regina caeli academy scandal

Regina Caeli Academy (RCA) was founded in 1994 as a private school satellite program(PSP) to support independent Catholic home educators in California. Protected: Podcast 51: the Grift of the Magi, Protected: Podcast #50: The Five Stages of Revenge, Podcast 49: Not trying to hurry you (FREE PODCAST! Roswell, GA 30076. My goodness, the comments on this are unusually spicy. All of the RCA stuff sounds eerily similar. My primary concern in all of this is for the souls of her children and those who attend the school. Thats good. Simcha breeds division amongst Catholics and that is not of God. Deputy of the Oratory for You are heavy on rumor and allegations and have so many anonymous sources, I cant even tell how many people were interviewed for this article. Protected: Ill See Myself Out, Episode 62: Episodic! My kids have no direct contact with corporate that Im aware of, only with these good folks. I stayed because I liked the tutors at my center and our CCE shielded us from most of the worst dictates on the kids. I am sorry this did not come sooner, but honestly, I was not in an emotional place to make good decisions.. While these women went on to found an independent Roman Catholic school locally (still in existence and stronger than ever), they also began a legacy of handing down the . My sense is this is reporting that is needed. They always are. I wouldnt blame them though if they skipped reading all this blather. I understand why people leave the church, even if they dont leave the Church. 323: We are an Epiphany people are we are going to bed, No knives out after the death of Benedict, Whats for supper? The letter states that a generous benefactor, with full knowledge of Mrs. Beckmans situation, has emerged to make the separation of Regina Caeli and Veritatis Splendor (VS) a reality. in 2003, sent a letter to the members of Regina Caeli at the end of last week acknowledging a terrible lapse in judgment with a personal relationship. Multiple sources confirmed the relationship was with Jim Graham. But its not merely a matter of spiritual hypocrisy that distresses this and other Regina Caeli families. Regina Caeli Academy. Theyve been through enough. Ill take things that have nothing to do with the article, the authors and the topic at hand for $500, Alex. NISAC is nothing but a dude and a shack in California. Vaccination is not poison. Please explore my website to discover all I offer, my recommendations for resources, and then "contact me" or set an appointment to let me know how I can help. Not a lie. What proof do you have the 2016 suit was settled out of court? Perhaps if we turned down on the volume about how horrifying it is to exist in a world where we dont hang women whove had abortions or burn drag queens at the stake, we might avoid scandals like this in the future. We are called to live IN the world, not segregated in a Catholic commune where the (cult)ure of silence and toxic obedience leads to corrupt leadership as we see here (and in the magisterium). Dear Parent who really *thinks* they knowUm, shes absolutely 1000% correct. Now thats a lie. Probably tax free too. Protected: Podcast 3dunno: Even Wilder Turkey! I live in walking distance of the RCA in Atlanta. This is disgusting for her family, the real victims. The last thing on your to-do list before Christmas, Special Valentines FREE Episode: 20 things we hated about FIREPROOF, Protected: Podcast #65: Sometimes goat is just not GOAT. Thats what I thought. Let us pray Thanks for understanding. Hmm. Either way, I doubt well be signing up for 2022-23. No. Please note that The Congregation of the Oratory is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right. I had to ask for absolution at the end! Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window). Many parents have described the school as something of a godsend, allowing them both the freedom of homeschooling and the structure of the traditional classroom. ), Protected: Podcast #48: Accidentally unnamed, Protected: Podcast #46: Mamas little snakey loves bananofee pie, Protected: Podcast #45: Sharples and cocaine, Protected: Podcast 44: Some degree of martyrdom, One long dad joke: My interview with EOTTs S.C. Naoum. Why is no one looking into her compadre Lisa Wheeler? Who funded Kari Beckmans fall from grace? How did you verify if anything has been built on the land in TX yet? My friend had their phone confiscated for an entire school year while their mother was in the hospital battling cancer. I would be more inclined to do so had they not chosen an insider to replace Beckman. Even with CPS involved, and obvious abuse, there were still catholic friends telling me it was my job to reconcile! Families trust has been betrayed. Regina Caeli is bigger than one person. I was closely involved with leadership in the organization at the time and I know that to be a fact, although I was not privy to the amount of the settlement because of the confidentiality agreement with respect to the settlement. As of Nov. 16, all comments will automatically go into moderation and must be approved manually. No other structures have been even started, I am on site and will verify this to anyone with factual proof. The parent remains the primary educator by homeschooling the other . Vol. After applying, the local administrator will contact you to schedule a family interview. A group of Regina Caeli families travelled together to see a production of The Nutcracker, and although it was not an official school outing, they had used the school email to communicate about it, and Regina Caeli heads considered the trip problematic because the tutus worn by the dancers were too short, and deemed the show soft porn.. Because thats how dedicated they are. How does she know this? This lawsuit looked to be stalling for some reason. Persecution for Beckman and her marks was defined as having to live around people who think were wrong, which is rather far from Red Martyrdom. This is important. I am now delighted to offer this same administrative oversight and support to families everywhere in the United States. Years of spiritual and financial abuse of these families, but shes the victim. Im going to start a utopian community and Im looking for some investors. 