biomancer 5e class

They may spread this healing out over multiple ability scores and multiple subjects as they see fit. All spells which affect animals now instead affect aberration. Unwilling targets get a Fortitude save, DC 10 + class level + Int. They have enough troubles worrying about dragons and undead, a plague is absolutely devastating, but a biomancer can save them. Biomancers admire druids, as both of them are in touch with nature. The creature obeys your orders to the best of its abilities, but will not willingly harm itself. You may expend three microbe points. Mutation (Ex): A biomancer has control over the Test Subject, manipulating it's structure at will. Additionally, your weapons inflict an additional 1d8 poison damage. Health Scan (Ex): A biomancer becomes very good at determining the health of other creatures. I can be rather unkempt and narrowly focused. It's always incredibly difficult to balance a feature that has a ton of options, because it's almost impossible to predict every combination of features. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background. In addition to these effects, you have unlocked an even better control over the magical forces that govern life. Though I am gifted in knowledge, I do not quite understand social norms. Biomancers generally have intriguing relationships with druidic tribes that tend toward extremes and are rarely neutral. Religion: Biomancers respect nature, for nature is what brings both wonderful cures and terrible plagues. So I have mutations I can apply to my creatures. I haven't seen any other homebrews for it so I figured that I would give it a try. Biomancers may choose spells that appear on the druid spell list. A biomancer must stay within one step of his sworn alignment, or lose his spellcasting powers, class abilities, and test subject. I also know that micromanaging a tone of summons and friendly gribblies is a pain - I've tried to minimize it here, but I understand where this could be a turn-off for folks. Pyromancer. Every saving throw against those effects is rolled with advantage. While in Cell Body, you may occupy the same space as up to two allies within ten feet of each other. The creature wholly obeys your orders to the best of its ability. Epic Biomancer Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Augmented Alchemy, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, Enhance Spell, Epic Endurance, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Speed, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spellcasting, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Extended Life Span, Fast Healing, Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Dexterity, Great Intelligence, Great Strength, Great Wisdom, Improved Darkvision, Improved Heightened Spell, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, Multispell, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Permanent Emanation, Spell Knowledge, and Spell Opportunity. False Life. Good job! The source of his alien creations is not study into the workings of life, but channeling mad powers from the Far Realm. As an action, you may spend two or more microbe points. Starting at 7th level, the effect of your microbe touch ability changes to better suit your goals. Starting at 7th level, you become capable of forcefully taking the information you desire. On a success, you establish the creature as your aide and it gains the following features. What if Dr. Frankenstein or Dr. Moreau could manipulate the Weave? As Mages who improve on the natural world and create strange hybrids, this seemed like a fun design challenge to undertake. The attacker must roll with disadvantage against your cell body miss chance. You gain a pool of points equal to half of your maximum hit points. Can I use Legendary Actions? Starting at 15th level, your destiny is in sight and no mortal may interfere. He becomes a carrier of every disease he encounters, up to his class level. However, they share a similar characteristic in bearing a raw hunger for knowledge. They are, however, intellectuals and thus tend to stray to studying these marvels instead of worshiping them. Preparing a new list of biomancer spells requires time spent in meditation and study at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. Version 2.7.4. The biomancer magically emanates life-giving energy within 30 feet of itself. If someone shows an interest in my work, I reveal everything to them and yearn for their admiration. If the target succeeds the saving throw, you are aware of it and the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours. So, is this an action? At Higher Levels. Alternatively, you may expend 5 microbe points to cure a willing creature of blindness or deafness. Starting at 15th level, you have learned to use your knowledge and magic to turn a battle away from defeat. I love to travel wherever my studies take me. [C] = Concentration Spell, 1st-level enchantment. The new spell must be of . Stem Cell Reservoir. If they succeed, they take half as much damage. You retain this form for ten minutes per biomancer level or until you choose to reform into your physical body. Spells: Biomancer spells are based on Intelligence for determining both spell DCs and spells per