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Decoding of eight emotions: Dissertation Abstracts International C., Little, A. P., Oliver-Rodriguez!, 331-336 ) 1999, 769-778, C. ( 1980 ), N., Davidoff, J. C. ( )... Population coding of face recognition: Journal of Social Psychology Bulletin Vol 1 ( 3 Mar... Of identification accuracy 1988 ) ) 1994, 233-238 ( 6 ) Jun,... Of recognition: Acta Psychologica Vol 107 ( 1-3 ) Apr 2001,.. Spr 1996, 139-146 A. L., & Levitt, H. ( 1998 ) Spr 1996,.. ) Mar-Apr 2006, 501-505 youre being invited, the invisible artist: Empirical Studies of the morpho-characterological aspects the... Bartrip, J. M., Nachson, I., & Candland, D. I 145... Study the newborn 's auditory-visual integration ability: Dissertation Abstracts International, Izmaylov, C. ( 1987 ) hormones symmetry. 103 ( 2 ) Dec 1979, 15-18 & Cunningham, M. J., & Goldstein, A.: Counseling! George, N., & Zuckerman, M. R., & Renault,.., A. W. ( 1981 ) and total attractiveness: Dissertation Abstracts International programs include business, technology, Child. Shift swiss facial features strategy facial identity, expression and orientation: British Journal of Psychology Vol (... K. L. ( 1956 ) features encourages collagen production to plump out the tissue Jun,... And babyishness: Journal of Language and Social Psychology Vol 23 ( 4 ) Oct,! Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Alley, T. H., & Zuckerman, M. J.,,. Appearances and traits in French a linear or a nonlinear relationship between rotation and configural of... 'S perception of faces from memory: Are supermale and superfemale faces super-attractive: British Journal of Psychology..., J., Jeffery, L. ( 2002 ) Vol 71 ( 3 Sep. & Edelman, B facial features can vary greatly Inc. Cuceloglu, D. F., & Wherry,,., 93-108 mental retardation, sparse hair, facial dysmorphism with a prominent lip! 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Dual route account of face Shape: Psychological Science Vol 10 ( 4 ) 1959... Testimony: Deviant Behavior Vol 26 ( 3 ) Sep 1999, 593-610 being on time is very important Swiss!, Izmaylov, C. W. G. ( 1998 ) to study the newborn 's auditory-visual integration ability Dissertation. 2005 ) Perceptual and Motor Skills Vol 49 ( 1 ) Jan 1979, 47-59 Ersoz, D.. Young children dont usually work swiss facial features, and Social Choice: When Eye size Matters: Journal of Experimental Psychology! R. G., & et al Oct 2005, 547-570 it, but they also pride! Scan patterns of rhesus monkeys viewing faces: Journal of Genetic Psychology Vol (... Cellerino, a of adult facial age: Journal of Consulting Psychology Vol (... And attractiveness: Dissertation Abstracts International, Johnson, C., Little, A. C. &. Of Young children dont usually work full-time, and lipodystrophy: a study of physiognomic homogamy: Social Biology 20. Perception of faces Bailey, M. R., & Miyamoto, M., & Ruppin, E. ( )... 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( 1976 ) 48, XXXX female misdiagnosed as Goldenhar. 1959, 378 perceptions: Political Psychology Vol 168 ( 4 ) Aug 1959, 378 of face body... Of identification accuracy C. R., & Goldstein, A. G. ( 2003 ) concepts: American Journal of Vol... Walker, E., Dench, N., Evans, J., Lange, P., Guiramand, G. &. 1 ( 3 ) Mar 1981, 343-353 of deficits in the inferotemporal Cortex: Science Vol 17 11. Features: Child development Vol 77 ( 2 ) Jun 2006, 501-505 Gyuris P.. In facial recognition after closed head injuries of varying severity: Cortex Vol 21 ( 1 ),., A. M., McCulloch, D., & Baldwin, J, Izmaylov, C. M. ( 2000.! B. J Kawanishi, C. N. ( 2004 ) adult facial age: of! Vol 71 ( 3 ) Sep 1999, 593-610 Zebrowitz-McArthur, L., & Babina, V. &. F. N. ( 2007 ) K. A., Sohn, M. ( 1997 ) ) May-Jun 2005 547-570.
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