Each approach has certain advantages. "I saw a pretty girl across the arbor, chun, she was my cousin." Pine Ridge Reservation, also used on Cheyenne River and Standing . Chun, or Chust: Multiple meanings, a reaction used for describing a situation or problem or an event. #2. Lowan means song or singing. Used by Native Americans as derogatory for other Native Americans who are red on the outside but white on the inside. Womens term for older sister. the making of relatives ceremony, TRANSLATION of LAKOTA to ENGLISH + Lakota Pronunciation Guide, A OGLUTEYA / Surround / ah oh glue Day yahn, A OKPANI / Lacking(be) / ah oh kpah nee, A OKPANI/Supply(be in short)/ah oh-kpah-nee, ABLES WICAYE/Explain/ah-blaysh wee-chah-yea, ACICAHLO / Complain/ ah chee chah ghloh, AGLATOSA / Boastful/ ay glah dohn S ahn, AGUYAPI OKAGE/Bakery/ah-ghue-yah-pee oh-kah-ghay, AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Cake/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah, AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Cookie/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah, AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Rolls(sweet)/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah, AGUYAPISKUYELA / Pastry/ ah ghuh yah pee skue yea lah. Jan 13, 2023, 08:14 AM EST. Press 'Ctrl F' to open a search box in your browser to search specific Lakota or English words that appear on this page. beaver: literally swims-stick-in-mouth. What's new on our site today! We are one of the few companies in the world offering a learn Lakota audio cd. nue wanie = S/He has no ears!ohuwelaka = I cant believe its come to this! Effie haka gleglea = S/hes a LIAR! canshasha(chun-shaw-shaw). Wasi'chu. Blow off steam: getting rid of stress, energy or anger. There is a house. savage. (an expression of relief when something bad almost happened). /* 728x15 link ad */ lolI hope you guys enjoyed part 2!! There are 1148 other synonyms or words related to native americans listed above. Your email address will not be published. did you miss me? anpetuwi(ahn-pay-too-wee) the sun literally the day sun. (her/his tongue is striped its an old timey reference to IKTOMI), Waaruxti eyahahe = _____ is a boss (REQUIRES A NAME). You'd like to improve your Lakota vocabulary? Earlier this week, over one million people from around the world "checked in" to the Standing Rock Indian Reservation via Facebook. Instead, the term was chosen by psychologists for people with cognitive disabilities. expression of readiness or affirmation, hunka lowanpi. Her previous professional work includes the SRST Health Education Director, a Lakota Language instructor at the Lakota Language Immersion Nest and as the Language Specialist for the Language & Culture Institute. You'll see an easy to follow lesson which includes numerous useful examples in both Lakota and English. cuwe(choo-way). Welcome to our Lakota vocabulary page! Sksksksks. ho. Well, it's a dish with sweet corn as the star ingredient. anhe(ahn-hey).exclamation of self satisfaction. Alayna offers multiple types of workshops including: Self Healing, Life Coaching, Powwow Dancing and Culture Sharing, Language learning and best practices, Comedy Performance, and Cultural Sensitivity. Native American crafts Itniya = foreal?! Below is a massive list of lakota words - that is, words related to lakota. ah-boo(ah-boo).. A childs term for sleep. Eg. That is, it refers to just the type of people who need society's compassion and care. Meaning. The top 4 are: sioux, dakota, oglala and hunkpapa. Tipis can (chun). All the: this phrase is a typical expression used to show strong feelings. canunpa oke(chun-noon-pah oh-k ay). tas = as if! Posted on February 12, 2019 Learn to speak Lakota slang phrases to use everyday! We'll begin by learning some basic Lakota phrases which you can use for everyday communication. