Invite them. We have a long-distance relationship at this point. I had to tell them he needs to pay consequences for his actions towards me, and when they continue to contact him and cater to him, like hes done nothing, theyre enabling him to not face his own problems. But my nephew thinks its ok because he is his uncle. And one question, did you have a good relationship with your family before you divorced? Along with my moms confession she said that I need to get professional help for my anger issues towards my ex (dont have any whatsoever, at peace actually). However, I still spend time with his mom when he is back across country, who is elderly and in poor health, and I see no issue with that. One one hand, I have many friends just like these family members with the only difference being there is no ex in those, so in that sense it is no different. He constantly contacts my brothers wife and gives her the woe is me sob story and she feels sorry for him. Once divorced, your family should honor your wishes above his or even their own, for that matter. My ex has 8 brothers and sisters but has decided to take my one sister also. So I let my anger and hatred go, not so he and my family can be happy. They have every right to see and spend time with your ex. No. They have parties not including us or my daughter but invite both our exes, had Christmas last year, our first ever apart, with my ex! female Gut wrenching. What he depicted was so far from the truth. I got the speech from my daughter about just forgive him Mom, hes sorry Mom, he has changed Mom. To some degree, youre also connecting your life with their family and circle of friends. You are not being unreasonable. It takes a hell of a lot of unhappiness and often abuse for someone to not only leave a relationship but their home etc etc. I guess they just do not care about my feelings at all. Pretty insensitive dont you think? When it comes down to it, it doesn't take a genius to see where her. Going threw this right now. He attends Christmas, birthdays and special events with my family. That being said being divorced means the kids time will be split. I fully believe that my family think they are being nice and mature by associating with my ex. Thats such a mess up way of seeing life, not just you, but other in the comments, your family owns you loyalty, because blood? I have No family loyalty to me, even worse my daughter. I had no choice but to come to this money temple where LORD SAN did a money ritual spell that has turned me to the richest woman in my family linage, I just bought another house for my first daughter as her marriage gift. easy to see the narcissist here. You have no ide what its like! You can't compete with the years they have had together and you shouldn't want to. He sounds like a narcissist who has them fooled and he is gaslighting you. You think how you feel now is how youll feel forever, so you rush off and get married, or at least thats what I did, irresponsibly. I realize this is years after your post but I am still in the same situation, and my kids are now grown! I have the same situation. And it DOES NOT mean that he wants to go back together with her either. You need to have the support from your family that you made the right decision to be divorced. I sooo relate to this, thank you. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Ive known this man since I was 17 years old (Im 38 now) and the past feelings and experiences we had as kids, sticks with me and I tell myself its meant to be. I wish I had better advice. Especially when my mom and sister know the hell I endured during my very dysfunctional marriage! To this day he now has befriended my last sister that I had connection to and to whom I was the closest. They divorced. They can not be on their own that they have to steel from you, probably make it seem like youre the crazy one for having any boundaries. Im going through this exact same thing now ! She has the problem precisely because of their unsupportive and downright strange behaviour. That side of my family do have previous. When his male friend from work calls, your boyfriend has no problem taking the call in front of you. Just because you decided to quit on him after yall made a vows to be patient with eachother. You remind me of my Stepmum who despite having been in abusive relationships herself said better the devil you know and oh but he works hard, not taking into account that I worked hard in my own way and was constantly being controlled and put down by my ex. My ex lives in her rent house. Whether they fed into it or not, it felt like a huge betrayal from both my ex & family. Fill in this form and you'll get instant access: Tim Veninga is a dating coach, relationship coach and bestseller author. I am never invited to his family gatherings, and dont expect to be but my family just say its because theyve been his family for so long. My ex has everything I need but even my mom has said its my fault and how great of a person she is. Like so many of other posts I feel great empathy for the author; and have lived through perhaps similar situations. By now, she ought to have buzzed off and found her own hive. His behaviour basically reminds me of Stalking. It is sickening. It was due to the fact that most did not agree with her wanting to destroy our family for the sake of finding herself and date other men. I live in a different state and my ex boyfriends since high school and occasionally talks to my ex husband which I do not mind we are still on friendly terms. I would personally rather shit out a tape worm than have anything to do with some fake ass narcissist in my life. I have never been able to get away from this person who I was only married to 18 months. Im not having it. Its become a politically correct or Internet based personal diagnosis way to say someone is an ass. My ex did. I feel boundaries are being crossed and so is loyalty. Since my uncles death the family have been peaceful and loving , i now find happiness in everything i do. Well Said Julie, thank you your words have helped reside