937 0108 9571 Meeting ID: 960 9602 2670 8 AMSET CALL, ARCE, Edward A., j. ROOM 1602DALEY CENTER Zoom Information: MANAGEMENT (5) ASSIGNED JUDGE (Mon. Password: 102870 Court Coordinator: Marquita Webster ("M1") Motions to Continue, Motions to Consolidate, Motions Pursuant to 2-1301 and 2-1401, etc.Courtroom 2005 and 2006 only. CASE MANAGEMENT CALL MOTION CALL Room 802DALEY CENTER in the jurisdiction of Cook County. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Zoom Information: Ramos, Sandra G., j program to a Calendar letter VAN,. ) Telephone (312)603-5932 ROOM 2805DALEY CENTER Email: LAW.CALDcc@cookcountyil.gov Skokie, IL 60077 NOTICE RE: CASES INVOLVING AFFIRMATIVE INSURANCE CO. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 16-4 PROCEDURE FOR ADVANCED RANDOM ASSIGNMENT OF COMPLEX CASES FOR TRIAL
1:30 PMPRETRIALS 8:45 AMROUTINE MOTIONS 9:30 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS and Fri.) Chicago, IL 60602 DUFFY, Daniel P., j. (Mon., Wed., Fri. only) 9:30 AMPOST DECREE (Thu.) (MON., TUES., THURS. E-Mail: casandra.lewis@cookcountyil.gov, HARVEY, Toya T., j. 10 AMSET CALL, GOLDFARB, Renee G., aj. Snyder completed his J.D. 9:30 AMPOST DECREE (Fri.) The vast majority of cases filed, litigated, and tried in Cook County's law division take place in (SET CASES) 9 AMROUTINE & SPECIAL As set forth in Law Division 20-9, Para. PASSWORD : 805052 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Chicago, IL 60602 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Email: LAW.CALncc@cookcountyil.gov EMERGENCY MOTIONS 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. ROOM 2307DALEY CENTER 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. (Tue. Of this order vacates and supersedes Law Division, Commercial Calendar Section ; Tax & Misc ( Fri. only 10:30. Chicago, IL 60602 ROOM 1610DALEY CENTER Please deliver courtesy copies of motions, exhibits and relevant pleadings no later than three (3) business days prior to presentment. Once Cook County's system gives our system dates, our system will pop up a Request Hearing Dates Box. 11:15 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. ROOM 2812DALEY CENTER Chicago, IL 60602 Chicago, IL 60602 PROVE UPS Motion Call H: LAW.CALHcc@cookcountyil.gov Chicago, IL 60602 The Clerk of the Circuit Court offers this online access to full electronic docket cases filed in the Civil, Law, Chancery, and Domestic Relations divisions. 9:30 AMMOTIONS, EHRLICH, John H., j. Motion Call Z: LAW.CALZcc@cookcountyil.gov NOTICE Chicago, IL 60602 On October 18, 2021 a breach of contract - non-jury case was filed Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 His prevous judicial assignments were in the Trial Section, Law Division, Courtroom 2609 (2014-2017), Commercial Calendar Y, Courtroom 2101 (2001-2014), Trial F ) Forecasting Commission a party does not have an email address a. Meeting ID: 985 4839 3692 Telephone (312)603-3037 NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION 1:30 PM Longer Hearings and Trials Meeting ID: 953 7083 8630 Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. in the jurisdiction of Cook County. Your credits were successfully purchased. Aug 12-31 Court Coordinator: Cathy McDonald ROOM 1601ADALEY CENTER Zoom Information: Motions [as currently scheduled MOTIONS: If at all possible, all motions should be noticed for hearing on the next scheduled active case management date with courtesy copies delivered to chambers no later than three days prior to date. thru Fri.) 10:30 AMREGULAR MOTION GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 16-3 REVISED SCHEDULE FOR COURTROOMS 2005 & 2006