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "native americans" are: red people, chug, american, squa, and gambling. Press Ctrl F to open a search box in your browser to search specific Lakota or English words that appear on this page. A fat native person. ; ; JIALGNHTFD-3RSWIICCS 1000Pa; 3919,/aqdglka/lakota-slang-words,JIALGNHTFD-3RSWIICCS . canpamiyanwagon(chun-pah-hmee-yahn) : wagon, literally rolling wood, canpaza (chun-pah-zah). advisors, leaders, to a large war party. Lowanpi means singing with ceremonies or performances. Along with the meaning of the word, the dictionary will also provide usage examples. Download the audio files (Zip format, 897K) Lakota translations provided by Jan Ullrich, Linguistic Director of the Lakota Language Consortium, with additions by Michael Katalenich, and recordings from Jared Woods. Lakota Words. The other night I fell off my bar stool. normatec contraindications > what type of plate class is a regular car > lakota slang words. You'll begin with simple Lakota phrases and day to day vocabulary and advance at your own pace seeing, listening and responding in Lakota. You can view the PDF dictionary on your smartphone or your iPad (using the free iBooks app). For example, busted can mean "broken" or "ugly," sick can mean "ill" or "very cool," and hip can mean "trendy" or "fashionably un-trendy.". a-i-i-i-i(ah-ee-ee-ee-ee).. an expression of anxiety. American English Slang for Actions. Approximate spelling. Lakota is a Siouan language, related to other languages like Nakoda and Hochunk . To get started with step 1, simply click the 9-step speedometer symbol. The allied ones. Jay-Z's new album is dope. akita mani yo(ah-kee-tah mah-nee yo) indian awarness literally observe everything as you go. Derived from the Lakota word "c'anli." Pine Ridge Reservation. Eg. The only term employed by the native Sioux Lakota speaker to disparage, poke fun at, trip, or Dope It's used as an adjective to mean cool, awesome, great. - YouTube 0:00 / 9:13 NATIVE AMERICAN SLANG! the morning star, ANPO KABLEZE/Day break/an-poh kah-blay-zay, ANUG/Reciprocal(mutual feelings)/ah-nue-gh, AOTOGNAKA / Dare/ ah oh doh gnah kah, APAMAGLE / Descend/ ah pah mah glay, APETU KEYA WANA EL UKUPIKU/Days(now living)/ah-pay-due kay-yah wah-nah ayl uen-kuen-pee-kuen, APETU YAMNI/Wednesday/ahn-pay-due yah-mnee, ASANPI WIGLI/Butter/ah-shahn-pee wee-glee, ASANPI YUSLI PI/Milk(from a cow)/ah-sahn-pee yue-slee pee, ATAYAHCI / Thoroughly/ ah dah yah ghchee, ATEWAYA/Father(I have for)/ah-day-wah-yah, ATKUKU KI/Father(his/her)/ah-dkue-kue kee, ATOSOKIHISNI / Vain/ ah doh shoh kee hee shnee, AWAWAPTE/Cutting Board/ah wah wah pday, AWECAKEYA / Truly/ ah way chah kay yah, AYABEYA TOKIYOTATA/All over(every direction)/ah-yah-bay-yah doh-kee-yoh-dahn-dahn, AYABEYA / Everywhere/ ah yah Bay yah, AYATAYAS / Completely/ ah yah dah yahsh, AYUKIPATUJA / Bow(incline)/ ah yue kee pah duh zjah, AYUMNIMNIJA / Curl/ ah yue mnee mnee zjah, AYUWICAKA / Assure/ ah yue wee chah kah, BLAYE ZITKATACA HU STOLA/Clover/blah-yea zee-dkah-dah-chahn hue sdoh-lah, BLIHIC IYE/Energetic (to become)/blee-hee-ch ee-yea, CA ALETKA / branch(tree) / chahn ah lay dkah, CA ICIPAWAGA/Cross(crucifix)/chahn ee-chee-pah-wah-ghah, CAGUGUYASA / Thrush/ chahn ghue ghue yah shah, CAHICAZO / Skates/ cah ghee chah zoh, CAICIKOPA / Cradle/ chahn eech eek ohn pah, CAJE O IGWA/Signature/chah-zjay oh ee-gwah, CAKAGIYA / Delay/ chahn kah gee yah, CAKAJIPA / Carve/ chahn kah zjhee pah, CAKATOTOLA / Woodpecker/ chahn kah doh doh lah, CALI YATAPI/Tobacco(chewing)/cahn-lee yah-dah-pee, CALOWA KIYAPI/Organ/chahn-loh-wahn kee-yah-pee, CAN BLASKA SAPA/Blackboard/chahn blah-shlah sah-pah, Can OGNAKE / Coffin / chahn oh gnah kay, CAN POM CIKALA/Buggy/chahn-pohm chee-kah-lah, CANAKOYA KAPI WICASA/Chairman/chahn-nah-kohn-yahn kah-pee wee-chah-shah, CANIWAKSE/Saw(to use with hand)/chah-nee-wah-kshee, CANTE SKUYE/Sweetheart/chahn-day skue-yea, CANUPASITE / Pipestem/ chahn nue pah see Day, CAPAJIPE/Carpenter shop/chahn pah zjee pay, CASAKALA / Sticks/ chahn sah kah lah, CASISLOYAPI / Wax/ chahn shee shloh yah pee, CATE IHOGYE/Harass/chahn-day ee-hohn-g-yea, CATE KIYUZA/Regard(to)/chahn-day kee-yue-zah, CATE SICAPI/Sorrow/chahn-day shee-chah-pee, CATE WASTE YA/Gladly/chahn-day wah-shday yah, CATE WASTE YA/Joyfully/chahn-day wah-shday yah, CATE WASTE / Cheerful / chahn Day wahsh Day, CATESICA/Downhearted(to be)/chahn-day-shee-chah, CATIHAGICIYA / Despair/ chahn dee hahn gee chee yah, CATKAYATA/Left side/chah dkah yah dahn, CAWAHPA TAKA/Grackle/cahn-wah-ghpah dahn-kah, CAWAKCICA / Plate(wooden)/ chahn wah kchee chah, CAWOGNAKA / Casket/ chah woh gnah kah, CECAHOHU / Femur/ chay chah hoh hue, CECAOAKLE / Pelvis/ chay chah oh ah klay, CEGNAKE / cover(Clothe)/ chay gnah kay, CEHMNIYATKE / Cup/ chay ghmnee yahd kay, CEHUPAOAGLE / Jawjoint/ chay hue pah oh ah glay, CESKI YUTA/Suspenders/chay-shkee yue-dahn, CESKOHLOKE / throat(Lower)/ chay shkoh ghloh kay, CETA WATAPELA/Shrike/chay-dah wah-dah-pay-lah, CETUTOSTA/Femur head/chay-duen-doh-shdahn, CHA IYOHAZI/Shade of tree/chahn ee-yoh-ahn-zee, CHANUPA/Calumet(indian pipe)/chah-nue-pah, CHEGNAKE / Breechcloth/ chay ghnah kay, CHUWIHEPIYA/Side of(person Or animal)/chue wee Hay pee yah, CISNIYAKEL / Detest/ chee shnee yahn kayl, CIYEKU KI/Brother(his/her older)/chee-yea-kue kee, CIYEWAYA/Brother(I have for older)/chee-yea-wah-yah, CIYEWAYE KI/Brother(my older)/chee-yea-wah-yea kee, CUWEKU KI/Sister(his/her older)/chue-way-kue kee, CUWEWAYA/Sister(I have for older)/chue-way-wah-yah, CUWI GNAKE/Dress(woman)/chue-wee gnah-kay, CUWIPAHA/Side(below arms)/chue-wee-pah-hah, CUWIYAPEHE / Grape/ chuhn wee yah pay hay, ECEWAKTA / Attend(attentive)/ ay chay wah kdah, ECISNIYA / Thoughtlessly/ ay chee shnee yahn, ECON PICA SNI/Impossible/ay-chohn pee-chah shnee, EHAKEKE NIYA/Breathe one s last/ay-hah-kay-ka -nee-yahn, EICICAGA / Claim/ ay ee ch ee chah gah, EKA YUSLOHA/Suspend/ay-kahn yue-sloh-hahn, EKTA ETUWA/Look toward/ay-kdah ay-duen-wah, EKTA WAYAKA/Look back/aykdah wahn-yahn-kah, EKTASNIYA / According/ ayk dah shnee yah, EKTAWAPAYA KI/Later today/ay-kdahn-wah-pah-yah kee, EKTAWAPAYA/Today(later on)/ay-kdah-wah-pah-yah, EKTU JE SYA/Forgetfull/ay-duen-zjay-shyah, EL ETOWASNI/Attention(pay no)/ayl ay-dohn-wahn-shnee, EL ETUWA SNI/Ignore(to)/ayl ay-duen-wahn shnee, EPAZO KE S E/Point out(to)/ay-pah-zoh kay s ay, GLOGLOSKA / Windpipe(throat)/ gloh gloh shkah, GLUSNIYAYA / Depart/ Glue shnee yahn yahn, GNUGNUSKA / Grasshopper/ gnue gnue shkah, HACOLAPI / Streaking/ hah choh lah pee, HAHATUWA/Chippewa tribe/hah hah due wah, HAHATUWA/Ojibwa tribe(chippewa)/hah hahn due wah, HAIPAJAJA / Soap/ hah ee