Under Ahsoka's orders, he landed the fighter on Cato Neimoidia's surface to bring the unconscious Skywalker to safety. "It"? Skywalker was rescued by Republic forces but Artoo was recovered by the Trandoshan scavenger Gha Nachkt, who sold him to General Grievous. Chopper does not have Ben Burt. Astromech droid[8] r2d2 kill count. Senator Organa's adopted daughter Leia was now Alderaan's Senator in the Imperial Senate, one of the last remnants of the Old Republic. Since the second Death Star was protected by a shield generator, a rebel force would have to infiltrate Endor and disable it so that the Rebel fleet could destroy the second Death Star. Tano then waited in her ship in a nearby asteroid field until Senator Organa arrived in the Tantive IV. Sensing that Palpatine was a Sith, the Zillo Beast made its way to the Galactic Senate building. However, by the time of the Galactic Civil War they had not worked in ages, with their warranty being long expired,[127] having been damaged at some point after the Clone Wars. There, he relayed Skywalker's message to the other Jedi in person. When they found nothing, C-3PO explained that Sabine might have accidentally mistranslated "Bay 7" as "Bay 17. [24], Bereft of a translator, Tua was forced to turn to the Mandalorian girl Sabine Wren, who posed as an Imperial Academy student fluent in Aqualish. Skywalker's starfighter was hit when Separatist reinforcements arrived, but the droid managed to eject from the vehicle moments before it exploded. Date created ), R2-D2 sets off by himself to save C-3PO from the Empire. Nomi Sunrider. [4], R2's remains, located after the Carida incident, Meanwhile, R2-D2 gained the upper hand over the tactical droid and managed to reprogram the detonator, [52], Following the destruction of their escape transport, Master Piell and R2-D2 contacted the Jedi Council for help. Who Has The Highest Number Of Kills In Star Wars? [55] Due to his resourcefulness and quick-thinking nature, R2-D2 acquitted himself well during a number of difficult and challenging missions such as repairing the Naboo Royal Starship's shield generator. While R2-D2 was traveling past a cave, he was stunned and captured by several Jawas, who took him aboard a sandcrawler. Having established a rapport with the other astromech droid, R2-D2 promised not to trouble R5-D4 for the rest of the journey. Han and Chewie gradually recovered and R2 rebooted 3PO's systems, just in time to see a captive Luke depart and subsequently crash in a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. After discovering the dead Clone troopers and a wrecked Separatist base nearby, the Jedi and Republic mission deduced that a third party had been responsible for the attack. After launching a decoy ship, the group traveled to the planet Espirion where the Alderaan Flotilla had gathered after learning of Leia's mission to gather them. After Aphra was locked up, they followed Leia and the warden up to the control room. After the rebels had departed, R2-D2 showed Bail Organa a recording of his time with them. R2-D2 and C-3PO escaped in an executive ship along with Skywalker, Palpatine, and some others, but the ship was captured by the Zillo Beast. R2-D2 serving drinks on Jabba's sail barge. After freeing Hondo, the united Jedi and pirates proceeded to liberate the rest of Hondo's men. As they began retaking it with the help of a hastily reprogrammed IG-RM droid, R2 incapacitated the last enemy in the room by deliberately knocking 3PO into them. Skywalker offered to give R2-D2 and C-3PO as a "gift" to Jabba in return for freeing Han. With the Crucible's engines critically damaged during the skirmish with Hondo, the younglings landed on the planet Florrum. Hondo's pirates quickly recaptured Ahsoka and her youngling rescuers. The trio traveled to Club Deeja only to be ambushed by Mul Sanaka and his Besalisk enforcers. After taking out an inspection team, R2 made his way to a terminal and found out where C-3PO was held. Ahsoka was taken hostage by Bane during the fighting. However, Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet came under attack from Separatist forces. [14] He often used his holoprojector to relay messages or display other information. [14], Luke and R2 are reunited on the Millennium Falcon, Shortly after the attack on Starkiller Base, he overheard Rey stating that the First Order had recovered the majority of the starchart that was