in me. Hi, Carolyn: My boyfriend's mom still maintains contact with his ex. How could you ever even give to anyone anything positive until your own cup is full? How fair is this, own family? Since 1996 Divorce Magazine has been the Internet's leading website on divorce and separation. Your ending sentence is abusive and unnecessary in healthy adult debate. After living in a marriage made in hell. And that is important, but it is not sure it is rstional, becuse emotions are not rational. The ex needs to move on. I dont have Facebook because hed stock me, but my family is on there. Let him know how you feel, the moment he does it. I decided that if they would treat me like that once, they would likely do it again, so I keep them at a distance from my life now, my new husband does not have any desire to have them around us or my two young adult children who had to learn what a real family was all about with their new family who love and adore all of us unconditionally. It wasnt long and he remarried. It just seems so disrespectful and unsupportive, and I cant imagine why shed WANT to come to our home except as a way to validate that by having her there, we like her as much as we love him. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Try to follow your faith and ask the question to God and family in addition to seeking advice in a forum. Its ok to set boundaries. I dont need these unkind people in my life and despite this dis functionality my kids are great and well rounded young adults. For any of your family to pick YOUR ex over you seeing your nieces and nephews and having their sister and loved one they dont care not you. There was no support or concern. Ever since they dated when she was a teen, I had a close relationship with him. 5. Why do I stay? My dad split with my mom when I was 17 (20+ years ago) and it ruined my mom, so Ive been trying to help keep her spirits up as much as I can, still, after 40 years. One thing that might work ignore them people hate that build your own life and I bet the fam will come back. Common Types of Retirement Benefits Divided in US Divorce Cases, Child Support and Post-Secondary Education, 15 True Fears that Keep Women From Leaving Bad Marriages, Common Myths About The Real Estate Market. As this narcissistic cheater enjoys Where your friends and sisters getting married and moving on up and you got pressured to do the same? When one ex tries to force that to happen there is always the concern that he or she is trying to control things and that may have had an impact on the failure of the marriage in the first place! They are being beyond insensitve to their own flesh and blood . Finally I walked away from them all. At the end of the day her family is her family and for whatever reason you broke up they are doing the right thing by supporting their daughter. Please educate yourself about abuse. My family fell victim to his words and he played the victim card then and still to this day a year later. I wanted to keep everything private, and instead he told all of my friends and family what a horrible person I was. Your family should NOT be hanging out with him when it is making you uncomfortable and even preventing you and your children from participating in family holidays! WRONG!!! When she hangs out with his family still, that means that she still hopes that she can get . And I love your suggestion to find another happy place because I do not have much hope for my sister and her family figuring out reality. I can understand how all of this may feel to you , but isnt it a good thing hes that involved in your childrens life? He did live with his father because he told my son he shouldnt live with me. I value these connections, as without them.. My kids would have no connection with their mothers side of the family.. or least parts of it. He refused to help pay for a used car for his son so my wifes mother bought the car and we pay the insurance. I actually hope you can heal and be happy. She sucked quite a bit of money out of me over the years and completely destroyed my credit. Wayyyy our of line. My brother was furious theyd made some kind of back handed gesture that blamed him. My Mom wants to remain neutral and wants to be supportive of my daughter. Because shes still in love with him. When I first got divorced my ex was hanging around a lot of my family. Get the stick out of your behind and be a better person and go hang out with your family and stop playing victim. Your ex sounds like a decent guy but for what ever reason you and he didnt hit it off beyond having kids together. Its as simple as one plus one equals two. All I could say was,.You and your kids do not understand divorce nor have you supported me through any of it. Its tough when your own family supports an person who financially and emotionally hurt me with no reason as to why this all happened. The best revenge is a life well lived, so show your ex that you are whole and happy even around him by getting the support you need. Thats why its called a DIVORCE you need to get them to understand that. Anyways, my ex and the girl he cheated on me with, our daughter and my mom hang out together all the time. In this case, it was my older sister who turned out to be the master manipulator. We are talking about parents and siblings who treat the ex better than their own flesh and blood even when the ex has been dangerous and abusive and downright manipulative. But Im saying that you should allow your family to have somewhat of a bond with him. i told him ill help hom get throu he wanted me 2 b at his sentences hearing 2 b a creatable witness on his b half say something good bout him it help knock down his time basically he wanted me 2 lie 2 the judge . Maybe you get a man a focus on your own relationships. Meet Cordae, Miley & Liams Relationship Timeline Hit Me Like A Wrecking Ball, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. I dont know how to start new posts about daughters disowning fathers. Why do you expect them to like you better than someone who they know and have a relationship for longer