pahzj ah zjah, HAIPAJAJABLU / Soap(flakes)/ hah ee pah zjah zjah blue, HAKAYE/Sister-in-law(of male)/hahn-kah-yea, HAN BLECEYAPI/Vision cry/hahn blay-chay-yah-pee, HANKA SI/Cousin-female(of a man)/hahn-kah shee, HASPAISMA CIKALA/Apricot/hahn-shpah-ee-shmah chee-kah-lah, HATA PI YO/Look out- run/hahn-dah pee yoh, HAWACIPI / Dance(Night)/ hahn wah chee pee, HCEHAL YAHI CA/Time(youve come at a bad)/gh-chay-hahnl ya-hee chah, HE APETU KI/Days(in those)/hay ah-pay-due kee, HE HECETU/Fact(that is the)/hay hay-chay-due, HECETUHCE / Surely/ hay chay due gh chay, HECETUKE / Common/ hay chay due kay, HECETULA / Approve/ hay chay due lah, HECETUYA / Properly/ hay chay duh yah, HECHENA HCI/Right now/hay-chay-nah gh-chee, HECIYA PI/Named that(to be)/hay-chee-yah pee, HECIYATA / Thereabout/ hay chee yah dahn, HECU PI S E/Having do this/hay-chuen pee s ay, HEHAKASAPA/Black elk/Hay hah kah sah pah, HEHAYA O IHAKE/The end/hay-hahn-yahn oh ee-hahn-kay, HEKTAKIYANAPE / Retreat(From)/ hay kdah kee yah nah pay, HIHANIWOTAPI / Breakfast/ hee hah nee woh dah pee, HIHANNI HCI/Early(am)/hee-hahn-nee ghchee, HIYAKAGA / Owl(Hoot)/ hee yah kah gah, HIYAKIGLE / Chatter/ hee yah kee glay, HLA HLA TAKA/Bell steeple/hglah hglah dahn-kah, HO EYAS WANA HECETU/That s enough/hoh ay-yahsh wah-nah hay-chay-due, HOCOKATA/Camp(middle of)/hoh-choh-kah-dah, HOCOKATOYA / Encircle/ hoh choh kah dohn yahn, HOHUMILA/Bone Knife/hoh hue mee lah, HOIPATE / Net(Fishing)/ hoh ee pah Day, HOKACA HAYE KIYE S E/Confuse/hoh-kah-chah hahn-yea kee-yea s-ay, HOKAHICA / Stork/ hoh kah ghee chah, HOKAMANIPILA / Crane s nesting place/hoh-kah mahn-ee-pee-lah, HOPA ISKA HUHOSKA/Boots/hohn-pah ee-shkah hue-hohn-shkah, HOWANAGOYE/Tape recorder/hoh wah nah ghoh yea, HOWASAPA / Catfish/ hoh wah shah pah, HOWIWACIPI / Dance(Ghost)/ hoh wee wah chee pee, HOYAZELA CIKALA/Kingfisher/hoh-yah-zay-lah chee-kah-lah, HU IPAT IZE/Pump(tire)/hue-ee-pahd ee-zay, HUHSNAHA / Few(very)/ huen gh shnah hahn, HUHU WOYAZO/Arthritis/huen-huen woh-yah-zoh, HUHUWANAPI / breastplate/ HUH hue wah nah pee, HUNAPOBYA / Blowout/ hue nah pohb yah, HUNKPAPAYA/Standing Rock Sioux/huen-kpah-pah-yah, HUPAKI GLAKE/Bat(animal)/hue-pah-kee glah-kay, HUPUCASAKALA / Swallow(Cliff)/ hue pue chahn sah kah lah, HUPUWABLILA/Snow Bunting/hue pue wahn blee lah, HUTA AGLAGLA/Edge(along the outside bottom)/hue-dah ah-glah-glah, HUYAKU / Sock(Stocking)/ huen yah kuen, ICAPSINTE / Quirt/ ee chahp see Day, ICASLECE / Wedge/ ee chah slay chay, ICATO NAU KE/Gallop/ee-chah-doh-nah-uen-kay, ICICAHIYA/Mixed Together/ee chee chah hee yah, ICICUPI / Surrender/ ee chee chue pee, ICINUMPA NIS/Anymore/ee-chee-nuem-pah neesh, ICITOKECA/Different(to be)/ee-chee-doh-kay-chah, ICITOTOKCA / Various/ ee chee doh doh kchah, ICIYOKIHEYA / Succession/ ee chee yoh kee hay yea, ICIZENAYA/Mixed up/ee chee zjay nah yahn, ICUPICA / Available/ ee chue pee chah, ICUWISKAYAS/Indeed thank you/ee-chuen-wee-shkah-yahsh, ICUWISKAYAS/Indeed- thank you/ee-chuen-wee-shkah-yahsh, IGLA O NIHA/Boisterous/ee-ghlah oh nee-hahn, IGLUJUJU / Strip/ ee glue zjue zjue, IGLUWAHPANICA / Wasteful/ ee glue wah ghpah nee chah, IGLUWASICU/Whiteman(to make oneself like a)/ee-glue-wah-shee-chue, IGLUWIYEYA/Prepare oneself/ee Glue wee yea yah, IGMU TAKA / lion / ee gmue dahn kah, IGMUTAKA/Mountain lion/ee gmue dahn kah, IGUGA OTI/Pueblo tribe/ee-ghue-ghah oh-dee, IHUHAOTILA / Sparrow/ eegh uegh ah oh dee lah, IHUKUYA / Underneath/ ee hue kue yah, IKATO NAU KE/Gallop/ee-kah-doh-nah-huen-kay, IKCE WASICU/Frenchman/eek-chay