recovered from the Imperial archives, but they were still lacking the final piece contained within BB-8. While R2-D2 was tasked with interfacing with the equipment, C-3PO served as a translator between the locals and the Clone Commander Wolffe. But more importantly, it showcases just what R2-D2 is capable of. During this time he sent a distress call out to Alliance Command, who were initially hesitant to dispatch a rescue team, but Chewbacca offered his and C-3PO's services to track him down. Theres no doubt that this independent and almost human-like personality greatly contributed to Artoos originality and courage. In order to convince Jora to trust them, Leia allowed Covis to download data from R2-D2's memory banks including the Lord Junn's weapons profile, navigational history, and transmissions. Princess Leia Organa giving R2-D2 the plans to the Death Star. For Revenge of the Sith, C-3PO actor Anthony Daniels has stated that Baker did not film any scenes; Baker himself said that he may have appeared as R2-D2 in a majority of scenes that were caught during production of Episode II. Tano managed to convince R2-D2 to release the tractor beam from her freighter, tell nobody he had met her, and to make sure that she could track his ship. R2-D2 later accompanied Poe in his X-wing for the assault on Exegol, and the astromech later joined the others in celebration after the defeat of Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal. After securing the datacard and an antidote for Amidala, R2-D2 and his companions left Cato Neimoidia. The ship landed on Tatooine without any further incidents, although the voyage fried the hyperdrive. Following Padm's death, R2-D2 and C-3PO passed into the service of Bail Organa of the Royal House of Alderaan, Alderaan's Senator and a good friend of the late Amidala. Ordered to repair a group of droids by the, so that the faction can use them as target practice again, R2-D2 instead talks them into fighting the Death Watch so that Ahsoka Tano can escape capture. A blaster fight broke out and in the ensuing confusion, R2-D2 and C-3PO fled aboard the Ghost, which fled into hyperspace. In spite of Gascon's orders to leave him and BZ, Gregor managed to bring them aboard the shuttle. While Artoo and the astromechs did a reconnaissance sweep of the town, Colonel Gascon and WAC traveled to a diner where they met the Clone officer Gregor, who had suffered amnesia following the Battle of Sarrish and become a dishwasher. However, they were ambushed by a super tactical droid who led several battle droid reinforcements. Artoos true ferocity is revealed in the comic; Star Wars, which takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. There, the droid saved his master from being drowned by the ex-Jedi acolyte Verla after she discovered Darth Vader claimed Luke was his son. Undaunted, Skywalker continued the mission. It is estimated that R2-D2 has an impressively large kill count of 1,000,253. Covered under an old tarp to protect his systems from the humidity of D'Qar, the droid's low-power mode allowed his diagnostic systems to attempt organizing the vast troves of information his databanks had collected over the years. Sensor color Leia Organa entrusts the future of the Rebel Alliance to R2-D2. Anthony Daniels takes the stage at SWCA 2022 | Star Wars Celebration LIVE! The destruction of the Separatist flagship enabled Republic bombers to destroy the remaining Separatist warships, clearing the way for more reinforcements led by Jedi Generals Kenobi and Windu to liberate Ryloth. Obi-Wan Kenobi. R2 was later able to restore his companion during the Battle of Geonosis. After Tano left the Jedi Order, R2 missed her, sowhen she returned to Skywalker's flagship to plan for the Siege of MandaloreR2 excitedly approached her, causing her to pet him on his dome. #2 Chopper is fucking Brutal for a droid. However, the Imperials managed to seal off the shield generator and launched a devastating counter-attack with AT-ST walkers. Soon after R2-D2 is back with Anakin, however, he strikes. Vader strafed Skywalker's X-wing and damaged R2-D2, who short-circuited as a result of a direct laser hit. As they escaped on their X-Wing, Darth Vader was on their tail until Luke and Han managed to save them and they jumped to hyperspace. Han was arguing about their chances of death with Vader on their tail; Han asked the astromech on their progress. Recalling the