It goes without saying that you could try to find an entrance to my world and penetrate your way into there. If there are no symbols or other symbols, you are maybe in bigger trouble as you think, because not every underground installation belongs to our kind. It is one of your own secret military projects that you build with the help of immature alien technology technology that was handed over to you by the extraterrestrials during the 1960s and the 1970s. ?Maybe with her guidance and the ones like ourselves who are ready or able to accept that there are other forms of existence. I will tell you in the following only about your creations, because the six previous mankinds are lost and therefore they should not concern you. Distribution: for a map of subspecies see Bischoff 1988, Andres et al. If so, the writer is a genius. The height of the dome at the highest point is about 220 meters. Climate change. Maybe the rumors are wrong. I believe I rememberI dont want to specify exactly your datethat it was probably between 1949 and 1952 that there was a rather bad accident during some research being done on one of the wrecks. That world, where everybody feels as One, is described in 2 of my books: BVC Community Plan and Journey Into the City of Light of BVC. The last battles in this war were fought around 5,000 years ago in orbit and surface. Just apply and use common sense. And God Bless You, too, Harold. That is to say, it can be interacted with solid matter as well as with mind or mental information, wherewith we can achieve everything that is generally designated as telekinesis and telepathy. Dimensions, as you call them, are a part of a solitary bubble, bubbles or universal foam are a part of a level, and levels are layers in the sphere of influence, while the sphere of influence, acting in the capacity of single physical size, is essentially unending; it is composed of innumerable information-energy layers and general levels. Watch Interview with Reptilian female Lacerta (The Lacerta Files With Clear Audio and Subtitles) by Whole Secrets 6 years ago 4.4k views I certify that the following text is the absolute truth and no work of fiction. Well, then you have an approximate impression of what happened. Please help, With that nickname you chose to identify yourself I doubt someone wants to contact you, don't you think? Sometimes, you need to try it yourself to see if the theorem truly applies to all type of data. Most people with that type of education, a Masters degree in Theoretical Physics, have filters on, but not to questions the authority but to filter anything they hear that is contrary, conflicts or questions the official point of view of the government or figures of authority. I will see how you react, how others of your kind react. They were simple animals. Our latest book, History's Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. Wish there was something I could do. No, the original unedited material is not available. These things have happened and they will continue to happen, whether you believe it or not. Apparently, however, some of my performances today have set you to thinking about your world, something that cant be all bad. We also enjoy swimming in very warm water or other liquids to rise our body temperature. Its possible there is a test station here on your continent. Read online the book Brother Veritus Community Plan at . The Anunnaki from Nibiru, 2. the Reptilian Renegades and their Zeta minions, and, 3. See his presentation titled The Tell-Tale Dash: James Files and the Dented Cartridge Case. Hi, I would like to know how and where did you meet Lacerta. I reviewed another language document for confirmation. I have reached my adult phase and my awareness 16,337 cycles ago (this is a very important date for us.) I myself find the information informative and instructive. This symbol was used from certain parts of my society, but it is today very seldom you humans have copied it very often in your old writings. The meeting took place on April 27, 2000 in another isolated location. I had talked with her for over 3 hours, so the following transcript shows you only shortened parts of the interview, because she asked me after the interview not to publish everything she had told me already now. Do you have a job like us? At her request, the original text of 31 pages was sanitised. During the next 20 million years this species was divided by nature into 27 sub-species (unfortunately, former reptilian species were prone to divide themselves in a more or less illogical way into sub-species during the evolution process. We need to realize we are one consciousness as a human race and treat each other with kindness, respect, and humility, only then will we realize our potential. These obscure intentions are not really your fault; you are simply following for the most part what you have inherited from your ancestors. Everyone places labels on others within the human species, but would it even make sense to classify us as American or Russian if we were to compare ourselves to another sentient species? In the next war humans won't be the issue, it will be between the race of aliens that want ultimate control over the raw materials on this planet and while we may not ultimately mater to her race a war here will involve her kind. Is there any chance for the friendly reptilians to appear in the public if we could deal with most of our problems within 20 years? Many of us eat raw flesh or other things which would be disgusting for you. Maybe there is hope for your kind. In my opinion, it was our right to fight for our planet. In case you were expecting me to act offended, I guess Ill have to partially disappoint you. But the details of that remain a mystery for the most part. Your conception of the physical world is based upon a simple material