loop: false, It's me in adifferentbody from ourfuture, in ourpast. One such device, dubbed the "Yellow Cube," was used by global leaders to look into the future. https://www.charlesfrith.com/2012/02/bill-brockbrader-evidence-testimony-of.html. Thank You Me. As the timelines converge as the end of 2012 approaches, it would mean that the different kinds of lesson paths for people to learn about duality are diminishing. Ill share more information about this in a separate post. Bill is in a Federal Prison because he gave away secrets the American Government wanted kept away from the American People. This technology can be used both for good and for bad/evil. Because the Looking Glass was placed and used on Earth, it can only show lesson paths that are meant for people of this planet, it cannot show the lesson paths meant for beings of other planets. The targets would be attacked by Tomahawk missiles. The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality, Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021, David Wilcock on Project Looking Glass | Secret Space Program Tech REVEALED. However, this is not an invite for any trolls to post any comments. READ THE BOOK Thanks for the memories by Taylor Bryce (Cathy OBrien). It was the only time when I cured myself without taking any medicine, only by applying the principles that Joseph Murphy discusses.. https://www.hearinglossweb.com/Issues/Access/Captioning/Internet/mag/mag2.htm. theme: { Listen with an open mind, BE in Love for our approaching truth, and then BE in . What our DNA learns through these spikes in the Schumann Resonance is to hold more light, to hold the increased frequency. Courtney Brown revealed that non-physical entities he calls Midwayers, a group of subspace beings who originated from The Urantia Book, were the target of a remote viewers team that wanted to investigate this group. This is especially important, as my book and its content are often censored online. I wish itweren't true because it make me sound totally nuts but, guess what? This is my perspective now Im not sure that Trump is a white hat anymore since Ive recently connected the dots about him. Thank you Lisa and Bill, Consciousness is not something you were granted by Bill Gates. Your contributions also enabled me to start promoting my book on a new platform for half a year. You owe it to yourself to give it a gander. Its terminate.. Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. sgtreport.com commentary sums Bill Woods testimony brilliantly, although he doesnt mention his name. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911. Well said Bill and you know by now what you have been giving in truth to others around the world is why you are receiving more of the awakening powers that you have asked for as you did in the beginning of time here Used in Montauk project and other projects, then got into the wrong hands through replication now also referred to as yellow box or yellow cube. To the Victory of the Light & Lets Make Earth Great Again. Lisa is an excellent interviewer. What were experiencing right now is mass awakening. (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021). Please visit the - ADVERTISEpage for rates and details. Partial interview with Bill Wood about Project Looking Glass can be found here: Qanon and Looking Glass In recent months, it became apparent that the reason why the Q operation had been so good at countering the "bad guys" agenda was because the "good guys" or Alliance/White Hats had access to Looking Glass as well. In another video, he described how the 144,000 lightworkers, lightwarriors, are creating a grid across earth, across the world (9:07 minute mark). It would be hidden from the United States within Area 51 (monkeyandelf.com). Purchase TicketsSupport our work by purchasing tickets for various conferences we offer. Plandemic Censorship: Are We Living In Orwells 1984? Dan describes a stargate in Area 51 as a huge apparatus with a platform that allowed to throw the object inside the wormhole to travel to other stars, teleporting people or materials from one place to the other instantly. (monkeyandelf.com). Edit . Beginning in the year 2020 a series of man-made natural disasters would start and last for about twenty years. Venezuelan President Maduro was just indicted for drug trafficking and corruption. He invented Project Looking Glass here on earth from a formula supposedly given him by a Space Alien that landed at an airport he managed in the California desert. The specific charges stem from a military court-martial finding him guilty of rape. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. ohhh sooo nice, soo much sense . I think the interview also created lots of questions. I tried to understand the information provided by Bill Wood about the Looking Glass from the perspective that duality is a lesson for people to experience and learn about duality, since he did mention many times that duality is a lesson for people to learn. PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE _ BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS - YouTube 0:00 / 2:30:48 PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE _ BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS Everyone Loves CASH 2.98K. If so, what is it in our future that they are suppressing so much? Bill Wood Explains Project Looking Glass The William Cooper Prophecy "The Orion Conspiracy" alien false flag How Did John Lear Know A Video Interview Of EBE3 Was Going To Be Released To The Public In The Early 90's? Noone except for me would talk like this. This M.G.A. 31 December 2008, Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal. This interview was conducted in January 2012 following the earlier interview with Bill Wood in the same month; January 2012, about Project Looking Glass, which can be found here: https://youtu.be/PGPqLX9XYbkKerry Cassidy interviews Bill Wood and David Wilcock.The first part is only about Bill Wood's credibility. Hi Lisa we suggest you watch this video interview, Ben Lowrey interviews Arthur Cristian https://youtu.be/iH25tucSZSo because the information Arthur shares will have you question much of what Bill Wood is sharing as truth as is project camelot, david icke, jordan maxwell and so much more information that is coming out of both alternative and mainstream medias. According to certain sources, the white hats control this technology and theyve already won! the timelines change and this happens quickly ie. He was asked in another talk if the massive die-off had to do with the vaccinations campaign and he replied that it has everything to do with it (2:37 minute mark). Page 1 2. Yes, this is sounding like the plot behind Avengers: Endgame, but its a fascinating premise: the glass is actually a portal for us to not only view alternate timelines but also to use it as a sort of time travel device thatll allow those who possess it to influence our current timeline. Irrelevant comments won't be appreciated either.Disclaimer: I own nothing. on October 4, 2021. Pat: Pay especial attention to the last 45 minutes, starting at 1:46. You can use Patreon. Phil Godlewski and Jerome Corsi have answers. Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. That is the end result and everything that the Black Hats do just propels us closer to our spiritual evolution. I guess we haveconscioustransferaltechnologyat some point, if not already. Quoting: Yo Adrian. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C 107. He was supposed to protect, love and guide his family, but according to the US Marshals, he's lived in lies more than living in truth. To know the truth is easy you just have to feel something from the heart. It has been passed between rich and powerful to be able to choose well in their lives. (monkeyandelf.com). Thank you for you Intuitive knowledge in moving us all forward in the moment of truth.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59J7DPlKwLU&feature=related, https://www.hearinglossweb.com/Issues/Access/Captioning/Internet/mag/mag2.htm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUwH3qT3fmY, https://www.charlesfrith.com/2012/02/bill-brockbrader-evidence-testimony-of.html. KC may has sadly become bigger than the big picture, Love and light to you features: { I was watching the Bill Wood interview with Lisa Harrison again to see if I can understand anything else besides the convergence of the timelines at the end of 2012. If somebody convinces us that a major disaster is going to happen in the very near future, a major disaster happens in the very near future. Censored Posts Are being Uncensored | The Storm, The Nature of 3-Dimensional Time [Law of One Science] | The Daniel Papers, Fall Cabal: 10 Part Documentary (Video) #WWG1WGA #QANON #Q, Q Anon: The Plan To Save The World (Video), Researcher Claims: Deep Underground Military Bases Recently DestroyedAnd Has Some Evidence to Prove it. I have often wished We need to awaken as many people as possible. Bill Brockbrader was supposed to be a United States veteran, a loving husband and a doting father. Both my Twitter accounts (AuthorHerscu in English and one in Hebrew) have been suspended and my Facebook account was deleted since January 2020. From my own experience and knowledge, we have everything to say about our destiny and must choose and take action which will lead to the optimal timeline for humanity. rpp: 6, Thank you.Any comments that question Bill Wood's credibility will be removed, because basically such comments suggest my intuition would be wrong. Picture drawing is a crucial component of these protocols (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). They can only react to this particular timeline. They brought him into the future and showed him a possible outcome. 31 Comments bw2012 on February 11, 2012 at 4:38 am A wonderful interview, Lisa. David Ickes made a powerful statement related to insiders future (Bill Wood) according to the Looking Glass device. Not to reverse the final outcome. Still, please continue buying it as this educates you and others about the origins of the global conspiracy to control and undermine humanity and ways to reclaim our world and live as a peaceful, happy, and supportive community. for transcripts of informative videos. I really dont know since my information sources would only tell me so much about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. She and. For an amazing insight into the duality of reality, check out physicist Nassim Haramein. He explains how this technology works in the following lecture on Rumble: !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/u4"+(arguments[1].video?'. This is Bills first interview outside Camelot. ORIGINAL BILL WOOD AKA BILL BROCKBADER INTERVIEW PROJECT LOOKING GLASS Live Q&A: https://projectcamelotportal.com/2012/01/25/project-camelot-bill-wood-live-qa/ FOLLOW . Federal Reserve Bank has now merged with the US Treasury, paving the way for a new economic system that will likely be backed by precious metals and not debt (this is huge). This is the key to setting the timeline. 2:08:44 And according to Bill Wood, this timeline is the awakening process. According to monkeyandelf.com, Burisch worked directly under the orders of the Majestic 12., Majestic 12, according to FBI records is, a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination.. Michael DellaRocca, the founder of Our Everyday Lives YouTube channel, tells in the following video that I warmly recommend to watch it that he wasnt aware of the impact he had by making his videos until one day, a father whose son watches his videos approached him on the street and thanked him for his service and his messages. You are., 9:29 You can create whatever it is you want.. Watch on. We took the opportunity to focus on the spiritual implications of the information gained through his experience with project looking glass. This was recorded ten years ago - and of course the project itself was much longer ago than that. the people win as they awaken to the truth. 'Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped', says military insider. posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:22 AM. The whistleblowers Bob Lazar, Dan Burisch, and Bill Wood will tell you from their own mouths what the project is and what it has been used for. Everyone Loves CASH. And for those with a similar message, you can promote your work on my site in the form of an ad or guest commentary. The Alliance is INTENTIONALLY Destroying the CABAL-Controlled EconomyBut A New Development Will Bring Us Back from the Brink, CLAIM: The Alliance is Rescuing Children from Deep State Pedophile Tunnels, Red Cross Ships Mercy and Comfort are More Than They Seem, Listen to music proven to reduce stress and anxiety by 65%, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url, https://northwestlibertynews.com/contact/, Looking Glass, Zeitlinien und so viel mehr | AVA Sabine. true