words with friends scammer photos

Until today, I thought for the most part things were innocent although he was constantly asking questions about me and telling me how much he liked me. Headed to Turkey to mine diamonds . Yes, and it was a woman, at least thats what she said. Whether it is true or not, I dont know. He is using Steffo Tornquists photos to lure you. I dont think he was after money or anything. If that was the case, I would never get to play. A lot of people have mentioned that these scammers DISAPPEAR when confronted or not encouraged. Widow with 2 kids. , Exactly! His wife has died and he is raising his three kids alone. Estafas en lnea Galera de Fotos Falsas Robado y Estafadores Real. Only play with people you actually know in real life! [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. He asked if I am happily married with kids and still wants to chat after I said yes. You just want us to buy more credits from you. So far its working. He goes by Thomson Smith. No one has started a game with me since, it could be the same guy using different names. Two days later he was in Yaman.. The photos always look retouched and the grammar fails. Next time I am going to say lemme guess, youre a widower from Europe but now live in the states. Exactlythis issue goes both ways. It might seem beyond belief that anybody would ever fall for this, but innocent people have been falling for the Nigerian Prince scam for years and to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. These creeps are ruining all the games. I would like to do this. Kandahar, Afghanistan. Watch out for Ablelard Clause. He says hes in CO but he has. Words With Friends. Lol. A fantastic player who I was really enjoying and we were chatting in the dialog boxnothing all that personal but a bit. He claims to be from Ireland and currently in Yemen. Those things were true for me. He slept with so many women using this game. All he wanted to do was chat .. Im not playing to chat! Great reply to use on these creeps!! Enjoy! All of them type in very broken English. My big question is, why do they all want to use Hangouts? Me too usually they are from Europe initially. Anthony Hoke & Van Vega. He looked like Bin Ladens cousin, lol! I will share this page w/my friend & see if she wants to. He sent me his number. I like to play along telling them all lies about myself, 1 guy said he was a Dr yet when I told him I was a paramedic he asked what that was and was I able to work from home during the pandemic. One of the crew were killed. Travis Austin tried the same with me. He was wearing army fatigue with a tin hat, looked like something out of Good Morning Vietnam . Yep. I went today to find it, but I believe she/they blocked me, because I cannot find it..She asked right away what I did for a living, and where I lived. When I liked who he was online enough to try to get him to meet in person he wasnt ready. I was playing with a Gary Tellier. But, fool that I am and at my age, he scammed me out of 12,000.00. Nigerians. Then when I finally asked why she chose to play with and message me, she got mad and said whatever, I dont need to answer that then resigned. So I think this mans photos were stolen and being used for money scams. Wife died a year ago, 15 year old daughter and working as a petrochemical engineer? I used to engage a little just to hear their story, but now I message right back saying: Hello, just to nip it in the bud, Im not going to communicate other than here. Originally said he was from Arkansas but now in Africa on British mission trip. im sure this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a un peace keeper! Widowed, one girl 22 Stephanie living in Toronto. From Europe but who now live in the USA Anyone know this one ? Beware if Hughes Robert and Gavin Eric especially Gavin Eric ( Gavin E). He lives in Denver Co. His speech and choice of words didnt sound like good old USA slang. I just got an invite from a RitchieEvans, an Italian man who is an engineer on an oil rig in the Middle East. (Zynga is the company that created WWF.). 57 years old and going to retire and wants me to move in with them. Sure enough, after a few games they chatted with me. There really is a Captian Thomas Madsen with Maersk. The dates arent ever going to happen, by the way, because the majority of male players live thousands of miles away from where I live. Then, when the victim started to engage in conversation, the bot would hand the victim over to a human con artist. If your intentions are other than that. The guys name if Greg Williams. So now I too have been scammed by George Woodland, a lumberjack from Houston TX who went to China to cut down a large forest. Its nothing more than a job to them. Like William Paul, James David, John David, Bernard Edgar, William Michaels, Their story is all the same, and it aggravating and scary. He never had any friends on his FB profile or photos, except of him and one expensive car excluding the number plate. I reported his info to Ftc.gov. WebWords With Friends Scammer Chats. Its always a scam. These guys stop playing as soon as you stop talking. Hes a very convincing con man. Is Hangouts itself Danger once contact is made w these w th we mainly W African professional thieves? He has white hair and looks to be55-60. Had several of thesethey