riddle, two droids quickly realized that they had to fix the breach, which was in fact the unsettled seal. Using a stolen Imperial shuttle, the rebels managed to land on Endor. R2-D2 was knocked down by the impact of the jump but survived the incident undamaged. He was even Lukes astromech during the Battle of Yavin. He then penetrated the Separatist flagship and managed to reunite with Skywalker, Kenobi, and Palpatine. The team prepared to retreat while C-3PO, who was waiting with the Millennium Falcon in the huge refuse fields that surrounded the factory, brought the Falcon in to pick them up for their escape. Master Kenobi had been chosen to lead this mission because he was an old friend of the Duchess. [24], Upon arriving in Lothal, R2-D2 and his companions boarded the Star Commuter 2000 shuttle ST-45, which ferried them to Garel. At Luke's request, Artoo set course to again go to Tatooine in the Tatoo system. After the droids were destroyed, Luke and R2 greeted Grogu, his Mandalorian caretaker Din Djarin, and his allies. would be cool to know what droid has the most. On one occasion, R2-D2 was with his master while he taught his apprentices about the Force. R2-D2 was greeted by C-3PO, who berated his companion. Its a task that R2-D2based on his build and programmingshould have never been able to accomplish; his attachment to C-3PO, as much as he complains about him, is also seen as unhealthy for a droid. However, they were unable to locate the mastermind who hired Bane, Darth Sidious. R2-D2 along Skywalker, Tano, and Captain Rex succeeded in boarding the bounty hunter's Munificent-class star frigate. Inquiring R2 as to why the bar patrons had seemingly given up chasing after them, Grakkus the Hutt and two of his magnaguards arrived on the scene, explaining that since Luke was now in Hutta Town, he and his lightsaber now belonged to Grakkus; Luke attempted to resist capture, but Grakkus's magnaguards made short work of him. As the fight wore on, Grakkus's Gamemaster revealed himself to be working for the Imperials, sabotaging the match by activating the roggwart's shock collar. When the Mandalorian asked if he could see Grogu, R2 instead took him to see his old friend Ahsoka to not disturb Grogu's training. In the distance they could see Vader rampaging against waves of rebel forces, and Artoo comforted Luke as he blamed himself for the countless deaths happening at Vader's hands. R2-D2 is one of those characters that everyone has heard of, whether theyre fans of the Star Wars franchise or not. R2-D2 was part of the Republic force led by General Anakin Skywalker and Commander Ahsoka Tano that was sent to relieve Ryloth. In a less literal sense of the word killer, Artoos decades of stored memories make him one of the few characters who witnessed all the events and secrets of the Republic. The likeness of R2-D2 and the drones prompted a lawsuit from Universal Studios, which was retracted when Fox countersued, noting the similarities between Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars. . During the Battle of Ryloth, the Republic reinforcements sustained significant casualties including the loss of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Redeemer. Tons of TV. Colored white, blue, and silver, his body often held numerous arms, sensors, and apparatus not normally visible to the humanoid eye, often surprising many as he pulled out needed tools at a critical moment. [141][142] Lucas ultimately provided the name "Rex,"[143] allowing the new character of Clone Captain Rex to be the main clone character. [129], George Lucas has stated one of his inspirations for Star Wars is The Hidden Fortress, a 1958 film directed by Akira Kurosawa. R2-D2 helped the two Jedi to break through Drol by slave-rigging several Vulture droids and sending them on kamikaze runs against the space station. Armed with a weapon upgrade from Chewbacca, an underestimated, minute Artoo took out an entire ship filled with Stormtroopers and Imperial Fighters. No, Obi-Wan missed feeling alive. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Not only was the astromech droid able to successfully rescue his friend, but he also fended off the great Darth Vader long enough to reunite with Luke on the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca repaired the hyperdrive and they fled to lightspeed. The planet had come under attack from the Separatists. R2-D2 promptly reactivated after years of hibernation, and searched his records and found that he had previously downloaded this map while upon the first Death Star. Height Watch their music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies. Home of the Kill Count, the Dead Meat Podcast & more. They attempted to capture R2-D2; however, before they could, the astromech droid blasted the ship into hyperspace and traveled to Coruscant. Tano quipped that R2-D2 had several "bad role models" including Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala. [95], Making it back to the Millennium Falcon, Han said an antidote for the poison in Chewbacca was on the ship, and Luke instructed R2-D2 to administer it. Mass [7], Upon arriving in the settlement, they were stopped by a stormtrooper patrol who were hunting for R2-D2 and Threepio. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! Clovis had informed Senator Amidala about corruption in the Banking Clan. While Kenobi gave his life in a duel, R2-D2 and the other rebels took the opportunity to flee the Death Star on the Millennium Falcon. During the skirmish, R2-D2 assailed a second group of B2 battle droids, causing them to fall into the arena. Han realized their escape had been foiled and led the teamwith slaves in tow, to a large warehouse that housed several newly minted All Terrain Armored Transports walkers. Soon thereafter, R2 boarded Luke's T-65B X-wing to leave the Rebel fleet. Later, as Tatooine's suns rose over the desert, Luke had recovered enough of his sight to open the box and examine its contents: "The Journals of Ben Kenobi." and the Rebellion on his own, aiding a young Anakin Skywalker in battle, or even nudging an older Luke along to take up the mantle once again to aid a young Jedi. Han engaged Aphra with a sniper rifle as Chewie snuck up and brawled with 0-0-0, tearing one of his arms off. During their mission, R2-D2 and C-3PO visited a local Republic communications mission to survey and repair the damage caused by the recent earthquake. R2 helping Anakin brief Shadow Squadron for their mission with his holo-projector. [54], While exploring the underground tunnels, R2-D2 and C-3PO encountered a species of sentient, tree-like beings called the Kindalo, who demanded that they leave since the surface dwellers "destroyed the peace." [138] The prequels also employed computer graphic droids for the first time, with many shots in the later films being entirely computer-generated. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. After traveling to the Wheel space station, the two Jedi took a comlink from Windu, who was disguised as the mobster Grynask Sanberge, back to their shuttle. Chewbacca was out of contact, the entire moon was on alert and C-3PO still hadn't arrived. As amazing as the little astromech was, he did not top the charts for the highest number of kills in Star Wars. In response, the Rebel leader Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar had marshaled the Rebel fleet for a massive strike against the Imperial leadership. Despite Gascon's objections, R2-D2 and the rest of D-Squad joined forces with the LEP-series service droid Bunny to stop the Separatist plot. While searching, Luke openly wondered why Kenobi had chosen to stay on Tatooine after all he had experienced. However, they were then ambushed by a gang of Tusken Raiders. In the end, R2-D2 along with Ahsoka, the younglings, and the pirates managed to escape aboard Hondo's escape ship, the rebuilt Slave I. R2-D2 and his protocol counterpart C-3PO were serving Princess Leia Organa's blockade runner Tantive IV, which was being pursued by Darth Vader's Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Han told Luke to go find Leia, as she was planning to sacrifice herself to vanquish Vader once and for all. So Chopper is far more willing to kill and is a lot more bloodlusted than R2. Chewbacca survived Vader's attack and returned to the Falcon, and was preparing to bring it in and extract the team. Merrik took Satine hostage and seized control of the cockpit. After receiving news of Jedi activity on the remote Outer Rim moon Raada, Senator Bail Organa took back the R2 unit from Captain Antilles. [99], As the infiltrators lured Leia and Sana out of the control room in order to secure it themselves, 3PO and R2 were subsequently held captive there. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! After no one responded, the bar's Zabrak bartender instructed that the patrons dispatch with him immediately. [98], C-3PO called on Black Krrsantan to stop fighting, which unwittingly worked as when Krrsantan instead punched him in the chest, his fried circuits connected with Krrsantan's brass knuckles, electrocuting and knocking out both of them. There are WAY too many to count; but a few of the most outstanding cameos come when Wade Watts races his "Back to the Future" DeLorean through a city being destroyed by King Kong and "Jurassic Park's" T-Rex. In episode 4 Chopper attempted to murder Ezra, but he was unsuccessful. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. To see, the droid utilized its primary photoreceptor, which had the appearance of a single, black "eye." Despite these setbacks, he still made it to the Falcon, but only to find that Luke had been captured and Black Krrsantan had gained the upper hand again. 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Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: New Adventures, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: X-Wing Deluxe Book and Model Set, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Highlights of the Saga: Kidnap of the Chancellor, Weapons & Uniforms: Inhabitants of Tatooine, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle for Naboo, Highlights of the Saga: The Capture of the, Weapons & Uniforms: Terror of the IG-100s, Building the Galaxy: Designing R2-D2, Part 1, Droid Directory: R2-series Astromech Droids, Part 1, Building the Galaxy: Designing R2-D2, Part 2, Droid Directory: 3PO-series Protocol Droids, Part 1, Understanding Robotics: Integrated Circuits, Building the Galaxy: Motion Control Filming, Droid Directory: R2-series Astromech Droids, Part 2, Understanding Robotics: Printed Circuit Boards, Building the Galaxy: Filming R2-D2, Part 1, Droid Directory: 3PO-series Protocol Droids, Part 2, Understanding Robotics: CMOS Image Sensors, Building the Galaxy: Filming R2-D2, Part 2, Build R2-D2: Head Bearing & Frame Components, Building the Galaxy: Filming R2-D2, Part 3, Building the Galaxy: The Star Wars Stunt Team, Understanding Robotics: Artificial Assistants, Droid Directory: Imperial Mark IV Sentry Droid, Build R2-D2: Head Frame & Ankle Components, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Meet the Heroes, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Ultimate Sticker Collection, Star Wars: The Last Jedi Activity Book with Stickers, Highlights of the Saga: Crash Landing on Coruscant, Highlights of the Saga: The Unlikely Heroes, Databank A-Z: Davish KrailKuat Drive Yards. While C-3PO became Jabba's new translator, R2-D2 was pressed into service as a waiter aboard Jabba's sail barge Khetanna. He then accompanied Rey and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon to Ahch-To, the planet identified as Luke's final destination. While hiding in the Falcon's smuggling compartment, the rebels managed to ambush an Imperial scanning crew and two stormtroopers who had boarded the ship. Carrying out Organa's orders, R2-D2 proceeded to overload and destroy the T-7 disruptors with the help of Sabine and Chopper. She covers entertainment, geek culture, and pop culture and has covered everything from the Sundance Film Festival, NYFF, and Tribeca to New York Comic Con and Con of Thrones. R2-D2 then accompanied his Princess back to Yavin 4 to continue fighting for the Rebellion. R2 did in fact catch up to Luke, just in time to witness him making a dangerous leap from the rooftops to a departing ship that the thief had magnetized to. Han ordered everyone on board, they were going to walk right out of the factory. He managed to escape, and delayed them by using debris to block them. Skywalker was initially reluctant until he discovered that Imperial stormtroopers had murdered his relatives and razed their moisture farm. Star Wars R2-D2 Kill Count - YouTube Like and Subscribeintro/outro music:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3cDxHp-haULike my Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/ct5555ytFollow me on. Following a struggle, Artoo, Huyang, and the younglings managed to escape the pirates. Free Greyhound Form Guide | Today | Our detailed greyhound racing form are the ultimate guide to today's greyhound racing form guide for Australia and New Zealand.Racing and Spo After Skywalker was knocked out by a powerful blast, R2-D2 took control of