`vau', he"; that is, to Jehovah, which is in the midst of the ten Such was the condition in which man was formed. We expect him to work through the normal processes of nature in producing the crops from which we get our food by hard work. It is however possible that God may have allowed a certain change as to the distribution of these waters around the garden. Hence, we are forced to conclude that the plural pronoun indicates a plurality of persons or hypostases in the Divine Being. And, in the second place, the interpretation now given claims acceptance on the ground of its internal and external consistency with truth. Thank you for joining me for the Monday Marriage Message. They have no small interest; but men are apt to be hasty and short-sighted. It may be observed, that the plural number is used, "let them", which shows that the name "man" is general in the preceding clause, and includes male and female, as we find by the following verse man was created: and over the cattle, and over all the earth; over the tame creatures, either for food, or clothing, or carriage, or for all of them, some of them for one thing, and some for another; and over all the wild beasts of the earth, which seem to be meant by the phrase, "over all the earth"; that is, over all the beasts of the earth, as appears by comparing it with Genesis 1:24 so as to keep them in awe, and keep them off from doing them any damage: and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; to make use of it as should seem convenient for them. The grand question to be tried we have afterwards. Afterwards God tells Noah to come forth he and all the other creatures. But along with this we find no haste to reveal: all is in season. It cannot be believed that God discussed the creation with the angels and included them as participants in His decision to create man. Now, the moon we know has no light of itself, it isn't in conflict with the scripture. Adam did not preserve the place in which God had set him. Nor indeed is such dealing according to the revealed nature of God. There was a famine in the land: Though Isaac lived in the land God promised to his father Abraham and his descendants, it did not mean that life in the land would be without trouble or challenge. 26 Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[ a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.". We were created directly by God to represent Him on the earth and have dominion over every other . III. In that literature, so marvellously preserved to our days, Sir H. Rawlinson thinks that he has traced the first man up to the black or Accadian race. I can choose what I want. He will withhold no good from those who walk uprightly; and there is no other way than Jesus Christ our Lord. Thus it is seen at once that, instead of these wonderful communications being merely earlier and later legends put together by a still more modern editor, who tried to make something complete by stringing together what did not aptly fit, on the contrary, it is the Spirit of God who gives us various sides of the truth, each falling under the title and style suitable to God, according to that which was in hand. This chapter is also to be read with wonder and adoration by man; as he finds himself to be constituted lord of the earth, next in rank under the Creator of all, formed in the image of his Maker, and therefore capable not only of studying the works of nature, but of contemplating and reverently communing with the Author of nature. The sun, moon, and stars, would certainly have been first introduced, had man simply pursued the workings of his own mind, or those of observation and experience. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. It assigns to the words heavens, earth, expanse, day, no greater latitude of meaning than was then customary. Genesis 3:20; Genesis 3:20). The following notes suggest one way in which scientific knowledge, far from causing us to doubt the Genesis creation story, may in fact give us a more meaningful view of it. Here then we enter on an entirely new state of things, and a truth of capital importance for everybody to consider who has not already made it his own. It is a real joy to know that it is coming; but until that day God always has before Him, as the theatre and material where He acts, a world ruined ruined by sinful man. "El" is God in Hebrew, singular. The plural form of the sentence raises the question, With whom took he counsel on this occasion? No wonder that total ruin speedily ensues. By beginning the words rendered Wisdom and Power with capitals, it would appear that the second and third Persons of the Trinity were in the mind of the writer when the passage was written. Only a plurality of persons can justify the phrase. over the This then may suffice. Finally, a literal interpretation seems not only contradictory to the rest of Scripture, and unlikely, but also inappropriate, Gardener aptly observed: But our anatomy and physiology is demanded by our terrestrial habitat, and quite inappropriate to the one who inhabits eternity. For these reasons, theologians have concluded that the statement in Genesis 1:26-28 must be metaphorical of mans spiritual or immaterial nature." Who else could have told us how and when the earth was thus divided? John 1:1, which affirms that