are always handsom..having stolen a photo from the internet or social media site. We believe my mother-in-law is being scammed through WWF. My guess is hell resign the game and block me. Please Stop doing this to all of us!!!!!!!!!! The collage Had anyone deal with a Mark Joe, David Roberts, William Johnson or Kelvin Triplet? Although the scammers resigning or timing out because I will not chat outside of the game has really helped me with my win/loss percentage LOL. He wants $132,000. Not sure how long Im gonna string him along but it sure is cracking me up!! Now, He claims to be a German doctor, Military, working in Kandahar, Afghanistan ! Im not getting these kinds of scammers chatting with me BECAUSE I NEVER play WWF2 with strangers! If youre too embarrassed to do this, then you probably already suspect that the person who wants the money isnt who he claims to be. Besides ignoring those you dont know, look at their stats: Highest score 22 points??? No money request. One of his first questions he asked was if I was married and had kids? So, when I was first approached with a chat, I answered back. Made the mistake of telling one guy I worked in the medical field and lo and behold, hes an orthopedic surgeon for NATO going to the Ukraine. Says hes in love with me and want to come see me but wont FaceTime or fb message me. Samuel Caban wanted me to cut my finger and make a blood oath that I would be true to him. Love it when they disappear. How do I do this? I like this game for yrs. The very next day I received 7 game requests- all from men. There is an adjunct professor there by that name , but I just wonder if the profile pic is real. Claimed his married was just to keep his job and for his kids. Gary Scott sound familiar James curtis. That I have to admit I have received countless times and I block them immediately. 4. Look out for Frank Wilson who is on a peace keeping mission in Kabul Afghanistan and for Andrew Charles who is an offshore oil rig engineer. One of my friends told me she loved that I had a pretend boyfriend but also told me about a Ryan Gosling movie called Lars & the Real Girl. Has anyone heard of James Richard or James Richardson? Wife in Switzerland remarried . Really not sure what hes after. Claims to me from Denmark but moved to Toronto once 16th with the family. He was smooth. While in HK, he ran into a problem with the governor an electronic velocity machine and only had $6k on him, could I wire him $4k to get a new one. Not all of you . I have only been on for a little while and had 6 so called men friend me to play wanting to know temp and whats for dinner. One just started a game with me yesterday, Curdias9. Weve been chatting for quite some time and he finally showed his true colors Hes working in Germany and needs me to get him a $500.00 Amazon gift card because his machine is broken. Of course she got blocked instantlythings were quiet for a while but now all of sudden Im getting hit with game requests from whose pics are definitely provocative, to say the least, and of course theyre all getting blocked. Adamphilips556- playing since 11/4/2020 59 All of them have lost their wives (mostly during child birth) and have a kid. He took his kids to the zoo in the afternoon heat in Texas. Not sure how we can stop it! The profile pictures are usually extremely attractive and provocative, and they immediately strike up a conversation. Ive seen him still using the stolen pic on wwf. Wanted to get to know me more, sked for my email address and to join hangouts. I told friends I was having fun talking w/him. Hangouts has absolutely NO SECURITY! so I decided to google this scam. I now disable chat as soon as I accept a game and 9 times out of ten, I dont hear from them again.I had to report abuse from someone early on, who I was happy to chat to for a while as he was a complete pain and declared love for me! The requesting to talk was annoying, but did it. To activate Chat, please follow these steps: 1. Weve tried taking her electronics. on my phone, so we can talk private. I also find it insulting that they assume youre playing to be chatted up. . Words with friends, Michael Williams, about 57, has a grandson in the photo. And worst of all I was stupid and five phones were ordered on my phone acct. I thought I was getting there today & wondered about reporting him & found all of you. He said that he has two kids and his has full custody of his sons because he caught his wife cheating in his bed. Has anyone been contacted by a German named Joaquam Sylvester Roberts who says working in Craotia working as construction manager whose wife died of leukemia & has daughter named Victoria. The games gone. To bad we cant have nice things. Im in great demand. I play a few people who use stock images for their profile, easily verified with tineye.com. I never wanted this to happen. The same scenario with me and 3 different men chatting on WWF. I have been a WWF player with my close friends for many years and I recently experienced a very crazy weekend with over 15 people asking me to play. Petter Snow. Beware of Micheal Scott. Just a lonely married man in a sad marriage to a mean wife. Massive scorer with words I had never heard of and grammar good at firstthen the personal questions then bad grammar (these scammers have an itellegent first