than you? If you have a question for John, email: If you really want to get rid of your ex and his girlfriend, start going to your family functions. He sadly lost his life in his early forties and I wouldnt be surprised if it was suicide because of the emotional problems he was left with because of his upbringing. It is difficult to comment on your description of the other side. he has been invited to two upcoming weddings even though I asked them not to, so we can enjoy our family without seeing him, hoping to get my family back. He eats it up. My siblings were fooled and much family as well. I was married to my husband Anderson, I love him so much that we have been married for seven years with two children. Thank you for this. Exactly the same thing happened to me about 15years ago, my ex could not let go after our separation and divorce, her manipulative behaviours destroyed my family relationships and I am now cut off from from 2 of my siblings. Divorce is such a bitch for women and they get no support. The more that their family was a part of your life, the more likely that you can continue to be friends with them after a breakup. Sadly she has cancer but her behaviour over the last 5 months towards my Stepdad and myself reminded me so much of my ex etc that I found myself heading for a breakdown with my Stepdad along with me. So he joins, despite knowing I am hurt because that is his power and manipulation and sense of control. It is just an ugly reality of back stabbing and I have learnt to watch my own back and believe only in Jesus. We know this as fact, because she made videos of her cheating. IDK what the deal is but its absurd. Am I wrong? I feel so frustrated that I actually Google to see if I can get a different perspective about the current situation I find myself in. If you and your ex's siblings used to hang out and share common interests, it's more likely that you'll be able to continue hanging out with them. Those are his kids just like they are yours. He did tell me the other day that his ex was dating someone new, and that he was happy for her. I sometimes find it hard to admit, but research shows again and again that men are incredibly stupid and especially when it comes to non-verbal signs. She takes the the kids she has to the family gatherings plus my family clearly wont cut her out at all because of the kids. This is so sad to read. My mom then went on to tell me that I was supposedly the love of his life and that for the sake of the kids we all need to get together for them. then my best friend came acrooss a picture on face book with him and a nother younger girl my son age took 2gether on her post in a relationship.. he ended up in jail i found out by texting a comment 2 her from a statement she posted bout him not coming home , she reply bak ur so stupid he in jail . I call you cowardly, weak, and shameful because your actions and emotional maturity is like that of a toddler. My children and I where not invited. Im sorry for what ypu are going through, I also went through a divorce but I took the approach that I wouldnt expect my family nor my kids to take sides. They wont hurt me ever again like this, theyve made there choice and now must live with it. For me I can no longer have kids I wanted a dozen of them being a mom was the one thing and still is that im most confident in so after not being able to have more being a aunt was second best after the divorce that changed his family took his side and refuse to be a part of our life. It sounds like you feel really isolated and that isnt fair, he doesnt get his family AND yours. I have no issues with him, but I do with my family, i suppose I feel abandoned, and let down by them, she will complain I never go see her, obviously I dont want to go incase he pops over with the new girlfriend, which I find weird that she happily spends time with her partners exes family anyway. "name": "What to do if your family keeps inviting your ex? If you don't, and you see his or her ex enjoying it with him or her, beware.". I wouldnt have dreamed of honing in on my exes family. I have not mentioned all of the terrible things my ex has put me through throughout this process, but on top of everything else, shes taking all of my family members away from me. reader, CaringGuy+, writes (23 August 2010): A After we broke up he kept going over to my families house and visiting them a lot. They rarely talk, and when they do, it's just surface-level "catching up." About their jobs and whatnot. And when he goes to events, you are uncomfortable enough not to attend. I dont get your sister at all. Who needs family as weak as they seem to be? If they are not fighting to keep you or at least meet you half way is it really worth the cost to your mental and physical health to fight to stay? I wasnt expecting it after 8 years divorced, my husband and I married for 2, and together for 6 1/2 years. You can suck it up and be an adult in the situation. I hope you find some balance. But family relationships are hard to forge and take a lot of work. At day's end, you're an ex of her brother's, not the first and certainly not the last, and he is her brother forever. I can see how this situation makes it very difficult to move on with little support from your family. His mother is a 40 year old unknown woman, and as of now theyre broken up). If you want to stay awaythats fine too. I was clear if it was going to be divorce then she could take anything she wanted I never wanted to see her again. One of the perks of getting a divorce is not having to see that exs face any more than absolutely necessary for the sake of the children. I think this is nuts. Im going through the same thing and its extremely painful. Follow her on Twitter. The ex family have nothing to do with me. They try to take away your family and kids and friends from you by lying and spreading rumors!!! Its my fault and how great of a bond with him to comment your... You have a good relationship with your ex you expect them to understand that did live his. 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