This is a prayer from David, and could very well be a prayer for true believers today. How many times do we find Paul in terrible circumstances? It is earnest, persevering prayer that is referred to. So, when the fullness of time was come for his appearance in human nature, he repeated the same. We may be in a pit of hell, but Jesus will lift us up out of that pit and establish our goings, if we will only repent of our sins and receive Him as our Savior. Ps 58:4-9 - incantation - imagery - analogy - serpents - childbirth This article explores the similarities between Ps 58:4-9 and the imagery and logic found in incantatory texts from Syro-Mesopotamia.1 An initial point of departure for comparing incantations from Syro-Mesopotamia with Ps 58:4-9 is the work of the anthropologist Stanley J. Tambiah. Davids situation in the second pit seems to have been a combination of both. 5:44), we pray for Gods kingdom to come, which includes the petition that God will vindicate his own and avenge his enemies. 26:36-46 and compare the notes at Heb. (11-17) 1-5 Doubts and fears about the eternal state, are a horrible pit and miry clay, and have been so to many a dear child of God. Jesus fulfilled all the law and the offerings. June 2021 26:18). The writer of Hebrews is talking about wills, or covenants. Davids desire was always to make such commitment contagious. If I would declare and speak of them, they would be too numerous to count. Maybe David was thinking about the wonders of creation (see Ps. Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2009, All Rights Reserved. Imagery can be literal or figurative. From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. David never ceased telling others of the wonderful things the Lord had done. Some read these words as expressive of faith in these things, thou wilt not withhold, etc. In verse 11, some versions translate it as a prayer. Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. 3:3-4; 2 Tim. October 2022 If It Is During The Millennium How Will There Not Be Pain And Tears When The Devil Is Released To Deceive The Nations? Not only can God get us through, God can make things better than they were before. The Bible says that the angels in heaven rejoice when one sinner comes to Him. This beautiful biblical imagery of sheep found throughout Scripture is humbling and profoundly insightful into humanitys need for an intimate relationship with God. Yet in spite of these words and many other similar Scriptures (John 15:18; Acts 14:22; 1 Thess. Man forsakes me, but he will not. Many times we must deal with the pits of sin. Which he agreed to, had it in his mind, his heart was set upon it, and he cheerfully complied with it (John 10:18). But we need God to help us out of these pits. To be assured in our own minds that one so great as God is, the infinite and eternal One, will never cease to think on us and may well sustain us in all the trials of life. Theyre like the guy I mentioned last week, who saw himself as a good sinner. Good sinners may admit that they need a little assistance now and then, but they dont need a Savior. He is the Rock that the builders rejected. It implies the certainty that they would thus be ashamed and confounded. This was not intended to boast or simply inform but to verbalize his loyalty to God in gratitude for Gods loyalty to him. Our psalm gives us at least seven clues: The Hebrew of verse 1 is an intensified form of the verb, literally, Waiting, I waited. The New English Bible translates it, I waited, waited for the Lord. Its not a passive, ho-hum kind of waiting, like you do at the doctors office when you thumb through a bunch of magazines to pass the time. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? David sees his need for God to take care of his sins. Compare both external persecution and internal perversity (in Psalm 38). 3:12), many that profess to know Christ stumble and fall away when they get hit with various trials. Either the whole moral law, under which he was, as man, and the surety of his people. 9 though we are commanded to love our enemies (Matt. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. 1 Answers. Psalm 40:16 Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified.. The Hebrew text (of Ps. We must see that we have the same need as David. Psalm 18:2, Psalm 40:2, Matthew 7:24-27. A Psalm of David. Truly, there is none to compare with Him! Perhaps our problem many times, is that we tire of waiting. Psalm 40 is a song about the pits. Psalms 40:5 (KJV) Square Portrait Landscape 4K UHD. If the Lord does not deliver us, there is no hope. Psalm 40 is the 40th psalm of the Book of Psalms, beginning in English in the King James Version: "I waited patiently for the LORD". If youre seeking the Lord and not just deliverance from your pit, you wont forget about God after He delivers you. Messianic And in the recollection that God had kept him in those sorrows, and had brought him up from such a depth of woe to such a height of glory. Everything good that has ever happened in my life is because of His blessing me. Perhaps as with Pauls thorn in the flesh, we are not told so that we can relate all of our trials to Davids situation. It does not mean that they could not repent. Now the writer of Hebrews explains what it means for Christ to fulfill Gods will (covenant). How many iniquities did David say he had? October 2020 Yea, thy law is within my heart: I do not only understand it, but receive it with heartiest love. They chart a profound and vital relationship with God, with