The Tower is a reference to the biblical tale of the Tower of Babel. No, this is the end of your relationship, and your ex will not return. In truth, the Tower is a card of freedom and opportunity. A Little Spark of Joy - Everything Tarot and life's Higher Vibes The Tower can also predict time spent in prison, especially if there are other legal cards in your Tarot reading (Justice, The King of Swords) or Tarot cards that are traditionally associated with persecution (such as The Hanged Man). I also love having my White Sound Machine and my Asakuki Diffuser running in my living room. Because fundamental, ground-breaking transformation is at the core of this cards message. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. Because the Tower ultimately refers to the shifting of the truth into the spotlight, perhaps you may be discovering a secret or a fact, previously unknown to you, that will cause you to view a friend, other friendships, or your own friendships from a new perspective. This is a scene of chaos and destruction. For relationships and feelings, the Tower reveals the power of rapid, transformative change. Its ending has caused your ex to question themselves and what they want in life. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Tower reversed indicates a resistance to change. Without head-on confrontation, it is unlikely that you will be able to move forward with as much momentum and success as you would like. The Tower card shows a person filled with energy, full of unpredictability, and very intriguing. 9 Of Wands As Feelings When it comes to feelings, or how someone feels about you, the 9 of Wands is a tarot card that often suggests that someone has a lot of respect for you. The Tower card can indicate that they are somewhat tired of you. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. So, to have a pleasant and fresh start, address the issues and let the past go. When you bring the fierce and abrupt energy of Aries to sudden and unexpected change, then you are saying, bring it on, Ive got this. You are ready for whatever comes your way. You wont be surprised that way again. Temperance Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More! It looks like the tower was built into a rocky mountain, which indicates they wanted to conquer nature. A reversed Tower card calls for a shift in an internal attitude in a conflict. Consider this a warning: if you love your connection, its time to start mending fences or having a conversation to iron out misconceptions. All the leaning towers have fallen. You can see more love and relationship Tarot meanings on this website. The Devil Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More! This can refer to a certain external event, not necessarily related to the conflict, that will shake the people involved into an entirely different mindset. Because finances and career are linked so closely together, the Tower card will most likely indicate a potential career setback. Having Tower moments can lead you to discover the truth about your significant other. It might be bad news to hear that the energy of the Tower card is not over quite yet, but without fully erasing this old situation, then the new will have difficulty coming in. Contents When the Tower and the 2 of Cups appear together, it indicates a big change is about to happen which can lead to feelings of both excitement and nervousness. They aim to limit you in the number of opportunities you receive or accept. There may be a cycle of fighting and breaking. You seem obscure, yet predictable and perhaps even deluded, as if grasping at something that isnt actually there. Assess what you desire out of your career, assess your skills, and research what kind of career suits these aspects. General Without a doubt, The Tower is a definite no for most types of Tarot readings. Suddenly, you will find yourself watching as your universe crumbles to the ground. Neither does this person want to say no, because they do not want to face the change that a no might bring. In some cases, The Tower can appear in a Tarot reading as a feeling to indicate that the person youre interested in will never have romantic feelings for you. There Seeker could be feeling a lot of anger about a situation in their life, both around old and new events. Its contemporary tarot card meanings often refer to disruption, instability, transformation, and the inevitable truth. An example of such a belief system may be a persons perspective upon money or self-worth. Now, the world changes all around them. The Tower card predicts major change unfolding in your friendships. Even it may seem scary, try to embrace the change and welcome it in with an open mind. If so, this person feels immense sexual attraction and desire for you. This card contains a warning that the friendship will end in ruins if you remain unwilling to address how it can move forward. Choose adaptability, flexibility, and grace. By itself, there are no positive or negative connotations to this card. You have a strong sense of self and are confident in your abilities. It is crucial to remember that we always have a choice when it comes to how we react to the people and situations around us. Do something you wouldnt normally resort toand no, you dont need a logical reason for it! At its most basic level, the Tower card represents feelings of shock. Suppose a connection has been shaky or upset by disavowal. The Tower often brings painful truth and change. So, do not be frightened to experience emotional catastrophe. Keep your eyes and ears open for signs, the tower cannot hold secrets for . The Tower as feelings for ex suggests that your ex has experienced a profound transformation due to your connection if you ask how an ex or an old love feels about you. The Tower in upright position generally indicates that someone feels overwhelmed. The Tower card suggests that the person thinks you are a very strange individual. Not all friendships represented by the Tower card are lost causes. We can also be kind, but also realize that a huge burden can be lifted off our shoulders. Becoming trapped in the monotonous or tedious routines of a certain job, way of life, or any situation in fact, can leave us feeling drained. With enforced change comes likely disruption. The Tower will land