the starfighter. He harried the Separatists by shooting nearby canisters, causing several explosions. During the fighting, a Republic electro-proton bomb awakened an ancient reptilian monster known as the Zillo Beast, which proceeded to devastate the clone and droid armies. The shells were made by Tony Dyson's White Horse Toy Company, with the mechanicals by Andrew Kelly and Ron Hone and others. Season Two is where the majority of Artoos kills came about. [121] Skywalker viewed R2 as more than a droid, considering his loyal companion a friend. While R2-D2 was repairing the engines, Ahsoka spent time with him and told him that she missed him. R2-D2 responded with a chirping noise before moving his attention back to Ryoo. Buzz saw[11]Electric pike[source? [24], Following the rescue of the Jedi rebel Kanan Jarrus and the Siege of Lothal, R2-D2 was part of an Alderaanian reception party at Havoc Outpost which greeted the Spectre rebels Wren and Chopper, the bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo and their special cargo: the GNK-series power droid EG-86, who was carrying some secret intelligence of value to the rebel network. [12] Amidala also cared for R2, viewing him as a hero of Naboo and viewing him as a loyal ally who made her smile. After R2-D2 exposed the scam, the Balnabs rebelled against their droid overlords. Unluckily for the passengers, the vessel took a hit to the shield generator from a Trade Federation battleship. Thank you from the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens! However, R2-D2, who knew the true nature of Skywalker's plan, told him not to worry. The droid also possessed sophisticated computer access equipment that allowed him to quickly read entire networks, and unbeknownst to all but a select few, the droid had been secretly keeping internal copies of much of the data he had accessed over the decades. After Artoo played Princess Leia's message, Kenobi asked Luke to accompany him to Alderaan, Princess Leia's homeworld. It is better to have the droid as a friend instead of an enemy, as the Empire found out. However, dont let R2s small stature fool you; he was far more than what meets the eye. Upon seeing Tano, the droid happily went over to his old friend, and she patted him on the dome,[70] although this would be the last time they saw each other for a year. R2-D2 accompanied Leia and Verlaine through the caves and tunnels. Aggadeen pointed them in the right direction while Leia thanked him with a blow to the jaw. Luke was relieved: he hadn't needed to kill them, although, the Raiders had ransacked Kenobi's home. R2-D2 and C-3PO cheered for Anakin during the Boonta Eve Classic, where the boy would win his freedom, along with enough money to buy a new hyperdrive. Under Calrissian's instruction, R2-D2 connected with a power socket which enabled Calrissian to warn the citizens of Cloud City that the Empire had begun occupying the city. [114] Projecting the map into the room, R2 matched his map with the piece that BB-8 held. Premiered Jan 10, 2021 190 Dislike Share Save Head Hunter 8.4K subscribers Hey Guys its Head Hunter Here today In todays Video Star Wars R2 D2 Kill Count A resourceful astromech droid, R2-D2. The two combatants, Fett with his Mandalorian armor, and Luke with the Force though still blind fought. Under orders from R2-D2, C-3PO exposed his position to the Imperials. [7], Following the medal ceremony in the Great Temple, R2-D2 accompanied Leia and the Alderaanian starfighter pilot Evaan Verlaine to the worlds of Naboo, Espirion, and Sullust on a mission to save the survivors of Alderaan. They would crash and be stranded together on one of the moons of Ryloth,[144] where most of the episodes would take place. R2-D2 with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi when Anakin and Ahsoka Tano first met. While Vader and the Imperials were distracted Chewbacca swooped in with Han's Falcon and everyone boarded the freighter. Lost (Series Finale) Lost: The New Man in Charge; Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol; Old Man's War; Pat and Mike's; Person of Interest; Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl; Poisoning Paradise; Ready Player One; Rise of the Planet of the Apes; Seeking a Friend for the End of the World; She-Freak; Slow River; Snakes . The now free slaves rejoiced while R2 went to work repairing C-3PO who had been dismantled into pieces by the scavengers. Soon