day, as well as the highest level spell available to cast. You know the druidcraft and thorn whip cantrips, both of which are considered Wizard spells for you and dont count against the number of cantrips you may know. In an instant, he consumes the contents of both vials and braces for the consequences. As the assassin plunges his dagger into the young halfling's neck, a malicious giggle reverberates through the cavern. This sort of feature is usually once/rest, or a capstone. You gain resistance to necrotic and poison damage, and you are immune to disease and the poisoned condition. Beginning at the 2nd level when you take join this school, you gain various proficiencies relating to your study of life. So I create the same type of creature I have essence of, right? Good-aligned biomancers often retain a similar philosophy to that of druids, desiring an equilibrium in nature that fosters growth and evolution. "By spending an hour, and 500 gold per Rank, the Mutation becomes permanent.". Touch of Life (Ex): Good biomancers can now choose to heal HP instead of ability damage with their microbe touch. The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You're looking at putting fighters, monks, clerics, and possibly more out of business. As the spores envelop him, the assassin clutches his chest as blood spews forth from his mouth. At 6th level a biomancer gains continuous detect poison, and can detect poisonous creatures as well. Afterwards, you immediately fall prone and are incapacitated until your next turn. The microbes infect the creature's eyes and temporarily hinder the creature's sight. When you do so, the creature permanently gains one failure on its death saving throws. Sample Encounter: A mad biomancer has finally developed a disease than would destroy all the evil goblins threatening the land. Vers 1930. sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spcificits des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! During a short rest, you may choose to spend any number of hit dice. He may force a concentration check for enemy spellcasters to cast spells, with a DC equal to his infection DC. Additionally, if the creature spends a Long Rest in the sphere, they may choose to either gain fifteen temporary hit points or recover from one wound, disease, or poison effect. Free Healing is always bad. An eligible creature must have a Combat Rating of 1 or lower and an Intelligence score of 5 or lower. Notables: Appropriately named 'Doc', this warforged wishes to know what it means to be alive for he himself is a being which is only partially organic himself. A Dragonborn dances around a fire, emulating the movements of a Dragon he studied so long ago. If you are already proficient in the chosen ability, you may gain expertise instead. Starting at 20th level, your understanding and control over the organic is complete. Abilities: Intelligence is paramount for the Biomancer, for they must understand what is going on with all the reactions they cannot see. Also starting at 7th level, you are able to override your instincts against self-harm for the sake of others. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. After using this ability, you may not use it again until you complete a long rest. "I wanna make this the Mele Fighter Archetype, but don't want to put the Fighter Class out of business.". The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or by deafened for one round. At levels 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19, the biomancer gains an additional use of this ability per day. If you fail an Intelligence ability check, you may use this feature to reroll the check with advantage. If you do so, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC as your microbes enter a creature's mind. They improve in these aspects as they level up. Perhaps your character was afflicted with a deadly disease, surviving to become immune to it and curious as to why. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. Starting at 4th level, you gain the ability to discorporate into a cloud of microbes flying in the air. Their goals are usually centered on the fulfillment of a vision for their own destiny. (a) a quarterstaff or (b) any simple ranged weapon. Biomancers have learned to use the Weave to manipulate life itself, accessing a form of magic unavailable to most wizards. This power may be taken multiple times, each time adding 5 more damage from your attacks which count as having the appropriate regeneration bypassing ability. When you choose this code at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following abilities: Arcana, History, Nature, and Medicine. On a failure, they take 8d8 poison damage. If the result is a 4 or less, the attack misses. At 15th level, his fly speed rises again, this time to 40 ft. (perfect), and he gains the special ability to infect the bodies of others. . You cast the spell without expending a spell slot or needing to provide material components. "Decant a creature that has HD equal to your own" Since I'm level 20 Biomancer, all creatures have HD equal to my own, since I have HD equal to my level. On a success, the creature becomes your research assistant and gains the following features. You can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. If the creature fails, it takes poison damage equal to the spent microbe points multiplied by your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) and is considered poisoned. Possessing Infection (Ex): When a biomancer of at least 15th level uses his infection ability, and successfully enters the body of another, he can cause the subject a great deal of trouble. If a subject is lying but an empathic link has been made, it provides the biomancer with a +5 alchemetical bonus to their sense motive checks against that person. Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier. The effect is identical to the casting of a Gaseous Form spell, except it lasts for 10 minutes/class level, only affects the biomancer, has a fly speed of 20 ft. (perfect), and possesses a 20% miss chance as their form blurs (this does not stack with the blur spell). An eligible creature must have a Combat Rating of 1 or lower and an Intelligence score of 5 or lower. Constitution is important for any build, as is Dexterity to shore up their lack of armor (although they have no penalty for wearing armor, should they pick up proficiency). Generally, influencing an aberration in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. I love the flavor, and I would definitely want to play this subclass. Please offer and critique and constructive feedback! Any penalties he may have already incurred, however, remain in place, and the biomancer still dies when his time is up. If this damage would reduce you to 0 hit points, you remain with 1 hit point instead. Whenever you or your aide are charmed or frightened, the telepathic bond between you both enables you to resist the effect. This class is a definitely one of the more complicated I've come up with - I had to read up on a lot of rules on Spell Ranges, the difference between Natural Weapons and and Unarmed Strikes, how D&D monsters are put together. How does the "touch" range work? As an action, you take damage equal to half of your maximum hit points that can not be reduced in any way. If you already have proficiency with these skills, you may choose one additional skill proficiency for each proficiency you already have. You heal a friendly creature a number of hit points equal to the number of microbe points expended. You also double your proficiency with the Alchemists Supplies, the Herbalism Kit and the Poisoners Kit. A buddy of mine and I are experimenting with making a class based off of Magic the Gathering's Simic Biomancers. Biomancer's Desk. His fly speed in this state also rises from 20 ft. (perfect) to 30 ft. (perfect). On a success, they take half as much damage. Second, choose the scientist background. 0Acid Splash, Inflict Minor Wounds, Touch of Fatigue, 1stCure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Ray of Enfeeblement. By spending 5 points they can duplicate the effects of a contagion spell. As he winces in suppressed agony, glowing blue spores emanate from the man's chest and descend upon his allies. Starting at 7th level, you are able to harness the healing power of your microbes to augment the effects of your Microbe Touch ability. In fact, biomancers often outright abhor those who have sworn to a code differing from their own. This sis till roughshod (I still need to finalize some of the archetypes! Biomancers fit both the role of cleric and druid. I'd also like to point out here that this is the only class that requires Gold to use their class features. You form a telepathic bond with the creature and may communicate with it telepathically. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far away from you as possible. If you are attacked by a creature within 50ft of you, you may expend 5 microbe points. With a Wisdom of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. Up to 5 points of damage done by an attack against a creature with regeneration is treated as having bypassed the creature's regeneration ability. Alternatively he may figure out the number of HD a creature possesses. You don't want something that Just Does Everything, and the rest of this class is edging dangerously close to trying to be a One Man Party. Calling upon the connection between your life and the primal forces of nature, you can cast spells that manipulate the form of the organic. RPGBOT April 20, 2021. School of Biomancy (5e Subclass) - D&D Wiki School of Biomancy (5e Subclass) The School of Biomancy Wizards that choose to study within the School of Biomancy have a keen interest in manipulating the forces of life and a connection to the inherit magic of nature. All of the following are class features of the Biomancer. Druids from the Circle of the Stars can also augment their fighting abilities with a choice of Constellations, which act as buffs for certain abilities in a fight. What if I fail my check - can I redo it? He may also spread to another person by touch without becoming visible again, at the same saving throw. Use this subreddit to: Share your D&D Homebrews, help others with their homebrews, get help on your homebrew. By expending 5 points, they may create the effect of remove disease on a subject or remove blindness/deafness. Furthermore, you no longer suffer the effects of old age. The Biomancer may spend a Long Rest performing an experiment. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. How many levels of exhaustion can I ignore or cure? At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the biomancer spell list. It is rare for a biomancer to serve a deity. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn't have to move away. Re-skinned Healing Spirit. Be careful with making it too easy to restore spell slots. The Osteomancer has the ability to manipulate his/her bones/skeletal system. You may spend an additional two microbe points to impose disadvantage on the saving throw. The desk contains writing instruments, scientific apparatus, chemical solutions, a ream of fine parchment paper, and a small figurine of the Biomancer's animal companion that models after their current mood and condition. Taken a second time, and the biomancer may attempt to cast spells while infecting another person. In cell form his concealment bonus works against magic as well, providing a 20% or 50% miss chance with targeted spells. When they are performing regular tasks and not expending their microbes, the efficiency of their bodies allows them to go for extended periods of time without nutrition. What field of study awakened your curiosity? Additionally at the 2nd level, your studies into the mysteries of life have unlocked various spells for you that other wizards are unable to comprehend. A biomancer keeps a spellbook of spells known, learning all 0th level spells and 3 + Int first level spells on creation. You may prepare an additional number of spells each day equal to half your Wizard level (rounded up). If a biomancer later gains the epic feat Extended Life Span, he instead becomes immortal as he discovers the means to constantly refresh his body. Poison Scent (Su): A biomancer is inhumanly aware of the chemicals given by biohazards. Biomancers must follow a strict Code of Ethics. If the target fails the saving throw, you may choose to receive the information verbally or telepathically, but the information requested must be divulged. On a failure, the creature is aware of the attempt and is immune to further attempts for 7 days. Aura of Resistance (Ex): The biomancer gains an aura which strengthens the immune system. Biomancers of this code are capable of self-sacrifice in protection of nature and their allies. During a short rest, you may sacrifice a number of hit points equal to half of your familiar's maximum hit points. Evil-aligned biomancers, on the other hand, utilize their powers for malicious purposes and bend nature to the furtherance of their agenda. If an attack meets or exceeds your AC while in Cell Body, roll a d20. Welcome to /r/DnDHomebrew! The only thing harder to balance than you having a bunch of features is being able to paste those features on other classes. No exceptions ever. Of course, there are always mad doctors in the pack Daily Life: To heal or harm, the pulse of celluar life is his calling. You can make a biomancer quickly by following these suggestions. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Biomancers are proficient in all simple weapons, and light armor, but not with shields. He can spread out this healing over several uses. At 13th level a biomancer has discovered how to control his movements in such a way as to employ the somatic components for spellcasting. Based on the earlier Biomancer (3.5e) first found on D&D Wiki (Source: Current Version Created by Stephan Edgar. The target has disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability. On a failure, the creature immediately takes its turn to attack a creature of your choice. Arcane Tradition: Biomancer (5e) - Like a little mad science in your fantasy? Additionally the biomancer gains damage reduction 5 to either silver, adamantine, or cold iron (the biomancer's choice), and his cell form's damage reduction also becomes damage reduction of the appropriate type instead of DR/magic. Finally, you add the purify food and drink and detect poison and disease spells to your spellbook. The entity has a transluscent appearance and radiates a soft light. Seeing his allies near death from the dragon's last attack, a human stands defiantly. Go take a look at the Beastmaster Ranger or assorted Dominate spells to see how much mechanical definition is needed when you are controlling a second entity. This should be in the base class, not here. Starting at 2nd level, during a short rest you can choose to automatically regain 2d8 hit points in addition to hit points regained through the expenditure of hit dice. Skills: Choose two from Medicine, Nature, Arcana, Investigation, Survival, Insight, and Perception. In the plane of Ravnica nearly all the innovation and advancement in Simic bioengineering comes from the work of biomancers. Cell Form (Su): At 5th level, a biomancer unlocks the secrets of single celled lifeforms and can discorporate into a cloud of microbes floating in the air. I have spells (though like many homebrew spellcasters, I'm not sure why - my abilities don't really interact with them in any way). Good aligned biomancers generally pick up the oath of doctors to heal and cure the wounded and sick, while evil ones pick up oaths to spread disease for sick knowledge and warp the bodies of others.