the Word was God, and in the beginning with God, and that without Him there was nothing made that hath been made, supports the thought that both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (revealed in Genesis 1:2 as active in the creation) should be understood as included in "us" and "our" here. for him; a consultation is held among the divine Persons about (t) This image and likeness of God in man is expounded in Eph 4:24 where it is written that man was created after God in righteousness and true holiness meaning by these two words, all perfection, as wisdom, truth, innocency, power, etc. #1 "Then God said,". Then began men to call upon the name of Jehovah. Gods plurality anticipated mans plurality. How possibly have that discrimination which decides morally between what is good and what is evil? All Commentaries Videos Images Devotionals Other Translations Sermons Related Scriptures Podcasts Blogs. It accounts for the manifestation of light on the first day, and of the luminaries of heaven on the fourth, and traces the orderly steps of a majestic climax throughout the narrative. Christians, therefore, properly contend, from this testimony, that there exists a plurality of Persons in the Godhead. The world, the universe has been created. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.". In our image, etc Interpreters do not agree concerning the meaning of these words. He was like Adam fallen, not his representative only. Here we have the general review and approval of everything God had made, at the close of the six days work of creation. Like the other animals, they were so made that they could feed themselves from what grew on the earth and reproduce their own kind. Centuries ago people thought that the sun moved round the earth, but when one scientist suggested that the earth moved round the sun, he was condemned for not believing the Bible. The creation of man does not take place through a word addressed by God to the earth, but as the result of the divine decree, "We will make man in Our image, after our likeness," which proclaims at the very outset the distinction and pre-eminence of man above all the other creatures of the earth. Hitherto, it had been said, "Let there be light," and "Let there be a firmament," and "Let the earth, or waters, bring forth" such a thing; but now the word of command is turned into a word of consultation, "Let us make man, for whose sake the rest of the creatures were made: this is a work we must take into our own hands." It was no longer in the likeness of God, but in the image of God always. A mere historian, like Josephus of old a mere commentator, like Ewald now might have used either the one or the other without sensible loss to his readers through both chapters. Human beingsboth men and womenare made in God's image ( Genesis 1:27; 5:1-3; 9:6; James 3:9 ). (Genesis 2:1-3). What was the ground of God's delays in the previous time? That's gonna worry you, isn't it?But, oh, how marvelous is our God! That he made this image to consist in righteousness and true holiness, is by the figure synecdochee; (88) for though this is the chief part, it is not the whole of Gods image. As with the rest of the Bible, the book of Genesis was written in the everyday language of the people of the time. The language is invariably used in the most perfect manner. It doesn't necessarily mean a source of light. This, too, agrees with the whole bearing of the first chapter, which deals in a large general way with genera and species, and not with individuals. Does the image of God in man include his body? 80.]. This completes, then, the restoration of that order and fullness the absence of which is described in the second verse. The victims of sin knew shame, now fear. There is no statement, from beginning to end of scripture, as far as I am aware, which in the smallest degree modifies or takes away from the force of the words with which the Bible opens "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.". The history supposes man thenceforward allowed to act without external law or government to control though God did not fail to work in His merciful goodness in His own sovereignty. Both indicate personality, moral, and spiritual qualities that God and man share (i.e., self-consciousness, God-consciousness, freedom, responsibility, speech, moral discernment, etc.) *How this agrees with the dispensational dealings of God with Israel needs no argument. There wouldn't be room for it to grow, there wouldn't be enough light, and so the seed needs to get out away from the mother pine a bit. Abstract. The story of creation is but an introduction to the story of Gods dealings with the human race. And in the manner in which creation is here presented what unspeakable grandeur! It would be carried across the ocean and be thrown up on a beach somewhere. Now, if they would drop straight down under the pine tree, they would probably never survive very long because the mother pine would be taking too much of the nutrients from the soil. (h) Tikkune Zohar, correct. And Jehovah had respect unto Abel, and to his offering. And we really don't know what He looked like. Explanation and Commentary of Genesis 1:26 On the sixth day, God created the crown jewel of his creation, mankind. "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens . and of beasts that are not clean by two." Lyra. Having created the world with its many life forms, He now wants one to rule over these life forms. Countless years ago God, by his sovereign power and will, created the universe. (90) The two prefixes to the Hebrew words signifying image and likeness; the former of which is translated in, the latter after, or still more correctly, according to. The recognizable part of Christ will be the prints of the nails in His hands and the print of the sword in His side. But with that wing, it begins to spin almost like a helicopter rotor and it spins on out far enough away from the pine tree so that when it lands, it can fine a suitable place to grow up into a new pine. The true key to this account is supplied in the Epistle of Jude. them? "`aleph', he, `jod', he", that is, , "I am that I am, Exodus 3:14 and he that says let us make, is Jehovah; I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me there is no God: and three jods testify concerning him, that there is none above him, nor any below him, but he is in the middle: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air; that is, to catch them, and eat them; though in the after grant of food to man, no mention as yet is made of any other meat than the herbs and fruits of the earth; yet what can this dominion over fish and fowl signify, unless it be a power to feed upon them? As for myself, before I define the image of God, I would deny that it differs from his likeness. The decay of animals is a law of nature established in the creation itself, and not a consequence of sin, or an effect of the death brought into the world by the sin of man. ** And Jehovah-Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.". It is not the fact that Genesis 2:7; Genesis 2:19, represents man as created first of all living creatures before the birds and beasts; any more than that man created in God's image (Genesis 1:27) contradicts the statement ofGenesis 2:7; Genesis 2:7, that he was formed of the dust of the ground. How infinite His wisdom! No, but in judging the serpent there comes out the revealed purpose of God, not a promise to Adam in sin, but the revelation of One who would crush the serpent's head the first sinner and too successful tempter to sin. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [and] he made the stars also. Why? Then that isn't' free choice. In the Pentateuch the Hebrew term "image" occurs also in Genesis 5:3 and in Numbers 33:22. Like Genesis 34 (which also interrupts the Jacob Cycle) and 38 (which interrupts the Joseph cycle), this chapter seems to awkwardly impede the narrative flow. "Let us make man in our image." And the evening and the morning were the fifth day (Gen 1:15-23). And they heard the voice of Jehovah-Elohim walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves. Hence He orders that two of every kind should be taken into the ark. The utmost possible care appears in the statement. Genesis 1:27. Moreover, this view is irreconcilable with the words "in our image, after our likeness;" since man was created in the image of God alone (Genesis 1:27; Genesis 5:1), and not in the image of either the angels, or God and the angels. And the patent fact lies before us, that to join his wife in the sad sin is his first recorded act. 70. fol. It was a state altogether different from that of man fallen; however suitable then, it was such as man as he is could never have conceived of with propriety. Does he have the form of a man, or of a woman, or both? And knowing me and loving me, and knowing what is best, He seeks to influence my choice and to direct my choice, but I always have the right to say, "bug off, God, I don't want to follow you." Jehovah, meaning "the becoming one" as God relates to man and man's needs, and He becomes to man whatever man may need.Now it has caused some of the critics of the Bible to see Genesis not as the work of one Author, but the work of many authors. Even if they had the physical appearance of human beings, they would be no more than creatures of the animal world.An animals animality is in itself; a persons humanity is not. The rest of the world exists through the word of God; man through His own peculiar breath. She listened, she looked, she took of the fruit; she ate, and was fallen. Following Christ's humiliation for a brief time in the passion and death, he ascended to the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens; and thus, in the person of Christ, man has already achieved the dominion mentioned here, a dominion to be more completely realized in the final resurrection. When God created human beings as male and female he formed them to exhibit a oneness in their relationship that would resemble the relationship of God and his heavenly court. And God said, let us make man in our image, after our. Consequently we have this perfect care over the maintenance of His rights and place as One that governed morally. And the evening and the morning were the third day. one that had ruined the glory of God, as far as it rested upon him. The exposition of Chrysostom is not more correct, who refers to the dominion which was given to man in order that he might, in a certain sense, act as Gods vicegerent in the government of the world. For a summary gives in a few words that