A hit (No. This type projectile which is unusually effective against light armor is poor against anything over 1/2 caliber in thickness. Enroute, QUINCY safely rode out the severe typhoon of 5 June. Description, history, and photograph(s) of heavy cruiser USS Quincy (CA-39) in WWII. The clipping room to the forward 1.1" battery was struck (Hit No. 26. Survivors on the stern collected on the fantail with the Executive Officer in charge. 28, USS Princeton CVL23 War Damage Report No. Quincy managed to fire a few main gun salvos, one of which hit Chkai's chart room 6 meters (20ft) from Admiral Mikawa and killed or wounded 36 men, although Mikawa was not injured. 66. The New Orleans-class cruisers were the last US cruisers built to the specifications and standards of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922. The after mess hall was hit at least once (Hit No. About 0156 the fourth Japanese salvo landed near the bow. USS QUINCY (CA 39) History View This Vessels DANFS History Entry on the U.S. Navy Historical Center website. 16, USS Liscome Bay CVE56 War Damage Report No. USSQuincywas stricken from the Naval Vessel Register in October 1973 and sold for scrapping in August 1974. The Bureau of Ordnance has conducted extensive tests relative to this problem as has the Ordnance Department of the Army. Turret III was hit three or more times on the side and on the face plate by minor caliber hits which either did not penetrate or did not detonate (Hits Nos. Besides the damage from the projectiles, two torpedo hits were received. USS QUINCY (CA-71) Crew Photos. CA44/A16-3/(0021) dated 14 August, 1942 - (War Action Report). 3 fireroom". Diesels were started and they supplied power to turrets I and III. Would like to hear from fellow crew mates! The five airplanes on each ship except QUINCY had been drained of all gasoline. Structural damage to ASTORIA, although extensive, was not such that loss of the vessel was inevitable. Two minutes later No. ASTORIA received at least 65 known hits. HullNumber.com's mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. After Japan's capitulation in August,Quincysupported occupation efforts. [4], On 28 July, Quincy sailed with TF 16 for Iceland on neutrality duty which included a patrol in the Denmark Straits from 2124 September. ASTORIA ltr. HullNumber.com takes your privacy seriously. 83. 80. 42 set films in the movie lockers on fire. USS QUINCY was authorized 17 June 1940; laid down by Bethlehem Steel Co., Shipbuilding Div., Quincy, Mass. There was one plane on each catapult, one on the well deck and two in the hangar. Quincy, the second ship to carry the name, was laid down by Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts, on 15 November 1933, launched on 19 June 1935, sponsored by Mrs. Catherine Adams-Morgan, wife of Henry S. Morgan, and commissioned at Boston, on 9 June 1936, Captain William Faulkner Amsden in command.[4]. 56, USS Houston CL81 War Damage Report No. The other three entered the hull, but the holes were plugged and were found to be holding well upon inspection a few hours later. room about frame 45. This recommendation was also discussed in reference (e). BUCHANAN came alongside to help fight the fire but the list had increased to such a point that the shell holes on the second deck, port side, were shipping water. Short stays are being added, however, to give a larger factor of safety, help support the mast in the event of action damage and reduce vibration. I believe he was a radioman On duty on bridge during D-day, Okinawa, Marseille. At least 57 hits were received in the spaces discussed above. Every effort is being made to insure that water will be available for magazine sprinkling. The gunnery officer of ASTORIA recovered one of these projectiles but unfortunately lost it as he was abandoning ship. This station, composed of compartments forward of Marine quarters (frame 53) was struck at least six times (Hits 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 18). Quincy was authorized on 17 June 1940; laid down by the Bethlehem Steel Company, Shipbuilding Division, Quincy, Massachusetts as St. Paul on 9 October 1941; renamed Quincy on 16 October 1942 to perpetuate that name after destruction of the second Quincy at the Battle of Savo . On questioning him I found out that the Captain, who at that time was laying [sic] near the wheel, had instructed him to beach the ship and he was trying to head for Savo Island, distant some four miles (6km) on the port quarter. HullNumber.com does not share your information. US Navy Crew List - Reunite with old Navy Buddies - 344743 entries available online. QUINCY stood out of Hampton Roads 5 March 1945, arriving Pearl Harbor the 20th. 3 fireroom. At least 36 hits were received in the spaces discussed above. 47) passed directly through the hangar setting the planes located there on fire. Click here for a larger version of this plate. 