in the outcome position of your Tarot reading to predict that the future of this matter is going to be a disaster. How do you feel about The Tower? You may suddenly and without warning develop feelings for someone you never thought you would feel for. But the Tower card warns you- what you think is the worst may not even be correct! This can result in a degrading work culture and little company growth. Here, we have to accept that some things are beyond our control, that life is not always meaningful, and that a lot of humanitys attempts at greatness are much like building sandcastles; inevitably the tide will wash them away. Obsidian: One of the This card has shown up a lot in recent years, tying in with the world and galactic changes. After many attempts off stream and a few on stream. It is very common for The Tower to symbolize legal trouble or time spent in prison. As an action card, the Tower in reverse calls on you to question all conventions and mental constructs imposed by society or created organically through the years. The company you work for will be taken over, and you will lose your job. If your foundation is strong, you wont falter. This is certainly not a healthy mindset to have, yet it is ingrained in many cultures and often passed down generationally. An ending of a friendship does not necessarily suggest sadness or despair. I don't see the Tower as a negative card at all. You wont be able to rely on what you formerly did. Either way, this relationship has no future. In terms of finances, the Tower card can indicate potential bankruptcy. Are you curious to know if theres a chance of reconciliation? The Tower can be associated with very specific catastrophes, many of which are out of your control. Sometimes, for a fear of being left behind alone, this person will try to keep you by their side for as long as possible. Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. When reversed, as a card describing someones thoughts of you, the Tower isnt a very good sign. Make sure you check them out! In drawing the Tower for the outcome position, your mind may jump to the worst possible conclusion that there is. Advertise with us. Leave the emotional baggage behind, and meet in a new context, a new future. Vekke Sind, The Fool Tarot Card Meanings, A Complete Guide! Step out of relationships, romantic or platonic, that you will no longer grow in. The situation may seem impossible to escape from, leaving you locked inside the tower. Tarot aims to warn you of the consequences of avoidance and suppression, because the sooner that you acknowledge the truth and accept it, the sooner you can move forward to work on that friendship. From another point of view, the Tower card may appear when enquiring about a current conflict. This is a scene of chaos and destruction. Tarot eBooks. Theyre not sure what to expect next, whether its a burst of emotion or some other instantaneous decision. Their way of thinking or speaking can be distinctly different or unknown from yours, which is how this person is able to influence your worldview and reveal to you truths that you hadnt considered before. Even more explicitly, the Tower could refer to actual constructed towers, such as the Eiffel Tower or even the Big Ben. It could come like a change in a relationship, which up until now has offered security and comfort but is void of any passion or happiness. If youve been going through a tough time, the reversed Tower card usually indicates that things are starting to look up and we are beginning to feel more positive about the future. Although The Tower is up there with one of the worst cards you can pull, theres always hope for a better tomorrow. If the upright Tower refers to passionate outbursts of emotion, then the reversed suggests that there is hardly any at all. Moreover, it could signify a place where a Tower-like situation had happened, or someplace unexpected. They know things will change when you find out, things may get explosive, either your hopes and dreams, or a nightmare. There will inevitably be a disagreement over labor. Is reconciliation possible? However, they could also be living in an idealistic past, avoiding red flags or problems in the present. Though they may act on a whim sometimes, led by their passions and energy, this does not mean that they cannot sit down with you and talk for hours. For now, there is something you are not facing; go and confront it. This card encourages you to come to terms with the facts of the situation, see if the situation is becoming toxic or unsuitable, and let go if need be. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Other people might perceive you to be someone who cant seem to let go of the past, remaining in unhealthy situations that will only serve no good. This person does not want to say yes to monumental change. Is this persons intentions built upon a falsehood or pretense? As this will affect your mind above all else, be like the eye in the center of the storm, and you can turn the tide to your advantage. A woman falls from the top of a tower, which is surrounded by ominous imagery and has been struck by lightning. If your relationship is built on a strong foundation, this could mean the coming of the next chapter. What are the best questions to ask in a tarot reading. i do get those interpretations too. They wont still be attracted to you romantically if they are now. Their view about you might have suddenly. Human beings tend to want to cling to the familiar whether or not it is genuinely serving them in much the same way a young child clings to a security blanket. As Feelings If you ask how someone feels for you, the Tower can indicate that the person in question is shocked or dumbfounded. One possibility is that it is not a physical place, but a mental landscape that you carry wherever you go. In a reading, it can indicate that disruption and conflict are coming your way. Did you always think or expect to meet your future spouse in a common place, such as a university or at work? 1 The survivors of the Great Flood decided to build a tower so tall that it would reach Heaven. For example, if you use these feelings to communicate your needs honestly, it can change the relationship in a positive and instructive way. Leave behind the issues and emotions that caused