which is opened out afterwards; whereas the conjunction "and" introduced in the second verse excludes necessarily all notion of a summary here. Thus, as God appeared to man in the Old Testament, there was no form, so that man would not think of God in the terms of a form and try to carve out a form that would represent God.The likeness of God we see in Jesus Christ; the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwells in Christ. It is not "Jehovah" now but "God." *This moral and typical bearing is the true key to the record in Genesis 2:4-25, and truly accounts for the differences from 1 - 2: 3, which ignorance and unbelief pervert into the discrepancies of two separate and inconsistent writers. Here accordingly we find in Genesis 2:1-25, with a fulness and precision given nowhere else, God's entering into relationship with man, and man's relation to Eden, to the animal realm, and to woman specially. This honour indeed God has put upon the body of man, that the Word was made flesh, the Son of God was clothed with a body like ours and will shortly clothe ours with a glory like that of his. But Adam now becomes a father, not innocent, but fallen before he became the head of the race. Every subject that comes before us is dealt with in a new point of view suitably to the new name given to God the name of God as a moral governor, no longer simply as a creator. And perhaps this is the only view of it which renders the reasoning of Calvin intelligible. They were made to dwell upon the face of all the earth,Acts 17:26. Nevertheless present consequences take their course, and in a certain sense mercy too is mingled with them, as is the case habitually, I think, in the government of God; for man as he is is just so much the less happy as he knows not what it is to labour in such a world as this. This further difficulty is also to be encountered, namely, why Paul should deny the woman to be the image of God, when Moses honors both, indiscriminately, with this title. And Adam begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth"meaning that, as Adam was created in the image of God . And I wouldn't mind the final chapter being written up there anyhow. Most wisely all such details awaited the unfolding of another day. And, according to him, spiritual regeneration is nothing else than the restoration of the same image. And chapter one was written by the "Elohistic"; chapter two by the "Jehovistic." There is no real courage with a bad conscience, and guile will soon be apparent where God brings His own light and makes guilt manifest. The whole person is in Gods image. God was now producing a spirit, and a spirit, too, formed after the perfections of his own nature. What scripture gives here or elsewhere seems to me altogether at variance with such a thought. It is impossible thus to connect Eden with the fountainhead or sources of these rivers. The spirit of prophecy comes upon him, and, like dying Jacob, he tells his sons what shall befal them, Gen. 49:1. fowl of the air; I am sure, not that she was exactly entitled to give the name, but that it can be proved that she gave a singularly inappropriate one. On the words "in our image, after our likeness" modern commentators have correctly observed, that there is no foundation for the distinction drawn by the Greek, and after them by many of the Latin Fathers, between (imago) and (similitudo), the former of which they supposed to represent the physical aspect of the likeness to God, the latter the ethical; but that, on the contrary, the older Lutheran theologians were correct in stating that the two words are synonymous, and are merely combined to add intensity to the thought: "an image which is like Us" (Luther); since it is no more possible to discover a sharp or well-defined distinction in the ordinary use of the words between and , than between and . Now the first three verses of chapter two belong to chapter one.Thus were the heavens of the earth were finished, and all [of] the host of them (Gen 2:1). Observe another thing too. These again are of less importance than the land, which man tills and renders fruitful in all that can gratify his appetite or his taste. She thought her first-born a great gain, for such is the meaning of the name "Cain." There was no dispensation, properly so called, before it. It gathers information from the primitive meanings of the names that are given to certain objects, and notices the subsequent development of these meanings. But because I relate seeing to eyes, and when I talk to God about seeing, I would say, well, the eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the entire earth, but it doesn't necessarily follow that God has eyes, because eyes aren't necessarily essential for seeing.So what does God look like? In our image, after our likeness.The human body is after Gods image only as being the means whereby man attains to dominion: for dominion is Gods attribute, inasmuch as He is sole Lord. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 53:3 (September 2010):601-17.]