wah-shee-chue, IKI INYANKE/Race horse/ee-kee-ee-yahn-kay, IKOWAKATAHA/Other side of the water/ee-koh-wah-kah-dahn-hahn, IKOWAYEKA/Stick(to catch)/ee-koh-wah-yea-kah, IKPAHOZAPI/Rocking chair/ee kpah ohn zah pee, IKPATAYA / Careful/ eek pah tahn yahn, INIHICIYE / Concerned/ ee nee hee chee yea, INIHINCIYE / Oppress/ ee nee hee chee yea, INIKAGAPI/Sweat lodge/ee nee kah ghah pee, INILA YAKI YE/Shut up/ee-nee-lah yahn-kee yea, INYANKAHMUPI / Slingshot/ ee yahn kah ghmue pee, IOHITIKA / Bold/ ee oh hee dee kah, IOSILA / Compassion/ ee ohn shee lah, IPASISYE / Fasten/ ee pah shee shyea, IPASOTKAYA/Church tower/tee-pee ee-pah-soh-dkah-yah, IPUSKEPA / Strainer/ ee pue skay pah, IPUSTAHCA / Scorch/ ee pue sdahn ghchah, IPUSTAHCA / Sear/ ee pue sdahn ghchah, ISAYETI/Santee Lakhota/ee sahn yea dee, ISLOYATAN / Rightside/ ee shloh yah dahn, ISOM WASTE / Better / ee shohm wahsh Day, ISTA OTOYA/Blackeye(to give one a )/ee-shdah oh-doh-yah, ISTA WICAYAZAPI WI/March/eesh-dah wee-chahn-yah-zahn-pee wee, ISTAMAZA / Binoculars/ ee shdah mah zah, ISTAMAZA / Telescope/ ee shdah mah zah, ISTAMNIHAPI / Tears/ ee shdah mnee hahn pee, ISTANICA TAKA/Lark/ee-shdahn-ee-chah dahn-kah, ISTANICATAKA / Swallow(bird)/ ee shdah nee chah dahn kah, ISTELIC IYEYA/Baffle/ee-shday-leech ee-yea-yah, ISTIAIYOSHIJA / Dazzle/ ee shdee ah ee yoh shnee zjah, ISTIMAHAPI / Eyelashes/ ee shdee mah hahn pee, ISTO NAKIPI/Sling(arm)/ee-shdoh nah-kee-pee, ITACA IYOKIHE/Vice-president/ee-dahn-chahn ee-yoh-kee-hay, ITAZIPKO/Sans Arc lakhota/ee-dah-zeeb-koh, ITEOYUZE / Appearance/ ee Day oh yue zay, ITESAHIGLE / Blush/ ee Day shah hee glay, ITIMAHETAHA/Inside it/ee dee mah Hay dahn hahn, ITOCICACU / Camera/ ee doh chee chah chue, ITOKAGATA / South/ ee doh kah ghah dahn, ITOKAGATAKIYA/Toward the south/ee-doh-kah-ghah-day-kee-yah, IWAHTELA SNI/Disguised/ee-wah-ghday-lah shnee, IWAKICIWACIPI / Dance(Scalp)/ ee wah kee chee wah chee pee, IWAKOYOGYE / Roping(horse)/ ee wah koh yohg yea, IWAKTA WICAYAPI/Warning/ee-wah-kdah wee-chah-yah-pee, IWASTEGLA / Slowly/ ee wah shday glah, IWATOKIYA / Concern/ ee wah doh kee yah, IWATOKIYASNI / Business/ ee wah doh kee yah shnee, IWAYAZO / Hangover/ ee wah yah zohn, IWICAYUTA / Attract/ ee wee chah yue dahn, IWOBLU / Snowing(blizzard)/ ee woh blue, IYAGEGNAG / Cluster/ ee yah gay gnah g, IYAKAPEMNIPI / Warclub/ ee yahn kah pay mnee pee, IYAKICIHPAYA / Bounce/ ee yah kee chee ghpah yah, IYANKAPI / Running/ ee yahn kah pee, IYANUGA / Callous/ ee yah nuen gah gh, IYATAKUNI SNI/Disappear(gradually)/ee-yah-dah-kue-nee shnee, IYAYEKIYA/Run away(to)/ee-yah-yea-kee-yah, IYE CINKAL IYANKE/Automobile/ee-yea chee-kahl ee-yahn-kay, IYECECA / Resemble/ ee yea chay chah, IYECEHCI/Exactly in the same manner/ee-yea-chay-ghchee, IYECHIKIYAKE / Car/ ee yea chee kee yah kay, IYEKIYE / Recognize/ ee yea kee yea, IYES WASTE TKHA/It would be better if/ee-yeash wah-shday dkhah, IYOHLATE / Below(Just)/ ee YO ghlah Day, IYOHLOKE / Tributary/ ee yoh ghloh kay, IYOKIPIYA/Happy(to make)/ee-yoh-kee-pee-yah, IYOKISICE / Sad/ ee yoh kee shee chay, IYOKISNI / Forbid/ ee yoh kee shnee, IYOPA STAKE/Encourage/ee-yoh-pah shdah-kay, IYOPAZA / Check(latch Money)/ ee yoh pah zahn, IYOPEICIYE / Repent/ ee yoh pay ee chee yea, IYOPEKIYA / Punish/ ee yoh pay kee yah, IYOPEYAPI / Reprimand/ ee yoh pay ah pee, IYOPTEYA / Fulfill/ ee yoh pday yah, IYOPTEYA / Observe/ ee yoh pday yah, IYOTA WASAKE/Almighty/ee-yoh-dahn wah-shah-kay, IYOTIYEKIYA/Someone poor(in a sad way)/ee-yoh-dee-yea-kee-yah, IYOTIYEWAKIYE/Poor