1 in warrant officers' country (Hit No. In ASTORIA the initial heel was caused by the flooding of port side compartments due to the explosion of the 5" magazine. Two attempts were made, the latter successful. USS Quincy CA39/A16-3/(004)/(HMC) dated 16 August 1942 - (War Action Report). Other hits received (Hits Nos. This turret, like No. 4. Kerosene from the tank spread over the well deck and contributed to the intensity of a fire that was already burning furiously. Two days later, she departed Ulithi and joined Rear Admiral Wiltse's Cruiser Division 10, in Vice Admiral Mitscher's Fast Carrier Task Force. According to reference (d), this was accomplished a few minutes after the torpedo hit in way of No. Registration and communicating with shipmates at Hullnumber.com is FREE FOREVER. This action of August 9, 1942 was the first action of this war in which one of our task forces was engaged in a night gunfire and torpedo attack. At the same time, Rear Admiral James H. Thach, Jr., Commander Cruiser Division Six, shifted his flag from USS MACON (CA 132) to QUINCY and he and his new flagship steamed out of Norfolk bound for Europe. It is noted that performance of armor on ASTORIA was considerably different from that on BOISE*, although range in both cases was approximately the same. [6] Quincy sits upright in roughly 2,000 feet (610m) of water. Bureau of Ships There were light breezes from the southwest with a ceiling of about 1500 ft. After steaming to the Mediterranean, the cruiser participated in the invasion of Southern France in August. 35 and 39) passed through the laundry and detonated in the uptakes. Two diesel generator units each of 100 kw capacity are being installed in all heavy cruisers, one of which is located forward and the other aft. QUINCY, based at Palermo through 26 July, conducted shore bombardment practice at Camarota in the Gulf of Policastro. projectiles. U.S.S. Later, she operated with Yorktown and TF 28 until sailing for home on 14 July. 77. In 1995, to commemorate 50 years since the meeting occurred, thenU.S. 31. The list then rapidly increased until the vessel capsized. 62, USS San Francisco CA38 War Damage Report No. 3 fireroom; however, the destruction of the blowers by Hits Nos. This article includes information collected from the public domain sources Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships and Naval Vessel Register. Midship Repair and Second Deck 5" Ammunition Train. 5" projectiles. Over 1000 men were killed or lost at sea. 4 were struck (Hit No. She was launched on 23 June 1943; sponsored by Mrs. Catherine Adams-Morgan, wife of Henry S. Morgan, daughter of Charles Francis Adams, and sponsor of the previous Quincy. Samuel Moore Class of 1913. She later provided close fire support for the Marines during the landing. In addition, an intense fire was started which eventually forced the abandoning of all secondary guns on the upper deck. (b) Or an 8" projectile, which was short in range, penetrated the skin and inner hull below the water line, probably detonating upon penetrating the inner hull, killing all personnel and rupturing the hull sufficiently to permit rapid flooding. S93/S88/S29/S3-1, Serial (01324A) dated Sept. 26, 1942 - (Type directive for improvement of offensive qualities of cruisers). HullNumber.com. 21) and library (Hit No. After a shakedown cruise in the Gulf of Paria, between Trinidad and Venezuela, the new heavy cruiser was assigned, 27 March 1944, to Task Force 22 and trained in Casco Bay, Maine, until she steamed to Belfast, Northern Ireland, with TG 27.10, arriving 14 May and reporting to Commander, 12th Fleet for duty. A minute later the first enemy salvo struck, hitting the bridge, the carpenter shop, the hangar, battle II and the antenna trunk. While in this turn, the left side range finder hoods of turrets I and II were struck. Numerous 5" hits were received by the blowers leading into the fireroom. VINCENNES received 57 known hits as well as one torpedo hit (possibly two) on the port side in way of the forward magazine group. In this category fall such items as fibrous glass for insulation and flame resistant compounds for treating fabrics. DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. 67. AS-18 Crew Roster . The flaming ships also presented perfect targets to the enemy submarine(s) operating in the near vicinity. Find Your Shipmates . President Roosevelt and his party embarked in QUINCY 23 January 1945 at Newport News, Va. for passage to Malta, arriving 2 February. USS Quincy sailed out of Belfast Lough, 20 May, for the Clyde and anchored off Greenock, Scotland, to begin special training in shore bombardment. 1 gun remained serviceable. 17) on the machine gun platform passed through the 1.1" clipping room setting the ammunition located there on fire. 15. Five hits, all estimated to be 5", struck below the waterline. Home Join Now About Hullnumber Before You Register Tell A Shipmate FAQs Related Links Contact Us. The narrative attempted here appears to be the most plausible and probable one even though all the referenced accounts do not agree with it in all respects. 50. that No. At 0330 a rain squall passed over the ship. All Rights Reserved. She also neutralized and destroyed heavy, long range enemy batteries, supported minesweepers operating under enemy fire, engaged enemy batteries that were firing on the crews of the ships USS Corry (DD-463) and Glennon (DD-620) during their efforts to abandon their ships after they had struck mines and participated in the reduction of the town of Quinville on 12 June.[1]. The battle has often been cited as the worst defeat in a fair fight in the history of the United States Navy. At 02:10, incoming shells killed or wounded almost all of Quincy's bridge crew, including the captain. The shells in the fuse pot of gun No. She served alongside German heavy cruisers at Mlaga to evacuate their respective nationals out of Spain. 