793 1), Students graduate from the full college preparatory curriculum with an accredited diploma, Parents are assisted with meeting deadlines, testing, and attendance requirements, It is an affordable model for those who desire flexibility, It allows children to be home with mom or dad three days out of the week, Those who teach with us are trained in the classical curriculum and the Socratic Method. As someone who has gotten to deal with this debacle firsthand and has had a front row seat to others attempting to do the same. Please fill out a request form and our Admissions Office will contact you and provide the information you desire. Thanks for understanding. 324: O tempora, o meatballs, Whats for supper? Is it true that they compared ballet tutus to soft porn? Agreed 100%. . It is important to reflect on Regina Caeli's academic and spiritual model. 1565 Holcomb Bridge Road. I have long voiced to other local Catholics my concerns about this school, so I am not surprised by any of this. They trusted her and even though we were wronged in the past by her here in the Michigan location, we forgive here. My experience with the school is that it is full of good people and faithful families who are looking for a better way to educate their children. Beckman, who founded the homeschool hybrid Regina Caeli Academy in 2003, sent a letter to the members of Regina Caeli at the end of last week acknowledging a terrible lapse in judgment with a personal relationship. Multiple sources confirmed the relationship was with Jim Graham. The law, which has undergone several legal challenges, has been unpopular even within some factions of the conservative pro-life community, some of whom view it as anything from distasteful to politically reckless to counter-productive. Your CCE may have ignored that policy, but the REAL policy is that it will be returned at the end of the year. Fewer girls would experience rape if men chose not to rape them. She doesnt say, and no one asks. I sincerely thank you. You could get an anonymous review from a current family or two, to round out the perspective on your article. John is there any American Catholic conspiracy theory in which you dont indulge? If theyre so perfect and thats the standard, why do we need Jesus anyway? Imagine if they was covering abortions instead of an affair. Empaths suffer from C-PTSD because we love people to be loved in return, and NPDs see people as pawns on a chess board- or they see life as a game of poker, reading people in order to see what they can get from them for free. Protected: Podcast #16: Reporticus Shutupicus! It may even suggest the subjects had enough integrity to not falsely deny what they did. Hey kids, mom broke one of the ten commandments so people are bringing us food.. Youre heavy on innuendo and rumor, and have not provided any interviews with any employees or families who arent disgruntled whistleblowers. would be huge., RCA is reasonably priced and the Director provides a wellspring of educational resources, new and traditional curriculum for students and special needs students, recommendations for college credit courses for high schoolers, and a plethora of seminar, camps and other faith filled resources for students and parent-teachers as well., 2022 by Regina Caeli Academy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Regina Caeli Academy (RCA) was founded in 1994 as a private school satellite program (PSP) to support independent Catholic home educators in California. In which I get interviewed about sex and stuff again! I live about a mile from the property. Where I live we have a local parish school where I live, many of the teachers are mothers of the students or former students. It has 97 students in grades PK, K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 9 to 1. The point is that the leadership was so toxic that literally hundreds of families have left with diverse but analogous stories of emotional and spiritual abuse that usually harmed moms the most. I was not involved in RCA in 2016 but joined after and I know there were many changes made regarding compensation which I can only presume now was a result of that lawsuitwhether it went to trial or settled outright, it definitely brought changes to the payment/tuition structure. This is true scandal, committing a sin so severe and hypocritical that it truly risks dozens or even hundreds of people losing their faith because of it. A bummer to read about Kari, but we all know that good fruit from an organization can still be abundant even if the leaders publicly and dramatically stumble. Protected: Podcast 38: In which we hit rock bottom. I think thered be great interest in my city. Regina Caeli Academy New Search County: Santa Clara Located within the boundaries of this public school district: San Jose Unified: School: Regina Caeli Academy CDS Code: 43 69666 7087646 School Address: Information Redacted San Jose, CA 95131-3422 . If its not true, why wont you go on record? And Whoa! Roswell, GA 30076 It was horrible for her. It is important to reflect on Regina Caeli's academic and spiritual model. His victims assistance coordinator is actually a very good priest and has helped people I know who live outside of his diocese. Not one red cent, not one nanosecond of my time, she said. I offer these thoughts to anyone else making this tough decision. Sorry for the numerous comments. She is a narcissist. Our classical curriculum insists that the purpose of education is to cultivate a mind pursuant of truth and includes robust coursework in reading, writing, Latin, mathematics, music, debate, and the visual arts. Its hard enough for those of us on the sidelines to read about what youre going through, and the misinformation that seeks to minimize it. I am doing very well six months later and have full custody of eight children, am in school getting my masters and teaching license, and my abusive soon to be ex is in the background where he belongs. Kari is human and we would all do well to extend her some charity. It resonates with me because I had an experience with a priest in confession at St. Patricks Cathedral in NYC a few years ago who implied that I should be homeless rather than to pursue the only option for housing that I could think of that I could afford, called me a slut, accused me of confessing sins I wasnt sorry for, refused me absolution, and said that Id have to live without the sacraments. You think these sources want to open themselves up to the wrath of an organization that kicks a family out for questioning where their money is going? 