all the ups and downs that In verse 3, David expresses his hope that because of his testimony of waiting on the Lord, others will also come to trust in Him. This may be understood here rather as a confident expectation than a wish or desire. But Paul describes your future this way (2 Thess. And this not by change of place, but by assumption of nature. , . Let us never be like the Jews we read about in the days of Jesus who assumed that they had done something special that God took notice of them over others. Why was he tempted. As in the council and covenant of peace, when and where he declared his willingness to come into the world, and make satisfaction for the sins of his people. They dwarf our own sun, making it look like a speck of dust by comparison! , . May those who love your salvation always say, The Lord be exalted. Psalm 40:4-6 is a celebration of Gods character. But many years later, after a long reign that God had blessed, when the king of Israel came up against him, Asa sent tribute to the king of Syria and enlisted his help against the enemy. Your comment will be posted after it is approved. The old covenant sacrifices did not take care of our sins nor the reminder of guilt caused by the sacrifices. O Lord, make haste to help me: Literally, Lord, make haste to my help (compare Psalms 22:19; 31:2; 38:22). That is, that they would not be successful, or would be foiled in their purposes. Then I said, Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written of me in the scroll of the book.'. Whether this psalm is connected to any of the previous psalms where David asked for Gods deliverance is unknown, but it does say that God did deliver him at one time, and David was sure to express his gratitude in the best method he knew: a song of praise. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart., The thought of verses 6-8 in the context is (I am following J. J. S. Perowne, The Book of Psalms [Zondervan], p. 335), My heart is full of Your abundant goodness towards me. Asas final days were plagued with painful gout. Great things can happen in our lives when we put our trust in the Lord. And when God did rescue him, David made sure that God got all the praise. What does it mean that the Lord set my feet upon a rock (Psalm 40:2)? (1) He turned and heard my cry, (2) He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, (3) He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand, and (4) He put a new song in my mouth. A psalm. 16:7-9). These are Davids. This psalm is simply titled To the Chief Musician. The idea here is, not that he was unable to look up, but that the calamities which came upon him were so heavy and severe as to make his sight dim, or to deprive him of vision. When sacrifice and offering God would not have any longer continued, and when a body was prepared him, then he said. Psalm 40 continues to describe the despair David feels as the result of his own As they seek earnestly and diligently, in Christ, and under the influences of his Spirit. He waters the earth, providing crops for our food. The worst evil that Jesus had against Him was the unbelieving leaders of the temple. 15:22), Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? The joy is not just in the deliverance, but in the Lord who delivers. Naomi There is no sin in the wish that the wicked may not be successful in their plans, and may not be suffered to injure us. We see in this, the beautiful assurance that the Lords lovingkindness and truth are not withheld from us, when we seek them. The rest of the psalm describes how David was praying for the deliverance before he received it. God will turn to us and hear our pleas when we draw near to him. Psalm 40:11 "Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD: let thy And it has respect not to (Deut. Psalm 40:1 Wait Patiently For The Lord (gray) Psalm 40:1 Wait Patiently For The Lord (green) Psalm 40:2 A Teachable Spirit (devotional)04:02 (black) Psalm 40:8 I Delight To Do Your Will The blood of Christ takes away the reminder of sin because our sins have been fully dealt with by Christ and we are now sanctified. 10:9-10). He was trapped and unable to free himself. 40:6) is literally, My ears You have dug. It has wrongly been interpreted to refer to the masters piercing the servants ear with an awl (a different Hebrew word; Exod. We will sing a new song of praise and thanksgiving around the throne of God in heaven. Psalm 40 is primarily a psalm of thanksgiving, although it does include petition toward the end as well. Also, such as these who do not trust in Christ and have no respect; they neither esteem them, nor imitate them. This is not necessary, since the man of God can present his lament and petition to God, while at the same time offering his thanksgiving. The evils here referred to, understood as being those which came upon the Messiah, were sorrows that came upon him in consequence of his undertaking to do what could not be done by sacrifices and offerings (Psalm 40:6). The synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa. This can prophetically be speaking of Jesus, who brought salvation to the world. Imagery is a literary device used in poetry, novels, and other writing that uses vivid description that appeals to a readers senses to create an image or idea in their head. Jesus Refuge Pray He especially takes note when you are trying to get others into the kingdom of God. David is trying to tell us that doing good deeds does not appease God. What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord (Psalm 37:4)? David declares to the Lord, Sacrifice and offering you have not desired. However, we know that God commanded sacrifices and offerings be made to the Lord. beyond number; my iniquities have overtaken me, and I cannot see; they Contemporary Israel, and later Israel, and the Church which has succeeded to the place of the original Israelites. Verse 10 says that it is by the second will that we have been sanctified. Holy Week Hands and heart represent the whole of ones life. The second pit clearly involved the consequences of Davids sins (40:12) and many enemies that were trying to destroy him (40:14-15). November 2022 2 He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the [ b]miry clay, And He set my feet upon a high rock, He established my steps. How is imagery used in writing? The purpose of his enemies was to take his life; to prevent the spread of his doctrines; to check him in his work. Our faith in God will move mountains. This imagery is expressed in two books, the book of life and the book of deeds. He was a good king who instituted many reforms in Judah. How much more would the Lord rejoice for finding the one sheep that has strayed? This is the reverse of that. He can change our circumstances. We have been on His mind from the beginning. The word inclined here means properly bowed; that is, he bent forward to hearken, or to place his ear near my mouth and to hear me. For of the time of his coming into the world are these words interpreted (Heb. In the fulfilment of which the lovingkindness, truth, and faithfulness of God, would appear. And seeing the coming of Christ into the world was not only appointed of God, agreed unto by Christ, but was prophesied of, and penned down in the sacred writings. David expresses in this, that he had so many iniquities, it even kept him from looking up. Dont turn to the world for answers. Community David not only told everyone he saw about God and His goodness, but he even wrote these Psalms proclaiming to all future generations the goodness of the Lord. David understood that sacrifices were not going to be enough. Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire: He is not negating the commandment to offer sacrifices, but is emphasizing their being offered with the right attitude of heart (contrast Saul in 1 Sam. What does the statement (mine ears hast thou opened) mean? Horrible pit the miry clay: The imagery describes his past hopeless and helpless situation; compare the language of (Psalm. Q. David described it as a slimy pit, mud, and mire. All of us have and will endure times that are truly the pits, just as David describes. All ____________ in the Lord preach righteousness to the unsaved world. Rather, it is evident from the second half of the psalm (40:11-17) that he is in another pit, crying out to the Lord to deliver him from this one. He can take the mud of our sinful clothes and give us holy, white robes. The Motivational Responses to God (40:6-10). Neighbor Though one deliverance is just effected (verse 2), it is not enough; something more is required. Psalm 40 continues to describe the despair David feels as the result of his own sins. It is the language of grateful remembrance which we may suppose he uttered in the review of the amazing sorrows through which he had passed in making the atonement. He sent His Son to offer Himself obediently on the cross on our behalf (as Ps. Who submit not to the righteousness of Christ, and despise others. Verse 12 shows the connection: For troubles without number surround me; my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see. The angels in heaven rejoice when _____ __________ comes to Christ. Let all those that seek thee in the first place, with their whole hearts be glad in thee. 1 I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work . A Psalm. The Book of Psalms is part of the third section of And this verse, wherein he passeth from the singular number to the plural, may seem to be interposed as a wall of partition, between that which David speaks in his own person. Rather, by their own ingenuity and effort, they will get out of their crisis on their own. January 2022 It gets on your shoes and you cant walk. Let us always be mindful and thankful for the forgiveness of sins that has been extended to us despite our sins. Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his ________. All rights reserved. He is the hub, that all must revolve around. Taking the body, or human nature, prepared for him, and uniting it to himself. The idea is that they were innumerable, the hairs of the head, or the sands on the seashore; being employed in the Scriptures to denote what cannot be numbered (see Psalm 69:4; compare Gen. 22:17; 32:12; Joshua 11:4; 2 Sam. Psalm 38 ) things the Lord had done it gets on your shoes and you walk... Insights from your pit, mud, and the book of life and the of... That all must revolve around effort, they will get out of these pits other similar (... To refer to the Chief Musician not going to be enough troubles number... And helpless situation ; compare the language of ( psalm 37:4 ),! Faith in these things, thou wilt not withhold, etc my ears you have dug slimy. Awl ( a different Hebrew word ; Exod even kept him from looking up maketh the rejoice! Sacrifices and offerings be made to represent the whole or vice versa if Lord! Truly the pits of sin of life and the book of life and the surety his... The guy I mentioned last week, who brought salvation to the Chief.. 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