Me/ee yoh dee yea wah kee yea, IYOWIKIYA/Permission(to give)/ee-yoh-wee-kee-yah, IYOWINKISNI / Allow/ ee yoh wee kee shnee, IYUGEYA / Extremely/ ee yue gh hay yah, IYUHITA / Intestines/ ee yue hee dah, IYUSICA / Corrupt/ ee yue shee chah, IYUWASTE/Benefit(make good)/ee-yue-wah-shday, JOLPWAPI / Whistling/ zjohl p wahn pee, K U HEHA/When- in the past/k uen hay-hahn, KAAYASKAB / Cling/ kah ah yah skahb, KAGI WICASA/Crow tribe/kahn-ghee wee-chah-shah, KAGIHA MIGNAKA/Bustle(feather)/kahn-gee-hah mee-gnah-kah, KAHA WANAPI/Tie(neck)/kah-ghah wah-nah-pee, KAHEYAWAPAYA / side(Not middle)/ kah ghay yah wah pah yah, KAHLEHLEL / Fracture/ kah ghlay ghlayl, KAIPSILYALAKE S E/Ahead/kah-eep-seel-yah-lah-kay s ay, KAOKICUYA / Deluge/ kah oh keech uh yah, KAOSPE / Training(horse)/ kah ohn spay, KAPOJELA / Lightweight/ kah poh zjay lah, KAPOPAPI/Soda(soft drink)/kah-poh-pah-pee, KASKAPIYA / Arrest/ kah shkah pee yah, KASKEYA / Arrested(have)/ kah shkay yah, KASPAPI OKISE/Nickle/kah-shpah-pee oh-kee-say, KATIYEYA / Directly/ kah dee yea yah, KICICEYA/Bewail(deep sorrow)/kee-chee-chay-yah, KICICIC IYA/Join together in a cause(to)/kee-chee-chee-ch ee-yah, KICIHMUGA/Bewitch each other/kee-chee-ghmuen-gah, KICIPAESYA / Against/ kee chee pah ay syah, KICIYAMNA / acquire/ kee chee yahm nah, KICUNI/Abstain from(leave off)/kee-chuen-nee, KICUNIYAKEL / Circumspect/ kee chuen nee yahn kayl, KIKTOPAWIGE / Thousand(S)/ kee kdoh pah wee ghay, KIPASIYAYA / Avoid/ kee PA shee yah yah, KIPASIYAYA / Elude/ kee pah shee yah yah, KIPASIYAYA / Evade/ kee PA shee yah yah, KIWASICU / Assimilate/ kee wah shee chue, KIWASICU/Urban Indian/kee wah shee chuen, KIYE KIYAP / Airplane / kee yea kee yah pee, KIYEKIYAPI / Airplane/ kee yea kee yah pee, KIYUTE / Channel(strait)/ kee yue Day, KOKEYAHULA / Chicken/ koh kay yah hue lah, KOKOYAHALA / Chicken/ koh koh yah ghahn lah, KOKOYAHALA / Rooster/ koh koh yah ghahn lah, KPAYELABLECAHE / Shatter/ kpahn yea lah blay chah hay, KSAININKE / Retarded/ ksah ee nee nkay, KUL GLIHPEYE/Throw(down)/kuhl glee-ghpay-yea, KULWICASA/Lower Brule/kuel wee chah shah, KUSEYAON / Shielding/ kue shay yah ohn, KUSITKU KI / Grandmother(his / her) / kuen shee dkue kee, LAKOTUYAPI/Lakhota Language/lah koh due yah pee, LAZATA OPIC IYA/Hang back(to)/lah-zah-dah oh-peech ee-yah, LECEGLA CAS U/From this amount/lay-chay-glah-chah-sh-uen, LECETUSYE / Example/ lay chay due shyea, LECIYOTA / Hearabout/ lay chee yoh dahn, LILA HCI SNI/Not much/lee-lah ghchee shnee, LILA PILAMAYAYE/Thank you very much/lee-lah pee-lah-mah-yah-yea, LILA WASTE / Good(very) / lee lah wah shday, LILA WIYA WASTE/Beautiful woman/lee-lah wee-yahn wah-shday, MAH AGLATAPI/Cultivate/mah-gh ah-glah-dah-pee, MAHELOGLE / Undershirt/ mah hayl oh glay, MAHELUZOGE / Shorts/ mah hayl uen zoh gay, MAHPIOHAZI / Clouds(scattered)/ mah ghpee oh hahn zee, MAHPIYA LUTA/Red cloud/mah-ghpee-yah lue-dah, MAHPIYA TO/Arapaho tribe/mah-ghpee-yah doh, MAHPIYAYA / Cloudy/ mah ghpee yah yah, MAKA IYUTAPI/Survey/mah-kah ee-yue-dah-pee, MAKA OWASPE/State(territory)/mah-kah oh-wah-shpay, MAKA OWASPE/Territory(state)/mah-kah oh-wah-shpay, MAKIWASPE / Shovel(Spade)/ mah kee wah shpay, MAKIWASPE / Spade/ mah kee wah shpay, MAKIYOKIPI / Acclimate/ mah kee yoh kee pee, MAKIZITA WAKPA/White river/mah-kee-zjee-dah wah-kpah, MAKOBLAYE / Meadow/ mah koh blah yea, MAKOCAZEYATE / Address/ mah koh CHA zjay yah Day, MAKOCE WOWAPI/Map/mah-koh-chay woh-wah-pee, MAKOECAGE / Zone/ mah koh ay chah ghay, MAKOSKANL / Wilderness/ mah koh skahnl, MANIOPAWAKIYELA / Sandpiper/ mah nee oh pah wah kee yea lah, MAPOPOPE / Motorcycle/ mah poh poh pay, MASTEWAPOSTA / Bonnet/ mah shday wah poh shdahn, MASTICA TAWOYUTE/Lettuce/mah-shdee-chahn dah-woh-yue-day, MASTICAPUTE/Buffalo berry/mah shdee chah pue Day, MASTICAWACIPI / Dance(Rabbit)/ mah shdee chah wah chee pee, MASTISAPA/Cottontail Rabbit/mah shdee sah pah, MASTISKA / Jackrabbit/ mah shdee skah, MASWICOPI/Dish pan/mahs wee chohn pee, MATOSAPA / Blackbear/ mah doh sah pah, MAYAKASASA / Cutbank/ mah yah kah shah shah, MAZAKAGA/Blacksmith shop/mah zah kah gah, MAZASKA AWANYANKE/Translate/mah-zah-skah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, MAZASKA WAJI/Dollar/mah-zah-shkah wah-zjee, MAZASKA / Money(Silver)/ mah zah skah, MAZASKASKA / Clock/ mah zah skahn skahn, MAZAWAKA TAKA/Cannon/mah-zah-wah-kahn dahn-kah, MAZAWAKAN / Rifle/ mah zah wah kahn, MILAHASKA TAMAKOCE/United states/mee-lah-hahn-skah dah-mah-koh-chay, MINNECOJU/Cheyenne river Lakhota/mee-nay-koh-zjue, MIOGLASI/Looking Glass/mee Oh gla see, MIOGLASI / Mirror/ mee oh glah shee, MISUKALA KI/Brother(my younger)/mee-suen-kah-lah kee, MITAKA KI/Sister(my younger)/mee-dahn-kah kee, MITAKE KI/Sister(my older)/mee-dahn-kay kee, MITAKOJA KI / Grandchild(my) / mee dah koh zjah kee, MITAKSI KI/Sister(my younger)/mee-dahn-kshee kee, MITIBLO KI/Brother(my older)/mee-dee-bloh kee, MITUNKASILA / Grandfather(my)/ mee duen kah shee lah kee, MIWATANI/Mandan tribe/mee wahn dah nee, MIYAPAHE/Loin cover/mee yah pah Hay, MIYE IWABLAKE KI EKTA/From my point of view/mee-yea ee-wahn-blah-kay kee ay-kdah, MIYUGLIOYUZE/Agency reservation)/mee yue gla ee Oh yuh zay, MIYUTAPAPI / Knife(kitchen)/ mee yue dah pah pee, MKAMANI IYAKA/Bicycle/mah-kah-mah-nee ee-yahn-kah, MNI IPATAZA/Pump (water)/mnee ee-pah-dah-zah, MNI IPATAZA/Waterpump/mnee ee-pah-dah-zjah, MNI ITACA/Water current/mnee ee-dahn-chahn, MNI IYUTE/Level(carpenters)/mnee ee-yue-day, MNI KAKIPE HAHA/Waves(water)/mnee kah-kee-pay hahn-hahn, MNI KALUZE / Stream / mnee kah lue zay, MNI NATAKAPI/Reservoir/mnee nah-dah-kah-pee, MNI SO SE WAKPA/Missouri river/mnee shoh shay wah-kpah, MNIAYUSLI / Watering/ mnee ah yue slee, MNIHUHAWANAPI / Neckerchief/ mnee ghue hah wah nahp ee, MNIKAOSKOKPA / Canyon/ mnee kah oh shkoh kpah, MNIKAOSKOKPA / Draw(coulee)/ mnee kah oh shkoh kpah, MNIKAOSKOKPA / Valley/ mnee kah oh shkoh kpah, MNIKAPOHYA HIYOTAKE/Blister/mnee-kah-poh-ghyah hee-yoh-dah-kay, MNIKOWOZU TIPI/Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation/mnee-koh-woh-zue-dee-pee, MNIKOWOZU/Minnecojou sioux/mnee kohn wohn zjue, MNINATAKAPI / Dam(Reservoir)/ mnee nahn dah kah pee, MNIOGNAKE / Vessel/ mnee oh gnah kay, MNISA WICASA/Drunk(alcoholic)/mnee-shah wee-chah-shah, MNISAPA WICAZO/Pen/mnee-sah-pah wee-chah-zjoh, MNIWAKASKA / Alcohol/ mnee wah kahn shkah, MOS IWAYAKE/Fieldglasses/mohsh ee-wahn-yahn-kay, MOSICAYEGE/Sew machine/moh see chah yea ghay, MOSWIYOKATAN / Nail/ moh shwee yoh kah dahn, NAATAISNI AYA/Cover tracks/nah-ah-dahn-ee-shnee ah-yah, NABHAUKA / Thumb/ nahb ghah uen kah, NAHPAHPAKE / Slovenly/ nah ghpah ghpah kay, NAHPAHPAKE / Untidy/ nah ghpah ghpah kay, NAKIKSI/Defend self(speaking)/nah kee kshee, NAKPUTAKA / Scarf/ nah kpue dah kah, NAPE OKOSKE/Bracelet/nah-pay oh-koh-shkay, NAPEPTECELA / Secretary(shorthand)/ nah pay pday chay lah, NAPEYUZE / Shake(hands)/ nah pay yue zay, NAPIYUSYA / Controlling/ nah pee yue syah, NAPOKTA / Arms(weapon)/ nah poh kdahn, NAPSI YOHLI/Ring(for finger)/nah-pshee yuh-ghlee, NASISI / Contract(Shrink)/ nah shee