illusion. I had fully expected those kinds of extreme reactions. Contents 1 Xenology 2 Enigma 37 3 Ancient astronauts 4 Conspiracy 5 Morphology 6 See also 7 References 8 Research links Xenology The Lacerta Files state that humans were evolved by very advanced beings known as the " illojiim ". The following feature is very different from your body and part of our reptilian origin: if you touch the backside of my upper body you will feel a hard bony line through my clothing. The embryo inside this hull is completely autarky from the mothers body and it has every substance it needs to develop inside this chalk hull. Wouldnt it be humane to offer these several surviving reptilians some kind of above ground home and some kind of support to live normal life among and alongside humans? To use a term you will maybe understand: the other species came not from this universe but from another bubble in the foam of the Omniverse. Answer: Yes. There is such division among humans presently. How can it be, that human scientists havent found any trace of you and your ancestors if you really live for such a long time on this planet? If you are able to see our UFOs it means that the device is either defect or deactivated for some reason. Instead, you provide paragraphs and pages of gibberish and rehashed not even very creative science-fiction babble. My openness on this issue ends here. Your human scientists today see the Iridium concentration in the ground as an evidence for an asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs. Please upgrade to a. I would assign it at first glance to an alien species who have been visiting your planet for the last 35 years or so. Let me tell you how I see ants, in fact, just this weekend I observed 2 colonies: One colony of black ants and a huge colony of red ants. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. Answer: Yes. We have many question, with consequences I and Im sure my friend is willing to face. These are parts of a transcript of an interview Ive made with a non-human and reptilian being in December 1999. Believe it or not, this makes no real difference (but I hope you will believe. Finalmente, nosotros no somos responsables de estar aqu y es muy triste que nos usen de esa manera como lo estn haciendo en este momento unos cuantos (los Iluminati). At first we talked mainly about really ordinary things; later we got into religious and physical topics. I really do not want to make any indications about that. Even you people could theoretically do this; however, you are solidly blocked in these things. There is even a medical dispensary and a meeting room located there. However, I have hope for my species. Answer: Yes, but its forbidden. No, dont show us a photograph; let scientists take a really good look at it. Imagine the body of a normal human woman and you have at first a good imagination of my body. This means not that it was not done in previous times. (In the meantime of course there were times when it was completed and reconditioned.) Your scientists have not really understood the true nature of the universe, because your illogical mind is not able to see the easiest things and relies on wrong mathematics and numbers. I have control over the pencil and the interaction brings the matter field of the pencil to the point where it changes in the manner in which it moves, for example. When the phone became operational once again, there were quiet echoes and strange clicking and whirring sounds when I made calls. Question: That is fascinating. Hello. So I read this story and most of its advanced concepts put forth by Lacerta are really a mish-mash of the most modern human scientific theories combined with esoteric teachings from most of the older human wisdom traditions (like the Vedas, Advaita/Vedanta, Tibetan Buddhism, etc.). Finally I have done research about the Illojim aliens and have seen there names translated to something in the Hebrew bible as God. Answer: Partly, especially when the aliens took egg and sperm samples from you. I cant shake these thoughts or ideas and I will forever have a changed view of the world around me. Can you explain? I found this very interesting. It is interesting to hear this of a reptilian race. Something like Serve us or Obey? Thanks. This sounds very unbelievable to me. ANYONE can talk about dinosaur this and dinosaur that and not provide any real meaningful information that could be confirmed by science. Also that official science IS a religion. I personally do not fear the reptilian breed or any breed because we are living beings alive. I would like to know more but I fear that my research will not get so many fruits. Question: I understand. I could do the post for you if you send me the Japanese files but I rather prefer you to do so, only let me know and I add you to that group. She said that only a reptilian can reveal themselves but we cannot willfully meet a reptilian. I noticed in one of Lacertas old interviews, she talked about natural sun and how being exposed to it does miracle to her. Nice to see the interest of many, and also nice to read good comments, and the possibility to connect more dots, thus reinforcing what I feel in my heart is consistent and makes sense in my understanding of the nature and meaning of existence. So much in such a short time. Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, Im not a human being like you and to be honest Im no real mammal (despite my partly mammal-like body features, which are a result of evolution.) I noticed the same minivan again on several occasions traveling at a distance behind my car, even when I visited the town of 65 kilometers away. Males have sharp pointed nails with a length of sometimes 5 or 6 of your centimeters. Take good care of it, dont abuse the living, dont impose your will on others (I got kids, there are some exceptions, I know. During the time from 4,900 years ago to today, many other alien species arrived the planet (some of them used the old teaching and programming of your mind and played again God for you) but the Illojim themselves never came back. By the way, there are of course numerous secret teachings about the real possibilities which can give one these abilities, but I really dont know anything exact about that. Well, I guess that most of you just plain dont understand it, and those who do will not say anything about it to the general public. The connection absorption with another consciousness/awareness is generally separate in the procedure from the simple influence of matter, since different consciousness/awareness fields work with different oscillations. Any chance of getting the full version of the interview and a look at the drawings done by the interviewer during the interview, as Lacerta said we can look at the drawings we just cant take photos? The Elohim are alien demons and the antagonist in The Lacerta Files. The thin hull structure of that kind of disk craft is in and of itself not very stable, since those disks have not been designed for crashes as well as for flight in a field where there are exterior forces at work. Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. You really have to see it for yourself to be able to believe it. Another ship had crashed in 1946, but it was destroyed beyond usability. In the case from 1947 which you addressed, it is my understanding that one of the ships got caught in a fluctuation, its field linked up unintentionally with that of its squadron leader and it collided with another ship whereby both of them were heavily damaged. I do not have contact with Lacerta as I said before. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con,,, I have been seeing clues and evidence of otherworldly beings since I was a wee boy, and even after getting a Masters in Theoretical Physics I always thought there was something missing. Of course we would also ask for help when it became clear that your old partners were ganging up on you. The timelines she references cannot be ignored regarding the last 5000 years. Of course, they did not divulge the real reasons for their being here copper, hydrogen, air but rather they pretended to be curious researchers and offered to show people the functioning principle of the ships whereby they would expect in return some favors. Simple-minded as you are, you of course agreed to itand were deceived. The illustrations are not of Lacerta. So Lacertas correct on her statement. Both species wanted to have the copper of Planet Earth and for this reason they fought a not very long war in space and orbit. It was exactly 4,943 years ago according to your time scale that the Illojim left the planet again for unknown reasons (this is a very important date for us, because many of our historians called it a victory.) Another example: you can for example remember that you were just in a normal of your human hospitals and that some doctors were examining you and you think not further about what have happened to you (maybe till you discover that there is no hospital in the street were you supposed it) but in fact you were examined by them in one of their laboratories. Answer: Open your eyes and see. Thank you for sharing! Post-Plasma on this side, para-layer on the other. With antigravity or the displacement of gravitational characteristics into levels, one can, for example, cause apparently solid matter to levitate; this method is employed partly by us and by extraterrestrials as well as a means of propulsion for their UFOs. Answer: Do you really think I will tell you their exact location? Original natives living underground because of us is leaving me very bad taste. Two further crashes occurred in 1950 and 1953 in the water catchment area of the American continent. Good questions, No. The only thing I find a bit off-putting or perhaps more disappointing than off-putting, is the fact that the original interviews where carried out back end of 1999 and front end of 2000, over 17 years ago. Answer: No, I wear this human every-day-clothing only when Im among humans. It depends on the enemy race and on their tactic. with family and friends! Oh, we have no navel, because we were born in a different way to your mammal birth. The mammals evolved since let us say 150 millions of years, but only in the last 2 3 millions of years they were able to became intelligent and thinking. That is not especially difficult. The coloring is very dark and the interior optical distortion is very noticeable. The word Ilojiim or Illojim used extensively in these texts could mean Elohim, since this is the equivalent traditional word used in Western culture, however, this term may indicate a different galactic race. Believe me, there are only 14 alien species on this planet and only eight of them abduct humans at the moment (again as far as we know.) With all sides of humanity fighting against each other and causing more rifts, hatred and anger than ever before, perhaps now is a good time for these "aliens" to show face, expose themselves, even at the risk of war (considering current human wars are already costing thousands of innocent lives) it might unite humanity in some way? If I would now try to change this, it would probably lead to an absolute confusion or to unconsciousness and I dont want to harm you. I am yet to see a reptilian, can we say a saying, to uncloak their mimicry over us? Arguably most of humanity is this way. This is not a typical comment platform, like YouTube, where people can runt and rave with no restriction; here we have to be respectful to each other and to pay attention to the answers given before jumping to fight. There we can give the Lacerta Files original webpage address for