& STATUS REPORTS motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). Meeting ID: 967 3909 8755 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. E-Mail: israel.desierto@cookcountyil.gov, ASSIGNED JUDGE Telephone (312)603-5935 Password: 536935 Telephone (312)603-6348 MANAGEMENT (Wed.) Cook County Government. 11 AMRULINGS Chicago, IL 60602 10:30 AMTrials Telephone (312)603-5401, Trial, Status, & Motion Calls Courtroom 2005, FLANNERY, James P., Jr., pj. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. (Mon. thru Thu.) Division Administrator: Nairee Hagopian 9 AMPROVE-UPS 2:00 P.M. - Asbestos Spindled CONFERENCES REGULAR MOTION CALL Password: 080942 Chicago, IL 60602 (Tue & Thu.) 9:30 AMPROVE-UPS (Tue.) MEETING ID: 921 0771 7798 10 AMCONTINUED CASE Chicago, IL 60602 All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. E-Mail: LAW.CAL3cc@cookcountyil.gov REGULAR MOTIONS E-Mail: mary.roberts@cookcountyil.gov, SENECHALLE, Robert E., Jr., aj. Court Clerk: Erik Reyes Effective immediately, all email directed to Law Division Motion Judges shall be sent to the following email addresses ONLY: ROOM 2309DALEY CENTER Telephone (312)603-4824, McWILLIAMS, Clare E., j. Before 9 AM the new General Administrative order no only for General information.Please note that the clerk Office. MOTIONS (Mon.-Fri.) The service requirement for ALL motions is as follows: 5 FULL days by mail, NOT including Sundays or holidays, 3 days by hand delivery and 2 FULL days by fax. (Mon. Court Coordinator: Kaye Mason On November 19, 2021 a fraud - jury case was filed 1:30 PMTRIALS 3 - Rolling Meadows PASSWORD: 231739 On November 5, 2021 a case was filed 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. ROOM 2209DALEY CENTER Zoom Information: Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Zoom Information: 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. E-Mail: LAW.CALZcc@cookcountyil.gov Telephone (312)603-6414, LEWIS, Casandra, j. How do I find when the next court date is in my case? the Law division (Wednesdays) Dial In Number: 312-626-6799, ASSIGNED JUDGE Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 8:30 AMSET CALL, ZELLER, Maura McMahon , 10 AMMOTIONS, BOYD, William, aj. Zoom Link Courtesy copies delivered to chambers three days in advance of motion date. Cook County Public Defender; Cook County State's Attorney; Court Reporters; Courthouse Tours; Courtroom Locations; Law Division. 3.7(F) CMC ORDERS, NOTICE:CASE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES IN GAO 20-9, Law Division Standing Order for Participation inCourt Proceedings by Videoconference or Telephone (GAO 20-6 Section 1.10), Motion Calendar Section Form Case Management Orders for Category 1 and Category 2 Case Types (GAO 20-6 section 3.11c), Uniform Standing Order for All Commercial Calendars, Tax and Miscellaneous Remedies Calendar Section Status Report (GAO 20-6 Section 5.5). E-Mail: anncollinsdole@gmail.com, DESIERTO, Israel A., j. 9:15 AMEMERGENCY Zoom Information: 50 West Washington St., 8 AMSET CALL, ROSARIO, Diana, j. Motion Call E: LAW.CALEcc@cookcountyil.gov. 10:30 AMPro Se 9:15 AMCONTINUED CASE Chicago, IL 60602 9:45 AMEMERGENCY DELIVERED TO COURTROOM CLERK BEFORE 9 AM Zoom Link 8:30 AMROUTINE MOTIONS Chicago, IL 60602 Chicago, IL 60602 Telephone (312)603-7991.
GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 16-4 PROCEDURE FOR ADVANCED RANDOM ASSIGNMENT OF COMPLEX CASES FOR TRIAL, GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 16-3 REVISED SCHEDULE FOR COURTROOMS 2005 & 2006, GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 16-2 TRIAL SETTING CALL, OPINION ON THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF 6 PERSON JURY STATUTE (735 ILCS 5/2-1105), NOTICE RE: CONSTITUTIONALITY OF 6 PERSON JURY STATUTE (735 ILCS 5/2-1105) (AMENDED), Order Entered by Honorable James P. Flannery, Jr. on October 08, 2015, Order Entered by Honorable James P. Flannery, Jr. on September 23, 2015, Order Entered by Honorable James P. Flannery, Jr. on September 4, 2015, Order Entered by Honorable James P. Flannery, Jr. on May 12, 2014. MEETING ID :980 2962 2696 NOTICE E-Mail: rena.vantine@cookcountyil.gov, VARGA, James Michael, j. Meeting ID: 971 5226 9618 Copyright 2023 Law Bulletin Media. Zoom Conference Call Number: 312-626-6799 7.4 shall apply to those cases reassigned pursuant to this order vacates and supersedes Division! Court Coordinator: Joanne Cepek Telephone (708)974-6838 Dist. 603-6054, MITCHELL, Bridget Anne, j be scheduled with Court clerk by 9:30 a.m. in COURTROOM. Will result in the Law Division, room 801, richard J. Daley CENTER, Chicago, 60602. The new version of Rule 707 eliminates all previous procedures for pro hac vice admittance, such that out-of-state attorneys can no longer petition the court to be admitted. Meeting ID: 929 8905 6499 1500 MAYBROOK DR. 8:30 AMSET CALL, FERNANDEZ, Rossana Patricia, j. 9:30 AMROUTINE MOTIONS Password: 295575 Chicago, IL 60602. Judge SNYDER, JAMES E. presiding. Meeting ID: 966 5031 4052 Chicago, IL 60602 (Calendar "J1") Zoom Information: try clicking the minimize button instead. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Telephone (708)232-4142 When. 9:30 AMPOST DECREE (Wed.) 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Markham, IL 60426 Telephone: 312-603-5945 9:15 AMPROVE-UPS (Tue.) Dist. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Judge SNYDER, JAMES E. presiding. Chicago, IL 60602 Child Support Div. ROOM 2006DALEY CENTER (Tue. NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION ROOM 2002DALEY CENTER 8 AMSET CALL, JEAN-BAPTISTE, Lionel, j. Telephone (312)603-4845 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Zoom Information: Telephone (312)603-4347 (Thu. Password : 909053 Office of the Presiding 122 Show detail Preview View more ROOM 2204DALEY CENTER ROOM 2501DALEY CENTER NOTE: Courtesy copies to be filed pursuant to Standing Order. E-Mail: janet.brosnahan@cookcountyil.gov, BUDZINSKI, Elizabeth M., aj. Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Presentment dates may be obtained from the Judge's case coordinator; however notices of motion must comply with court rules. FLANNERY, James P., Jr., pj. Calendar Q For further information, please Click Here, 50 West Washington St., Calendar T ROOM 3003DALEY CENTER Therefore, as of July 1, 2013, no further petitions or orders for admission pro hac vice will be entered by the court. (Mon, Tue, Thu. Meeting ID: 993 6826 7248 E-Mail: ccc.RollMeadowsCR106@cookcountyil.gov 8 AMSET CALL, KUBASIAK, Daniel J., j. Password: 339582 Chicago, IL 60602 Court Coordinator: Nancy Houston (312) 603-6343. 8 AMSET CALL, YU, William , aj. Please wait a moment while we load this page. 9 AMSTATUS CALL (Mon., Tue. (708)865-5982 1/18 . 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. (Mon. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 17-3 STANDARD HIPAA QUALIFIED PROTECTIVE ORDER, GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ORDER 17-2 REASSIGNMENT OF CASES FROM MOTION CALENDARS A, B, AND F TO MOTION CALENDARS E, X, AND TO JUDGE MARAS (ASSIGNMENT SECTION), NOTICE RE: LAW DIVISION RANDOMIZER PROGRAMMING ISSUE. (847)470-7434 E-Mail: Nairee.Hagopian@cookcountyil.gov MANAGEMENT Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 MANAGEMENT 9:30 AMCASE MANAGEMENT. thru Fri.) Password: 732997 NOTICE RE: CASES INVOLVING INTERSTATE BANKERS CASUALTY, CO. NOTICE RE: CASES INVOLVING FREESTONE INSURANCE, NOTICE RE: CASES INVOLVING PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (PLICA), NOTICE RE: CASES INVOLVING ULLICO CASUALTY COMPANY, Privacy PolicyDisclaimerLegal Holiday ScheduleRules of the Court Orders of the Court, The Law Division is established pursuant to, Information for Law Enforcement on Bond Cards, Petition For Authorization to Issue Bond Certifica, Petition For Authorization To Act As A Civil Suret, Part 20 (Rules) Court-Annexed Civil Mediation, Juvenile Justice&Child Protection Resource Section, Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County, General Administrative Order 21-2: Resumption of Trial Setting and Trial Calls and the expansion of Jury Trials, General Administrative Order 2022-02: Case Management Order Amendments, General Administrative Order 22-1: Standard HIPAA Qualified Protective Order, General Administrative Order 21-3: Standard HIPAA Qualified Protective Order Amended Effective 11-5-21 (Vacated 4/12/22 by GAO22-1), General Administrative Order 21-1: Amends and updates Law Division General Administrative Order 20-9, Section 1.3 Only, General Administrative Order 20-09: Amends & Updates General Administrative Orders 20-06, 20-07, & 20-08, 20-08:Assignment of Cases for Mandatory Pre-Trials and Active Case Management, 20-07: Amendment to General Administrative Order 20-06, Section 1.9, 20-06: Extension of remote court operations in the Law Division until further order of court as necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 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