. It is of great interest and importance to observe that God distinguished from the first between responsibility on the one hand, and life-giving on the other, in the two trees (verse 9). the likeness of the holy blessed God, and his Shechinah As a notice of God's covenant with the earth, I may just refer, in passing, to the establishment of the bow in the cloud as the sign of the mercy of Elohim (verses Genesis 9:12-17). It is the same principle inGenesis 4:1-26; Genesis 4:1-26, which we find more explicitly stated in Romans 2:1-29, where God shows His sure judgment of evil on the one hand, and His approval of that which is good, holy, and true on the other. Man, made in the image of God is an inferior trinity. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. By no means. However this is merely by the way, for it is evidently a matter of no great importance in itself, save that we should hold the entire account of Paradise to be historical in the strictest and fullest sense. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Verse Genesis 1:26. If the Holy Spirit, as in Exodus 20:11, refers to heaven and earth made in six days, it always avoids the expression "creation." "Jehovah." We pray, Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11), but we do not expect God to work instantaneously and drop food from heaven on to our plates. The Anthropomorphites were too gross in seeking this resemblance in the human body; let that reverie therefore remain entombed. For (ver. And to every beast of earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so (Gen 1:29-30). For when Moses afterwards repeats the same things he passes over the likeness, and contents himself with mentioning the image. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. 2. He may not be able perhaps to meet objections. In short, Christ has intervened, and this most weighty consequence is connected with it that, although everything manifests evil and ruin increasingly, God has triumphed in grace and in faith after the fall and before "the new heavens and the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." God's chief emotional attribute is love, so God created us with a capacity to love. No such interval, however, could be absolutely necessary, as the Creator could as easily establish the luminous connection of the different orbs of heaven as summon into being the element of light itself. And the months were originally lunar months, the time it takes the moon to go through its full cycle, as it orbits around the Earth. Even we ourselves, who came by natural processes of birth, are said to be formed out of clay and made from the dust of the earth (Job 10:9; Ecclesiastes 3:20). His will complied readily and universally with the will of God, without reluctancy or resistance. Somehow, the earth's orbit was changed around the sun, and now it is three hundred and sixty-five years, nine hours, fifty-six minutes, nine and four-hundredths of a second. "And Noah," it is written in verse Genesis 8:20, "builded an altar." And this is what is referred to inJames 3:1-18; James 3:1-18, where he speaks of our having been made in the likeness of God. Man was not made in the likeness of any creature that went before him, but in the likeness of his Creator; yet still between God and man there is an infinite distance. In our image, after our likeness I do not scrupulously insist upon the particles , (beth,) and , (caph (90)) I know not whether there is anything solid in the opinion of some who hold that this is said, because the image of God was only shadowed forth in man till he should arrive at his perfection. God could introduce him, and could leave the heart to feel the rightness of saying no more about him than was necessary. This apparently means that a relationship of close fellowship can exist between God and man that is unlike the relationship of God with the rest of his creation. But it is evident that dispensation, in the true sense of the word, there was none. By the application of the term "good" to everything that God made, and the repetition of the word with the emphasis "very" at the close of the whole creation, the existence of anything evil in the creation of God is absolutely denied, and the hypothesis entirely refuted, that the six days' work merely subdued and fettered an ungodly, evil principle, which had already forced its way into it. 133.]. The biblical text of Genesis 1:26 announce that God makes us in his image and likeness (Bryson, 2011). "So Jehovah scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. "By ruling as one, male and female fulfill the purpose of God for which they were created. In his purity and rectitude. It was the essential feature that the trial should be simply a question of God's authority in prohibition, not one of grave moral evil. However, we should not use it as a formal proof of the Trinity since this reference by itself does not prove that one God exists in three persons. Genesis 1:26. Adversaries may no doubt try to embarrass you: if they will, let them do so. So again the woman has her portion, of which we need not say more than to point out what a clue it is to her lot in the history of the race. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.'. In the very order of the creation the paternal solicitude of God for man is conspicuous, because he furnished the world with all things needful, and even with an immense profusion of wealth, before he formed man. In any other book, in a book written by mere man, (need one hesitate to say?) 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