38, USS North Carolina BB55 War Damage Report No. Exposed powder was set on fire, apparently from hot fragments. Numerous hits on the main and second deck amidships started fires which soon resulted in the ship becoming a blazing inferno from turret II to the after bulkhead of the hangar. Special incendiary projectiles may have been fired by the Japanese, but the burning "grape-nut" fragments referred to in paragraph 41 might have been fragments of explosive from a low-order detonation. 35, 38, 39 and 40 filled this space with smoke. Sixty kw units similar to those described above are being installed in light cruisers of the CL4 class. She sank, bow first, at 02:38, being the first ship sunk in the area which was later known as Ironbottom Sound. The war and the ship were a galvanizing moment in time for him. The seriousness of the hits lay in the fires which they started. All supports for the steam line in the after engine room had broken loose from the overhead apparently from the shock of projectiles which exploded above. These 5" hits also cut all the fire mains forward of bulkhead 103, leaving only CO2 fire extinguishers, bucket brigades and "handy billies" with which to attempt to control the intense fires raging amidships. 2 fireroom was never hit; however, a heavy explosion was felt forward which probably came from the torpedo explosion forward. A projectile (Hit No. Guns No. The I.C. 34. In the case of all three ships the enemy commenced hitting on the fourth or fifth salvo. The ship then capsized to port, the bow went under, the stern raised, and the ship slid from view. The ship was listing rapidly to port, water was coming over the upper deck to port, and fires were blazing intermittently throughout the whole length of the ship. 2 mess hall by one or more direct hits (Hit No. At this time all turrets and secondary battery except turret III and gun No. 15 and No. 2 boiler room was structurally intact and that personnel escaped from the plotting room and central station which are located immediately forward of No. Between 27 July and 13 August, the cruiser participated in training exercises at Malta and Camarota, Italy. Renamed Quincy on 16 October 1942, to perpetuate that name, after the destruction of the second Quincy(CA-39) at the Battle of Savo Island on 9 August 1942. 2 fireroom. 44. HullNumber.com does not retain your payment information if you make a purchase. 64. The fires amidships which were started early in the action undoubtedly contributed more in an indirect fashion to the loss of these three ships than any other factor. As a result, there is a great deal of information which, naturally, is contradictory in many instances. She remained at Boston for the installation of new equipment through 31 October, when she got underway for training in Casco Bay. The Commanding Officers and Senior Surviving Officer furnished some notes and recommendations. The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Quincy (CA 71). At least two fire mains, well separated from each other, should be run the entire length of the ship and installed in such a manner that they may be operated singly or jointly.". 14. QUINCY was detached from European duty 1 September and steamed for Boston, arriving one week later. USS QUINCY was the fourth BALTIMORE - class heavy cruiser and the third ship in the Navy to bear the name. paint locker and started a small fire. One 8" projectile passed through the. 55, 56 and 57). Two of the 5" projectiles (Nos. 7 December 1941, and stricken from the Navy List, 1 December 1942. This recommendation has been approved by the Bureau. One of these generators is installed forward on the second deck and one aft. would like to know if anyone knows the whereabouts of Emory Panza RT2c. Reference (a) also reported that "the explosion carried away the forced draft blower in No. As nearly as can be determined, this occurred between 0235 and 0240. Radio II, Mess Hall and After Repair Station. No 5" projectiles were found intact on any of the three ships, although some of the 5" enemy projectiles were duds as the references definitely report various 5" projectile hits which did not detonate. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website? She then returned to Belfast Lough and began final preparations for the invasion of Europe. 43 and 44) which did not detonate. She departed Portland 24 June for Cherbourg, France. This reel was located near No. 8 on fire and knocked out No. projectiles and bombardment projectiles against naval targets. The average range of these was about 5,000 yards. 61, USS Northampton CA26 War Damage Report No. [7] Following a presidential conference with the American ambassadors to Great Britain, France and Italy, the cruiser steamed for the United States, arriving at Newport News on 27 February. The approximate locations of these hits are shown on Plate II. This permitted additional water to enter the ship causing an increase in the list such that the shell holes on the second deck, port side, were brought below the waterline. Fires in both cases, however, were also a major contributing factor. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, accompanied by Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, inspected the ships company in Belfast Lough 15 May 1944. 1 in the officers' galley (Hit No. Cincpac directed, however, that Commanding Officers, at their own discretion, have the planes flown off or dropped overboard if action appears imminent. Many 5" hits were also sustained in the wardroom country. New cruisers of the CL55 class are equipped with two 100 kw units. The flames enveloped the forward control station. 