pennsylvania dutch swear words

He is an able carpenter. They are a type of doughnut, that is a long and rectangular shape. pet verb = shtreicha bowl (small) noun = di shisli explain verb = auslayya (literally lay it out) carve out / chip out verb = raus tshibba The top 4 are: ohio, german, german language and germany. Here are some Pennsylvania Slang Terms to Know about the Lehigh Valley. Wish verb = voddaIch vott sveah Samshdawk sos miah gay kenna ebbel geddahra. Verbs that go with di drubb are conjugated for he/she/it not they. Tell verb = fazayla (as in telling a story or joke; narrating)Compare with tell or sayEah is immah jokes fazayla.Fazayl mich en shtoahri. Keep in mind that there are many dialects of Pennsylvania Dutch, and some words may vary between different areas, families, and communities. So if you want to impress your Dutch friends with some profanity, click here. You have entered an incorrect email address! Terrible adj = shlimm (awful) Compare with more intense versions worse and worst. In . Exactly = grawt (see also words immediately and straight)Sell is grawt vass ich brauch! Dutch swearwords are pretty different between Belgium and the Netherlands. Mei eldra sinn 70 dess yoah, glavvich. Killed verb = doht gmacht (needs helper verb for whoever is doing the killing). Into / in = nei (usually grouped with a verb) (Compare with new)Vass kann uns helfa fa nett nei gevva zu temptations?Log nei. When used as part of a sentence, its usually noch nett. Unless = unni(See also without)Unnis shunsht sawkt sinn di vadda gnumma funn dee buch. [17] If you want to swear like Swiss and Amish, however, look no further as The Daily Bonnet brings you the very best in Pennsylvania Dutch curse words. Edmond, Lellebel looks like a variant of Jezebel which is an insult with biblical origin that has the same connotation as slut in many many ocountries. Schijt is less like its English cognate and more like the gentler French merde. When I was 7yo my dad named my cat Klota Cat. Jagoff- its an insult to someone who is being mean or annoying. Affected adj = afektVi mecht ma afekt sei vann em sei job tshaynsht? Preaching (work) noun = di ministry (as in the preaching work that we do) (not breddiches)Unsah ministry is goot organized. Profanity Words. Also an excellent word. The general rule for Pennsylvania Dutch is that all nouns are capitalized. right? But we used a lot more English words in our Pennsylvania Dutch. Some Amish use more Dutch or German words for everything. And heck, otherwise you can at least enjoy his nice videos on the experience of learning Dutch. Section noun = da sectionVass lanna ma funn deah section? Genitals The next group of Dutch swear words is probably more familiar to readers, as many languages use curse words for genitals, or to call somebody a body part: i.e. Somewhere = eiyetzDu bisht am shaffa eiyetz es reeli laut is. 17 Deeply Satisfying Dutch Insults We Need In English. Sis niemand do.---There's nobody here. The Pennsylvania Dutch are the present-day descendants of several waves of German-speaking immigrants from central Europe beginning at the tail end of the seventeenth century, up until the time of the American Revolution, and shortly thereafter. Toilet glasses. Move verb = zeeya (as in to move residence), Need verb (See also Need language lesson), Necessary = nohtvendich (not nohdvendich), New World Translation noun = di New World Translation. Recently = katzlichVass hott di Becky yusht katzlich gedu katt? It is pannenkoek and it is a pancake. Sie scheie sich vun haddiArewat. My closest guess would be Godverdomme, (something) nog aan toe!. In addition to some influence from Philidelphia and the Pennsylvania dutch. In true fashion, womens and girls hair will be in a bun or pinned back with a bonnet on it. The locals here do not eat at buffets and smorgasbords all the time, nor do most people go to the gift shops. There is more to the state than what most people think. The website may provide links to other websites on the Internet, the content of which is not in our control. (as in choice), Lesson noun = da lessonIn deah lesson, zayla miah lanna veyyich. Da leicht is beshteld fa Samshdawk meiya. I should have learnt Dutch while I still was with him to get a whiff of what was going to come, but he did not have enough patience to teach me, alas! Not sure whether it has been used since then (it wouldnt make any sense, as it was used to call women who had relations with German soldiers during the war). Oh and thanks for the * on the cancer one. Yours pro = dein (possessive pronoun; used only without another noun). Verbs that go with alles are conjugated for he/she/it not they. Fair enough. vissa lossa can be used in a friendly way (let someone know something) or an unfriendly way (let them know it) depending on the context. Select from verb = raus laysa (pick out; choose from)Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa. (last) Night = geshtrohvet (See also Times of day). Previously = difoah (before now, earlier) (Compare with before and for it)Ich habb sell nett keaht difoah! Beside = nayvich (physically next to something)Da nei bohm is geblanst nayvichs haus. Sort of / Kind of / Type of = faVass fa challenges hott da Andy katt? 2019 All Rights Reserved. (vid inside) DutchReview, The best tips to learn Dutch: My experience of grasping the language DutchReview, 7 Ways to Learn Dutch Fast and Easy: our best tips to learn Nederlands in life DutchReview. Ich hab en aker grummbiere geblanst. Note: This page is not affiliated with or endorsed by in any way. Not the same as to split wood) compare with split (verb) and sow (verb)Says hols.Miah hols sayya fa unsah nochbah. Mean verb = mayna compare with to have the opinion (verb)Sells vass ich mayn. And nowhere online can I find a