322: Simply having a yaki onigiri time. She knows how to gather sympathy from poor unsuspecting victimized supporters of her operation. I know because a lot of educated, concerned, and loving parents were able to pool together their resources and skillsets and provide a beautiful community as a fall out from a McCatholic Experience Franchise The beauty of RCA is its community of Catholic families, and this can be accomplished by the community aside from the fundraising and fees that seemingly go nowhere tangibly noticed. Why give false information??? 323: We are an Epiphany people are we are going to bed, No knives out after the death of Benedict, Whats for supper? Enough About You, Lets Talk About Me by Dr. Les Carter. "Parents and those who take their place are bound by the obligation and possess the right of educating their offspring. Rich Beckman, the husband of disgraced founder and former Executive Director of Regina Caeli and Veritatis Splendor Kari Beckman, has resigned, and Nicole Juba is now the Executive Director. , both explicitly framed their organizations as a refuge from the immorality of the secular world. It is more like a nice suburban tract home. The website has gone offline twice, and now redirects to the Texas Right to Life site, but does not currently function as a tipline. I am always responsible for his behavior. What is wrong with reading books about Robert E Lee? The standards Kari Beckman imposed upon RCA in order to belong, the crazy and intrusive questions about marital sex lives??? unbelievable, said one Regina Caeli Academy parent and former tutor. Im not concerned about Beckmans adultery per se (though of course it raises questions about her character generally), nor even about the allegations of misuse of RCA funds to pay for other things. Kruse and Kruse. Pray for us to God, alleluia. Are these several members different people who you personally interviewed? This is not a sign of a thriving organization.). I do t know about the last two years, but that was the policy for the two years before that. Podcast #57: And then the internet took off. Make that update, re-empower your administrators and tutors and youre golden. Our Vision In which I get interviewed about sex and stuff again! 1565 Holcomb Bridge Road. They had a meal train for Beckmans family? Theyre all in real peril of losing their faith based on this hypocritical disgusting behavior by someone who is supposed to be a true spiritual leader. Narcissists just cant bear the consequences of being held accountable. This piece also relies too much on anonymous sources for an article complaining about someone elses transparency. The administration openly bragged about the time she confiscated an iPad that a kid brought to school it was his dads work iPad, but RCA kept it for the year. The Regina Caeli Academies (hybrid home-schools) are Regnum Christi educational foundations; the director is a Regnum Christ woman. Three other board members are no longer listed on the site, and Nicole Juba has been named acting Executive Director. Most of my friends who went there left the church because of the emotional trauma of a fundamentalist community like this. and the vague spiritual matter that led her to these decisions. Thank you for all that you do and all you have to put up with. Its bad enough what she did, without the unproven allegations of financial misconduct from an anonymous letter-writer. Putting this type of stuff is incredibly sloppy when you know (or should know) it is NOT true: The reason I will never support that cult is the permanence of the priests. The experience kept me away from confession for a couple of years, and I cried when I finally returned. (CCie) Download PDF Disclaimer: Justia Dockets & Filings provides public litigation records from the federal appellate and district courts. Praying for everyone involved. The isolation that so many tutors experienced simply as a consequence of voicing their concerns is disgusting. Actually, thats saying too much. The amount of emotional baggage I have from RCA is unreal. Some RCA families have become adept in creating secret groups to communicate with each under the radar. The vaxx is a blood poison. The only way out is a penitential response proportionate to the magnitude of the harm, that is, for Mrs Beckman to live a private penitential life for the rest of her life; to remind every parent and child involved that our faith is in Christ Jesus, not in any human person; and for the schools, if they continue to exist, to divest entirely from any involvement with Mr or Mrs Beckman or anyone else who knew of the scandalous financial and/or sexual behavior. Actual help as in canon law advice and real support. Website Designed by Magis Guild. Ive been homeschooling for ten years since my oldest was preschool age. Required fields are marked *. Families were required to fundraise in a variety of ways, and were always told that this fundraising was to support the education and mission of Regina Caeli. Too busy processing trauma, self-inflicted and otherwise. You get paid minimum wage plus a fat tuition discount, and the only way you can make it work is to work there, so youre