with me, amidst so much confusion of channellers, ETs and prophets of doom, you are one of the few that ordinary people like me can relate to. Watch on Brighteon from 1:05:02 hour mark by clicking on the highlighted channel name Brighteon, as WordPress wont allow me to embed a video from this platform. Bill did not reveal any information from Looking Glass that reveals any major triggers for the convergence of the timelines. Alex Collier, former CEO of an accounting practice, the author of several books, and a lecturer (Mass Awakening, p. 214), gave an amazing talk at Mount Shasta Summer Conference where he shared where we are and where we are going to in the very near future. Though it would be easy to make a case against you for bullying the world toward World War III, for threatening all prospects of a peaceful and prosperous future for not just our nation but for all nations, I will not do so. That goes for all videos I share on this channel. The last article contained so much information that I had to move to such server twice. Compared to the vastness ofouter spaceWere no more than a dot ona canvasA grain of sand in a stretchof desertA single snowflake on asnow-capped mountain, But if you look closerIf you allow yourself to seeYoull find the miracles inlives livedThe wonder in these tinycircles, We learn, we growWe explore and discoverWe make decisions in anattempt to be goodAnd try to make right forthe things done wrongWe learn to love each other,learn to fight side by sideAnd try even harder toaccept ourselves and theperson we are, We then take our children bythe handHelp them learn and helpthem growHelp them explore anddiscoverOnly for the cycle to beginanewThats life. My book, Mass Awakening,tells the story of my personal awakening, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the worlds Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. 8:32 You are remarkable spiritual beings who have been stuck in a really bad system. And people are awakening now and see what they dont want. However, now he realizes that its the end of their world. It is an expos on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future. Thank you for your help. Your contributions allow me to continue researching and providing investigative insight, whether from news or intel sources, along with my commentary. 2:17:24 For all intents and purposes, what we believe to be true eventually becomes true. SRV is a set of protocols, or procedures, that allows what is often referred to as the unconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind, thereby transferring valuable information from one level of awareness to another., Scientific remote viewing is used by recording the information coming from the unconscious before the conscious mind can interfere with it applying normal waking-state intellectual processes, such as rationalization or imagination. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). Please watch the video on Bitchute as WordPress disables this video if I embed it here. They can look at possible timelines, explore them, and if you change things in the present, the probabilities of these timelines would shift accordingly (1:05:18 hour mark). However, this is not an invite for any trolls to post any comments. According to Burisch, US intelligence agencies had several devices they built using instructions found in ancient Sumerian and Egyptian tombs. https://www.bitchute.com/video/76XVp1iNSEPy/ Last part (Kerry . If you are a troll, please stay away. Greaterreality.com shares remote viewing protocols which you can learn and test. Just fill out the pop-up form. No one knows me likeIknow myself. This program grinds us up until we see the light. The operator would sit in a chair that was apparently recovered from a downed extraterrestrial craft capable of interfacing with consciousness directly. (stillnessinthestorm.com), According to Courtney Brown (Cosmic Voyage), the biases of the operator would have a direct effect on the images collected. Well we did it in ones and twos, so that the mirror would never find us until it was too late.. and it has worked ~~ for the things you speak of ~ Lightworkers have known, some of us since birth . The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass and Time Travel experiments: "With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. This massive man-made die off is the result of the current injections campaign. It became useless to the Elites as they were unable to control or manipulate it. It brings up 2012 in a new light. background: '#f1f0f8', This technology was given to President Eisenhower by the Orion ET races (that Corey Goode, an SSP insider recently disclosed). This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for scientific, research and educational purposes. It gets really interesting after about 100 minutes or so. Are these technologies suppressed because they predict our future? Bill said that the timelines hittting a wall would mean the end of time, which could also mean the end of duality since duality has its own kind of time or frequency. They are doing this to delay to have a move, while the white hats Earth humans and off-worlders (benevolent star nations) are forcing the moves now. Despite the post's brevity, there is much behind this highly classified project that is relevant to the QAnon movement and the efforts of the Deep State to marginalize it and remove President Donald Trump from power. Only one possible explanation. We are in the darkest days in 2021/22 and into 23 before dawn breaks and a whole new reality emerges based on love and freedom. Best of Bill's interview. Both players know the game is over. (Bill Wood). 2:03:39 Thats the big secret.[..] Mike Adams goes further and explains that there are multiple possible futures and free will is the method by which we choose which future actually materializes. (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021). 31 December 2008 project looking glass'' bill wood interview Bill Wood, this is not an invite for any to... Component of these project looking glass'' bill wood interview ( Cosmic Voyage, 1996 ) project Looking Glass that reveals any major triggers for convergence. These technologies suppressed because they predict our future expos on dark agendas and how people are fighting offering! All, in ourpast have to feel something from the American Government wanted kept away the... 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