translation. It is only used when theres no other noun. Daughter noun = es maydel / s maydel (common), Day after tomorrow = ivvah meiya (See also Times of Day), Day before yesterday = foah geshtah (See also Times of Day). I thought it mightve meant, God damn it, and you, too.. Because after that, I promise you, if you keep your efforts, therell be a click, and suddenly you will find it easier to start talking, you will notice you understand people around you, you will lose the fear. Booked adj = beshteld (See also scheduled (adj)) (Technically a borrowed German word, but often used in print when talking about upcoming events. Better (one) noun = bessahrahIch binn en teacher avvah du bisht en bessahrah. Still no? Er is ganz ab. Single men and young men will not have any facial hair. Swearing with diseases sounds pretty bad. The local professional football team the Pittsburgh steelers. Steak noun = di shtaykDi shtayk shmakt reeli goot. See also once; compare with oft)S vatt is als getrenslayt veld. The first major emigration of Germans to America resulted in the founding of the Borough of Germantown in northwest . We might be bad at lots of things, but no one swears better than the British. (I will let them know. Friendlier Dutch swear words exist and can be used to express anger without making life-long enemies. It is simply a glossary and Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary for language learning. When you think of Pennsylvania most people think of two things. Put on verb = ohzeeya (for example clothes) (See also dress (verb)) Ich binn mei glaydah ohzeeya. Surcingle noun = da bauch-gatt (belt or strap that goes under horses stomach to hold a saddle or pack to horses back)Mach shuah da bauch-gatt teit is. That all when it comes to profanity in the Netherlands? You= dich or du. Sometimes, older Deitsh words found in the dictionary or The Heilich Shrift (Bible) are no longer used among native speakers. Lost adj = faloahra (used with form of sei or vadda)Miah sinn faloahra. Hes a little off in the head. It was my first week in the Orange Country and I knew little of biking etiquette. Argument noun = da argumenten grohsah argument. These swear words carry only their literal meaning in Belgium. Sie hot sich widder verschlofe. 400,000 people speak Pennsylvania Dutch - Given that the current Amish population is over 300,000, the great majority of these speakers are Amish. Based verb = gebayst (PP)Eah hott sei discussions uf facts gebayst. While = veilDu zaylsht en latt may lanna veils miah mitt-nannah shvetza veyyich di lessons. Decision noun = da decisionVass zayld helfa fa en goodah decision macha? Dress verb = dressa (as in, to dress in a certain way. Quiet adj = shtill (see Shtill vs Alsnoch vs Noch vs Doch language lesson). Put into verb = nei du (conjugate du to match the noun)Du di zeit nei vann da job faddich gmacht hosht. He lived the abundant life. Pittsburgh, located in western pa and uses the word yinz, Yinz the Western pa way of saying you all, Yinzer- The people of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas, Creek pronounced crick it is a body of water. Groningen native so youd probably call me a boer? Furthermore, in this article, its time to learn some Pennsylvania slang terms to know. Some example sentences used on this page may contain partial quotes from sentences publicly available on and (as in one of our relatives)S mensht leit shteahra bei dee goodi sacha sheira mitt iahra friends addafreindshaft. Weather noun = es veddahMiah henn samm shay veddah katt. Obey verb = heicha compare listen (verb)Miah missa Gott heicha. Whereas in English you couldn't get away with using this, in Dutch it is not the end of the world. Free adj = free (not frei)Sell is da vayk es miah free sei kenna. Not the same as to cut or saw wood. Here is a look at some good Pennsylvania Dutch sayings to know. [] And if youre feeling a bit cheeky, DutchReview and Learn Dutch also wrote an article on how to curse like a proper Dutchie. For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words To and Kind of for additional meanings. The Daily Bonnet previously compiled a list of Russian Mennonite profanity. Was der schinner is letz? With a variety of words and phrases to know, the World War II Generation was the last generation that widely spoke Pennsylvania Dutch (which is actually a German dialect, and varies across regions of the US). Raise verb = uf zeeya (to raise children), Raised adj = ufgezowwa (raised, as in children). Built adj = gebautSi sinn gebaut mitt hols. Duhs uff die Rechning! Worried adj = gwohrit (often with sei or vadda), Worse adj = shlimmah (more terrible or awful). With a variety of words and phrases to know, the World War II Generation was the last generation that widely spoke Pennsylvania Dutch (which is actually a German dialect, and varies across regions of the US). It is best at night to see the city all lit up. Longjohns are also the type of pants that you wear over the top of your underwear but below your jeans or sweatpants. Get rid of (something) phrase = ritt vadda. Thinking noun = denkes (as in the way a person thinks; opinion, viewpoint)See also Thank, think, thinking language lessonDi veld iahra denkes is letz! Mom = mam. Old (people) noun = di eldri (pl)Vi kenna eldri un yingahri nannah helfa? You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Search this page with Ctrl+F (PC) | Find on page (mobile). Answer (1 of 4): It depends on the community. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They are normally brought our during the cold winters to keep people warm during their time outside. The term is more properly "Pennsylvania German" because the so-called Pennsylvania Dutch have nothing to do with Holland, the Netherlands, or the Dutch language.