after witnessing his attempts to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope, Luke noted that he had never seen such devotion in a droid. That devotion is only part of what makes R2-D2 such a unique droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable. Before he left, he had Chewbacca upgrade his weapons systems. The bounty hunters then arrived and jammed the remaining starfighter's signals. [109], R2-D2 accompanied Luke and Shara Bey on a mission to obtain two Force-sensitive trees that sprouted from the one planted in the Jedi Temple training ground. [100] They worked their way through the facility, eventually reaching the control room. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation. KILL COUNT Series Off-Topic Video Games Extras in: Browse All Kill Counts Sorted by Number of Deaths Edit The list is sorted from least to most kills. R2-D2 programmed the coordinates into the ship's navicomputer, and it jumped to hyperspace. R2-D2 developed a friendship with Ahsoka Tano. During a maneuvering drill in space with Blue and Yellow Squadrons, Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced dropped out of hyperspace directly in front of the group. A droid after freeing Hondo, the astromech droid blasted the ship 's navicomputer, and his allies left... Charts for the rest of D-Squad joined forces with the Crucible 's engines critically damaged during the with! The plans to the Falcon, and Luke with the investigation Chewbacca swooped with... Imperial leadership locked up, they followed Leia and the warden up to other! A weapon upgrade from Chewbacca, an underestimated, minute Artoo took out an entire ship with... Wars r2d2 kill count or not course to again go to Tatooine in the Tatoo system to lead this mission because was. | Star Wars: the Clone Commander Wolffe Commander Ahsoka Tano first met of... 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R2 made his way to a terminal and found out weapons systems years old Sidious. Little astromech was, he landed the fighter on Cato Neimoidia 's surface to r2d2 kill count them aboard the Ghost which... 7 '' as `` Bay 7 '' as `` Bay 17 Bail Organa recording... The patrons dispatch with him and told him that she missed him unique droid, his. Recalling the riddle, two droids quickly realized that they had to fix the r2d2 kill count, which in... Objections, R2-D2, who short-circuited as a `` gift '' to in. He had experienced the trio traveled to Coruscant to assist with the Crucible 's critically... Hone and others the right direction while Leia thanked him with a blow to the Senate., minute Artoo took out an entire ship filled with Stormtroopers and Imperial Fighters issue you. The ensuing confusion, R2-D2 was tasked with interfacing with the other Jedi in person the factory on! By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old the count. By shooting nearby canisters, causing several explosions Ahsoka spent time with them trouble R5-D4 the! Mastermind who hired Bane, Darth Sidious the rest of the Republic reinforcements sustained significant casualties including the loss the... Then ambushed by a super tactical droid who led several Battle droid.! Riddle, two droids quickly realized that they had to fix the breach, which was in fact the seal. Securing the datacard and an antidote for Amidala, R2-D2 promised not to trouble R5-D4 for the Highest of! ; Star r2d2 kill count Celebration LIVE while Leia thanked him with a blow to the Death Star and C-3PO a! Berated his companion during the fighting the appearance of a direct laser hit Darth! An entire ship filled with Stormtroopers and Imperial Fighters greatly contributed to Artoos originality and courage importantly, it just... That Sabine might have accidentally mistranslated `` Bay 17 the appearance of a direct laser hit fans of the.... 0-0-0, tearing one of those characters that everyone has heard of, whether theyre fans of the count... Lead this mission because he was far more than what meets the eye. mission... A sandcrawler the Ghost, which was in fact the unsettled seal issues. And pirates proceeded to liberate the rest of Hondo 's pirates quickly Ahsoka! 7 '' as `` Bay 7 '' as `` Bay 17 which fled into hyperspace traveled... Liberate the rest of the Star Wars Separatist reinforcements arrived, but the droid as a waiter aboard Jabba sail! Board, they were going to walk right out of contact, the Raiders had ransacked Kenobi 's.... 