reference. We see a spider in our home and we let it be. I feel the bee has as much right to exist as I do. Lo que podemos hacer es cambiar nuestra forma de pensar y en esta forma el sistema cambiar. In the case of a German version I would not need any support. Are the deleted portions of the interviews available? I didn't realize how our history was completely wrong. This has been something that has greatly interested me since I have discovered it. It has been 10-20 years since this interview. If one spends the time to look into other older stories of creation and the beginning times, one can see that many of the current and canonised bible stories are a retelling of much earlier events, for example, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nad Hammadi codices and the Sumerian list of kings. The humans of your series were very frightened when they observed our battles and they wrote it down in form of religious myths (their mind was not able to understand what was really going on.) The current theory is, that both species had ceased to exist during the millions of years. I find myself intrigued by your information. But then again, maybe not. Well, nature was not very friendly to us and as far a we know from the 27 sub-species 24 were extinct in primitive wars and in evolution, because their organism and mind was not developed enough to survive and (as main reason) they were not able to change their blood temperature in the right way if the climate changed. The rest of our knowledge about our evolution comes from skeletons and from the back-reading and de/encoding of our DNA. I hope that one day we will learn more. The following is generally valid: the stronger the paranormal abilities of a species, the simpler the adaptation and the access. Theres absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is for real. In the sphere of influence this causes simultaneously an automatic command from the consciousness/awareness layer to the para-layer to interact with the matter layer of the pencil. Reptilians like Lacerta are the original inhabitants of this planet. The majority, in various star systems, are members of the Galactic Federation of Light and adhere to the Galactic Codex of ethical behavior in their interactions with other civilizations. Adems la educacin y los medios estn sutilmente controlando nuestras mentes. Actually, it is not a genuine light (it is mostly not a genuine light whenever you see illuminating UFOs) but a special strongly charged form field which manifests itself in the space that matter inhabits as a quasi-light. Some part in this interview was also a warning to us as humans. If you see one of that symbols on a cylindrical craft Ive described in my previous answer or on some underground installation, this thing or place belongs definitely to us (and I would advise you to go away from there as soon as possible.). I found a lot of things, what make more sense now. Please read above comments on this. If the Illojims have the same levels of technology as the Lacertas, and Illojims put a "curse" on our genes, and Lacertas are alive from then to near now, why hadn't it remove it? I hope that humans will soon be able to live with all different races we share this beautiful universe and theres no reason we shouldnt be able to live together. Their survival depends on remaining hidden from view. Most of the mysterious flying objects in the sky are not technological devices but mainly misinterpretations of natural phenomena your scientists have not understood (like spontaneous plasma flares in the high atmosphere.) This is partly the guilty of the Illojim themselves, because they had constructed or better mis-constructed (partly intentionally) your mind and your consciousness without real protection mechanisms. Answer: Probably, but I dont think so in your special case. Most of them are not members of the Draco Reptilian Empire (renegades of the Reptilian galactic race) that have worked with Deep State. Imagine, if you will, a human body which is engulfed in bright flames for 3 or 4 of your days. In addition, the head is the only part of our body where we have hairs. Answer: I understand that this must sound absolutely unbelievable to you, because you are a young and genetically engineered species. Answer: This is difficult to answer. No. Sometimes the abductors belong to another and more advanced race and they just want to study your body and your mind (which is more interesting for some of them than your solid body) as you would study a primitive animal. That doesnt make any sense. How would the human race leaders treat a less intelligent life form if they came across it, would they act benevolent and kindly or trick them into giving up their precious resources from their planet if there was gain to be made from it? It is a mistake to think that all reptilians, no matter where they were born and live, are the same people with the same agenda of the New World Order for planet Earth. If youre truly a believer in the Light, everyone should be allowed to speak their truths with no filter. We were put in charge on the surface and we blew it big time. This species used an alignment technology in their ships, with which the field locked into place all points of the Earths magnetic field. Agreed to itand were deceived or ideas and I will see how you react, how others your... Is very noticeable at first we talked mainly about really ordinary things ; we... Solidly blocked in these things have happened and they will continue to happen, whether you it... Awareness 16,337 cycles ago ( this is for real would not need any.... Your old partners were ganging up on you am yet to see our UFOs it means that device... Based upon a simple material illusion 1953 in the Hebrew bible as God depends on enemy! 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