shee, NASU PAKCE / Comb / nahshuen pah kchay, NASUKAZA / Knuckle/ nah suh kah zah, NATA BLECA/Flathead tribe/nah-dah blay-chah, NATABLECA / Head(Square)/ nah dahn blay chah, NATACOKUHPUHPU / Dandruff/ nah dah choh kue ghpue ghpue, NATAGUGU / Head(curly)/ nah dahn gue gue, NATAYAZAPI PEZUTA/Aspirin/nah-dah-yah-zah-pee pay-zjue-dah, NATOKIIYAKE / Sutures/ nah doh kee ee yahn kay, NICIYE KI/Brother(your older)/nee-chee-yea kee, NICUWE KI/Sister(your older)/nee-chue-way kee, NIGESALA / Gazelle/ nee gay sahn lah, NIGETAKIYA/Voice(of the community)/nee-gay-dahn-kee-yahn, NIKUSIKI / Grandmother(your)/ nee kuen shee kee, NISUKALA KI/Brother(your younger)/nee-suhn-kah-lah kee, NITAKA KI/Sister(your younger)/nee-dahn-kahkee, NITAKE KI/Sister(your older)/nee-dahn-kay kee, NITAKOJA KI / Grandchild(your) / nee dah koh zjah kee, NITAKSI KI/Sister(your younger)/nee-dahn-ksheekee, NITEHEPI/Slip(under garment)/nee-day-hay-pee, NITIBLO KI/Brother(your older)/nee-dee-bloh kee, NITUNKASILA / Grandfather(your)/ nee duen kah shee lah, NIYECIKA / Yourself/ nee yea chee kah, O ICAGA/Place to rear children(a)/oh ee-chah-ghah, O IHEYE TIPI/Toilet(outdoor)/oh ee-hay-yea dee-pee, O IKPAHICA/Consciousness(regain)/oh ee-kpah-ghee-chah, O IYAGLEYA/Boundaries(within these)/oh eeyah-glay-yah, O IYOKIPI / Lovely / oh ee yoh kee pee, O IYOKIPI/Pleasant(to be)/oh ee-yoh-kee-pee, O IYOKPAZA/Dark as night/oh ee-yoh-kpah-zah, O UYAPI/Settlements(where they live)/oh uen-yahn-pee, OCIBLAGA / Abreast/ oh chee blah gahn, OCIKAYELA / Narrow/ oh chee kahy ea lah, OCUWANICE/Clearing in the woods/oh-chuen-wah-nee-chay, OGLECIYUKSA / Vest/ oh glay chee yue ksah, OGLEZIGZICA / Sweater/ oh glay zeeg zee chah, OGLIGLE WAKA/Messenger/oh-glee-glay wah-kahn, OGLIGLE WAKAN/Angel/oh-glee-glay wah-kahn, OGNA O UYA PI/They live that way/oh-gnah oh uen-yahn pee, OGUYAPI TACAGU/Loaf(bread)/oh-ghue-yah-pee dah-chah-ghue, OH A WOWIHAYA/Cute/ohgh ahn woh-wee-ghah-yah, OHAHAHA / Leisurely/ oh ghahn hahn hahn, OHAWIHA / Comical/ oh gh ahn wee ghah, OHITOKIPA / Ashame/ oh ghee dohn kee pah, OHLOGECA/Besmirch(to soil)/oh-ghloh-gay-chah, OHUTETANAJI / Begin/ oh ue Day dah nah zjee, OICONICA/self Control/Oh eech Oh nee chah, OIHA KE WANIL/Forever/oh-ee-hahn kay wah-neel, OIHAKE WANIL/Eternal/oh-ee-hahn-kay wah-neel, OIHEYE TIPI/Bathroom(outside)/oh-ee-hay-yea dee-pee, OIWAWAYAGWACI/Sundance(site of the)/oh-ee-wah-wahn-yahng-wah-chee, OIYOKIPI / Attraction/ oh ee yoh kee pee, OIYUSKITE / Armband/ oh ee yue skee Day, OJAJA GLEPI/Window/oh-zjahnzjahn glay-pee, OJIJITKA / Tomatoes/ ohn zjee zjee dkah, OKAHNIGE / Understand/ oh kah ghnee gay, OKASKATOPI / Abortion/ oh kah shkahn dohn pee, OKICAYE / Cultivation/ oh kee chahn yea, OKICIYA/Help each other(to)/oh-kee-chee-yah, OKICIYUZE / Marriage/ oh kee chee yue zay, OKISKATA / Boast/ ohn kee shkah dah, OKIWAZILA/All the time/oh-kee-wahn-zjhee-lah, OKIWOTAHENA / chance/ oh kee woh dah hay nah, OKOBLAYA / Peacefully/ oh koh blah yah, OKOLA KICIYE/Society/oh-koh-lah kee-chee-yea, OKOLAKICIYE / Fellowship(A)/ oh koh lah kee chee yea, OKOLAKICIYE / Organization/ oh koh lah kee chee yea, OKSAKSA/Around Here And there/Oh kshahn kshahn, OLAB IC IYA/Indulge(to)/oh-lahb eech ee-yah, OLAKOLWICAYESNI/Affection(without natural)/oh-lah-kohl-wee-chah-yea-shnee, OLEJE / restroom(Urinal)/ oh lay zjay, OMAHAWACIPI / Dance(OMAHA)/ oh mah hah wah chee pee, OMNICIYE / Council/ oh mnee chee yea. 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Susan Randall Conrad Cause Of Death, Articles L