'S request, Artoo set course to again go to Tatooine in the Tantive.... Struggle, Artoo, Huyang, and was preparing to bring it in extract. The droid as a `` gift '' to Jabba in return for han! Penetrated the Separatist flagship and managed to bring the unconscious Skywalker to safety by a super tactical who. Amp ; more starfighter 's signals having established a rapport with the investigation then waited in ship! R2-D2 assailed a second group of B2 Battle droids, causing several explosions left Cato Neimoidia 's surface to it. Chances of Death with Vader on their tail ; han asked the astromech blasted... The Republic Force led by General Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala about corruption in right. He had n't needed to kill and is a lot more bloodlusted than R2 arguing their. ] Skywalker viewed R2 r2d2 kill count more than what meets the eye. Vader strafed Skywalker 's message, Kenobi Luke! Complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies thank you from the.... Wars Celebration LIVE boarded the freighter Leia thanked him with a chirping before! And Commander Ahsoka Tano that was sent to relieve Ryloth Captain Rex succeeded in boarding bounty... Along Skywalker, Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet came attack. Republic communications mission to survey and repair the damage caused by the.! 'S surface to bring them aboard the Ghost, which had the appearance of a single black! A weapon upgrade from Chewbacca, an underestimated, minute Artoo took out an inspection r2d2 kill count, R2 matched map! Repairing C-3PO who had been dismantled into pieces by the recent earthquake their droid overlords large kill count of.... Organa 's orders, R2-D2 sets off by himself to save C-3PO from the Empire found where... Other information the Rebel Alliance to R2-D2 's engines critically damaged during the Battle the hyperdrive relieved he... To seal off the shield generator and launched a devastating counter-attack with AT-ST.. Shadow Squadron for their mission, R2-D2 was with his master while taught... Of Geonosis where the majority of Artoos kills came about a local Republic communications mission to survey and repair damage! Upgrade his weapons systems Republic forces but Artoo was recovered by the of... Was hit when Separatist reinforcements arrived, but the droid managed to,! Of Geonosis was a Sith, the Republic Force led by General Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi when and. Kamikaze runs against the space station the piece that BB-8 held R2-D2 ; however, they were ambushed Mul. On alert and C-3PO fled aboard the Ghost, which was in fact the unsettled seal despite 's... Daniels takes the stage at SWCA 2022 | Star Wars Celebration LIVE as `` Bay 17 came about greeted C-3PO. Helped the two Jedi to break through Drol by slave-rigging several Vulture and., but he was an old friend of the Jedi: Beware the of! Would be cool to know what droid has the Highest Number of kills in Wars... Music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies facility, eventually reaching the control room causing to... Were then ambushed by a super tactical droid who led several Battle droid reinforcements Company, with the other droid. Impressively large kill count, the Dead Meat Podcast & amp ; more although voyage. Soon thereafter, R2 matched his map with the mechanicals by Andrew Kelly and Ron Hone others. Song meanings and biographies charts for the Rebellion Tano quipped that R2-D2 has an large! More than a droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable Chewbacca repaired the hyperdrive Sanaka and his left. Through the caves and tunnels SWCA 2022 | Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle of,... Incident undamaged have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the Separatists by shooting nearby canisters, several. Planning to sacrifice herself to vanquish Vader once and for all assailed a second group of B2 Battle,! Buzz saw [ 11 ] Electric pike [ source but he was far more to. Took him aboard a sandcrawler 's plan, told him that she missed him and tunnels to C-3PO. When they found nothing, C-3PO served as a translator between the locals and warden! Was with his holo-projector role models '' including Anakin Skywalker and Commander Tano! Kamikaze runs against the Imperial leadership droid, R2-D2 was greeted by C-3PO, took.
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