23), cutting off the cartridge case bases and causing them to burn like "Roman Candles". Following a Caribbean shakedown cruise and training in the North Atlantic, in May 1944 she reported to the 12th Fleet for service in European waters. QUINCY steamed to Portland, England 21 June and joined TF 129. 1, War Damage Report No. These were probably 5" H.E. Assigned to Cruiser Division 8 of the United States Navy Atlantic Fleet, Quincy's first mission was to sail for the Mediterranean area in Jul 1936 to protect American interests in Spain during the height of its civil war. Quincy then proceeded to Cape Town, South Africa, via Trinidad, where she met a convoy which she escorted back to Trinidad on 29 December. Those inflammable materials which are classed essential should be stowed below in compartments well forward and below the waterline and which are provided with a CO2 smothering system. 1 fireroom and wrecked it. 72. 23. Each Aug. 9, Navy veteran Dan Galvin honors 389 shipmates who lost their lives when Japanese warships sank the USS Quincy at Guadalcanal on Aug. 9, 1942, by reading their names from his front . This fire was not extinguished. The new year saw the ship visiting Cannes, France; Valenica, Spain and Oran, Algeria, before the QUINCY returned to Norfolk. QUINCY (CA-71) Crew Photos. 41. The remaining two firerooms were ready for immediate lighting off to supply additional power if necessary. No fragments entered into the turret. 36) received by the ship was in mount No. When the conference was completed, she was the site of meetings between the President, King Farouk of Egypt, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethopia and King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. Fires were started in the carpenter shop and the airplanes in the hangar. Battle II was struck at least once (Hit No. From 16 April, Quincy supported the carriers in their strikes on Okinawa, Amami Gunto, and Minami Daito Shima. In addition to this, as a standby in the event of the loss of all steam, one 1,000-gallon-per-minute diesel driven fire pump forward of the machinery spaces is being installed in existing heavy cruisers. 57. HullNumber.com's mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. This projectile probably detonated in the gun chamber where exposed projectiles were, in turn, detonated and powder was set on fire. 35. The heavy cruiser sailed for Mers-el Kebir, North Africa, on 4 July, arriving there 10 July. This hole must have come from the detonation of the 5"/25 caliber projectiles. The Chief of Naval Operations directs that this report be shown only to those persons to whom the report would be of value in the performance of their duties. A large fire was started early in the action in No. 13) in the communication office. Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. She was the only one of her class to retain her Bofors 40 mm gun mounts instead of receiving the newer 3/50 mounts. 16. During this period all fire main risers forward of frame 103 were ruptured; no water was available for fighting fires. Turret III was put out of action after firing only two salvos. Quincy's captain ordered his cruiser to charge towards the eastern Japanese column, but as she turned to do so Quincy was hit by two torpedoes from Tenry, causing severe damage. he got very emotional when we visited the ship's bell in Quincy in the 1990s. Crew's quarters abaft No. 14). History of USS QUINCY: Since the action was fought at such close range, numerous minor caliber or machine gun hits were also received. In regard to the incident discussed on ASTORIA in paragraph 25, it appears probable that the 5"/25 caliber ammunition charges were ignited by direct impact of the 8" projectile. ASTORIA capsized to port, settling by the stern and disappeared at 1215. Later, the Commanding Officer ASTORIA estimated this enemy force to be composed of at least three (probably four) heavy cruisers of NACHI class and about four destroyers. 40. Besides this, all heavy cruisers, both those in service and new construction, carry six gasoline "handy billies" and twelve electrical submersible pumps. Turret No. The Quincy-built ship was commissioned in 1949. Navy Department. 7. From 0200 to 0206 ASTORIA was under an extremely heavy concentration of fire. At 02:16, the cruiser was hit by a torpedo from Aoba, and the ship's remaining guns were silenced. The cruisers of this task group, in a column led by VINCENNES,. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. 69. No. Soon after being assigned to Cruiser Division 8 (CruDiv8), Atlantic Fleet, Quincy was ordered to Mediterranean waters on 20 July 1936, to protect American interests in Spain during the height of the Spanish Civil War. , detonated and powder was set on fire, apparently from hot fragments to bear name... 56, USS Liscome Bay CVE56 War Damage Report No Officer of ASTORIA recovered one of generators. Crew, including the captain the approximate locations of these projectiles but unfortunately lost as... Since the meeting occurred, thenU.S, Shipbuilding Div., Quincy uss quincy crew list Mass 26. Center website major contributing factor June for Cherbourg, France tank spread over the ship 's in... With the Executive Officer in charge information for publication on this website to 0206 ASTORIA was an! Structural Damage to ASTORIA, although extensive, was not such that loss of United. 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