this to happen. They certainly do not subscribe to the norms of society, being quite eccentric and radical. Awesome. The Tower brings forth an unacknowledged reality. Tarot can be an effective (and fun!) This is a feeling of stagnancy, which is stopping both parties from personal growth and future abundance. It is a surprising turn away from the conflict, and forces us to assess what really matters to us. Whatever your emotions, they come with a large amount of surprise and sometimes disbelief. In the outcome position, this card urges the querent to acknowledge what their belief or mindset towards their situation is in the current moment. All rights reserved. This could include skyscrapers, castles, or even actual towers. The Tower is drawn as a large, intimidating structure with a lightning flash and obvious chaos. The Tower : Love In love it can also signal breakups and convulsed times, but it is much less serious in this inverted position. Consider getting some therapeutical help in acknowledging past traumas or truths about yourself. Both Adam and Eve are naked in front of each other. Which in turn shows how the tower as action can be interpreted. There may be a certain hesitancy in confronting how you really feel. I asked universe about the boy I was with and I believe I asked them what they thought about it. Your beliefs should be tested in a trial by fire. But in the aftermath of the situation, just like in any real-world disaster, a healthy way to cope is to be alone with your grief, acknowledge it, and slowly heal, resulting in deep personal and spiritual transformation. More than anything else, they remind us that below us move titanic forces that do as they will without even noticing up at all. The Tower as Action The Tower as intentions represents changes appearing in the outer world and often reflects deity-level changes. This brings us to another interpretation, that of the lighthouse and its double purpose: to help with navigation and warn about dangerous waters. More precisely, the Tower can appear in the form of a subtle warning. It is important to trust our instincts and go with the flow, as this will eventually lead us to where we need to be, even if we cant see it right now. The imagery on this card is a typical scene of destruction and disruption. The Tower reversed asks you firmly to be more open-minded. That being said, it takes two to tango, so youll both need to be on the same page. Therefore, this could lead to the direction of a more urbanized cityscape. Whether this refers to simply moving on from a past situation, or rethinking certain mindsets toward love and relationships, avoid resisting change in your love life and acknowledge that you must be able to accept yourself first. This is someone who is less of a visionary. Exiting the Tower means entering uncharted territory where nothing is certain, like leaving the family home for the first time. Remember, The Tower is a reminder that not everything can be avoided or predicted. This card is about readying the internal to prepare for the external. The Towers gate is nowhere to be seen on the card. Most of the time, The Tower will appear as a strength, advantage, or positive in a Tarot spread when you have developed a thick skin and a take-no-shit attitude. The Tower As Feelings The Tower in upright position generally indicates that someone feels overwhelmed. The Towers significance in terms of money alludes to the need for transactional assurance. Alternatively, if looking for career options, then consider this card to be an indicator that an unexpected opportunity might present itself to you. On the other hand, only attempt if your relationship has just emerged from a terrible situation and you have seen some unanticipated changes that are difficult to accept. You seem like an impenetrable keep of secrets at one moment, then you reveal such energy and knowledge that they do not know what to expect of you. It is certainly possible. The Tower card talks of a veil of falsehood surrounding you. At last, when we track down the mental fortitude to take a gander at our misguided judgments, we are liberated. While trapped in the Tower, either nothing at all happens or the slightest discomfort is exaggerated and feels like a tragedy. The Tower means they are now trying to figure things out for themselves, not necessarily wanting to get back together with you. But anything built upon a false premise or pretense will almost certainly be taken down. Going bankrupt is a frequent theme for Tower situations. This can refer to a significant break or an adjustment to how the relationship has been regularly progressing. Reconciliation is a challenging proposition now that Pandoras box has been unlocked. The collapses that come from The Tower appear out of nowhere. All rights reserved. Calming Cosmos is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It indicates that a lot of important lessons have been learned and we have grown as a result of it. You may have long moved away, but still experience perhaps the mental trauma or memories that the place once brought you. The Tower card reversed can refer to a place that is familiar to you. GOOD. It is also very much a situation that you cannot control. Thirdly, they can be invested in the past purely on the basis of interest or fascination. They feel as if they have been struck by lightning. Though it may hurt at first, it is better to know sooner than later. The old may be comfortable, but the new is certainly better for you emotionally. You may be chasing a job that doesnt necessarily entail what you think it does. The first situation that the Tower reversed can talk about is having the willingness to actively challenge or remove our old limiting beliefs. Your ex is now unsure of who they are and what they want out of life due to how it ended. Tagged: Tarot, meanings, interpretations, divination, fortune telling, future, outcome, career, business, love, relationship, feelings, yes or no, positive, negative, The Tower, Major Arcana, Tower. Research what kind of career suits these aspects exaggerated the tower as feelings feels like a tragedy if the upright Tower refers passionate! - love, future, Feelings, and your ex to question themselves and what want! 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