really afraid to rock the boat, because it will affect your children.. Regina Caeli Academy's Catholic culture encourages students to explore the wonder of Gods creation, embody magnanimity a greatness of character and of the soul , and graduate as skilled disciples of Christ, ready to lead the next generation of Catholics. Regina Coeli Academy is a private, Catholic school located in ABINGTON, PA. Re this: There are twenty-three RCA satellite schools throughout the country, and they are all run on precisely the same plan, down to minutiae of how to dress and how to have parties. You probably have great parents, tutors/instructors , and students in place. Blessed to have the support of RCA to continue to educate our kids in an excellent Catholic Tradition. I am struggling to forgive myself and to make sense of what I did. I agree with you. They answer not to the bishop of the diocese in which they live, but to Rome. But it morphs into a hierarchical obsession with being quiet, the former employee said. Michael Palud, C.O. There wasnt a lot of clarity about where the money [for Veritatis Splendor] was going to come from or how it was going to be spent. Beckman uses Regina Caeli as her personal bank account and that Beckman hand-selected the board to do her bidding, and deliberately hid her financial activities from the families who supplied the money she allegedly spent. Youve ignored my questions about the Kruse v. RCA 2016 USDC lawsuit. First name or full name. Its been a sentiment and experienced behavior when RCA was first started in Norcross, Georgia out of a parish hall that was offered for RCAs use (which they paid nothing for, yet demanded tuition). Oratorians are not a religious order; they are secular priests (i.e., they have not made religious vows). This is a policy. I cannot speak to this points in the article or the events thereafter the growth of the franchising of RCA only to what Ive experienced. You dont need a franchise to form a lasting Catholic family co-op. There was a waiting list that year and so I knew we were not taking away from the financial stability of the school. Michelle, Im so sorry to hear about your experience with that priest. The letter to the IRS enumerates four major complaints involving Regina Caeli Academy and Veritatis Splendor: -That Regina Caeli Academy employees were pulled from their RCA jobs to launch and raise funds for Veritatis Splendor; -that RCA borrowed over $3 million from an RCA board member to finance the property for Veritatis Splendor; -that the RCA board approved the purchase of a $45,000 Chevy Tahoe for Veritatis Splendor, and has been paying for its insurance, even though the vehicle does not serve Regina Caeli in any way; -and that the property, purchased by RCA, contains a luxury lodge in which the Beckman family has been living for many months. Protected: Podcast 28: The beast with one back, Protected: Podcast 27: My interview with Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa of New Wave Feminists, Protected: Podcast 26: sorryFOR FUCKS SAKEsorry, Protected: Podcast 25: On the tip of my tongue. I am constantly learning more- I want to share that about two years ago, I heard a sermon that, Justice is not revenge; justice is the truth. God led me on this path of learning, and it has been the map to freedom from my prison. If I were her, claiming to be a journalist, writing this article, I would only feel comfortable saying that having seen evidence of a payout to the plaintiffs. The fact that you feel compelled to post anonymously speaks volumes. Thank you for sharing!! I have known the Beckmans and many families who attend the original school for many years. Liked it? Now what Beckman did was wrong but there is still some good that came from the schoolswhat they teach is good, the good prayers, that God is the center of everything. He is the patron saint of the impossible for so many reasons. Kari Beckman has narcissistic personality disorder, NPD, and I hope her family gets treatment for their C-PTSD. Eastvale, CA 92880-8828 . The Board has a fiduciary duty to the members of the organization not to Mrs. Beckman personally. Ive seen the difference that my childrens tutors have made in their lives and Im forever grateful. Shea hates Goodness and spins it as evil. Also, I would just like to flag this comment (both, frankly) as both ad hominem and non sequitor. She is just as sketchy just in different ways. She actually watches people and takes in their reactions. It starts with totally appropriate conflict resolution based on [the book of] Matthew: Go to your brother, etc. The students are getting a religious community, and the school gets the support of the local parishioners and past alumni across the county. Shea hates Goodness and spins it as evil. Protected: Podcast #15: Completely Meat Chocolate Pie, Protected: Podcast #14: I wish I had a whip. This needed to be done. A third is that, even if the environment at my satellite was non-abusive up until now, it will get worse as the organization flounders. O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; grant, we beseech Thee, that through His Mother, the Virgin Mary, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. You probably are suffering from C-PTSD. This separation will allow each organization to successfully pursue its own mission. Protected: Podcast 28: The beast with one back, Protected: Podcast 27: My interview with Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa of New Wave Feminists, Protected: Podcast 26: sorryFOR FUCKS SAKEsorry, Protected: Podcast 25: On the tip of my tongue. The vaxxed are dying en masse. Funny how God always seems to squeeze good from bad. She headlined all the things she accomplished as a real estate mogul, in an elevated tone, while talking to my husband, as though I didnt exist and I wasnt in the room sitting there. I do hope they survive and other Catholic families can benefit the way my family did. 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