writer then pass to another once they engage you in conversation). Then she kept asking me if I had texted her yet. I get a new one challenging me to play almost every day. Lol! It's one of the easiest ways to check for a scam. Supposedly a trauma and orthopedic doctor. WebScammers who use blackmail as a form of extortion are another type of scam to avoid. One wrote Thanks for the follow so I wrote back and asked where he saw I was following him and no response. WebI'm on unemployment. The day after I talked w/him he told me about a fabulous work opportunity that would take him away for three months. How do u tell those lies? Both Derek and George wanted to go to google hangouts very quickly and professed their love very quickly. I resigned from every game and blocked them all. One was from Germany, but when I wrote to him in German, he hadnt a clue what I was saying I figured out I was chatting with more than one person and one had to be female. Thank you for warning people, I dont play words with friends but my husband did and he had women sending naked photos of themselves and offering online sex. And there was one instance when I spelled the word sexy and she mentioned something about it in the chat. Ever. She still speaks to them daily. I would hate to quit. But after talking to them, they changed their tune but the one still calls once in while. My favorite is Anthony Paulo. If they wanted to chat, there are plenty apps made just for that. The WWF scam is newer, but it has already claimed at least one victim: a New Zealand woman lost $60,000 over the course of months to a con artist. Im a nurse and know thats not how English speaking physicians speak. The more you say no to giving out your email or your phone number or you wont go to hangouts or download it Im firm when I say no they say Im rude and mean lol I said so Im mean when you are the one being disrespectful towards me by expecting me to give personal details to you a stranger Ive sooken very little to in 3 days?! Every single one of them. He told me to chat with him on Skout but I never did. I had been playing with one guyMartin C. who claimed to be from Lake Placid. He is looking for someone to love and take care of his son which I didnt fall for. Have you noticed how many of them have names that could both be christian names? I am almost certain he is a Nigerian scammer. I really thought I was smarter than that. What made me suspicious was that he sounded like a foreigner (he said that he was from Germany and he lived in NY and Florida in the past) and might have been using a translator device or something. They all seen to be American working in the Army in Afghanistan (latest one William Milton a General no less), sometimes brought up in an orphanage (for the awwww factor), all seem to have lost their wives to cancer (again awww) and all want to go on whatsapp, hangout or facebook so they can look at your beautiful photos. He continued to send me a lot of pictures, some of him when he was younger with his two girls. Sadly there will always be someone out there who is taken in. He did look like Bin Laden, lol! They always want to go on another firm of contact so they can send you pictures, and want to see yours. Kind of odd. I bet Ill get blocked after that . The Sydney Morning Herald reported earlier this month that a scammer using the name Richard Bricks was using a photo of Argentinian actor Juan Soler in his pursuits on Words with Friends. Hi. He said he liked coil and country song. Waste their time. If you were sincere you would not behave that way. So you can play with a stranger, arent they all, just dont talk to them! I play WWF. Thats when I blocked him. I always ask what website they are getting this BS from, of course they dont understand what you mean, and one guy tried telling me it was a coincidence, a word for word coincidence. Very unsafe. Collisions #12, Why Amazon Should Buy Lyft Collisions #4, Nonprofits are the real threat to Uber and Lyft Collisions #2, Ford Follows Facebook, Flounders Collisions #3, Why Uber Eats wont save Uber from Collapse Collisions #5, Who Might Own a Car in the Future? Almost immediately after chatting I started getting those creepy guys, literally daily. Asking questions like married single kids even where you grew up and favorite colour as in banking apps and the like you have security questions that you have to answer. 3. Looking them up is irrelevant. As soon as I said Im married a lot of them stop playing but one Ive still been chatting with, just to see how far it goes. Married men use this site to hook up with women. as Im well aware hes scamming, turned very nasty knowing hed been rumbled. Can you share some info about the person you might have come in contact with who is named Fred Anderson? I ask what is coil and he said, sorry meant cool music. Think Ill do the same. Other times Ive pretended that Im a man that really messes with them! And please dont shy away from request, simply because theyre from strangers. WWF has a new feature, mute conversation, so I just did that with him. Was wondering about setting up a fb page where everyone could share the names photos etc. I wanted to quit the game & block him, but didnt want to be rude. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. Theyre nothing more than parasites. When youve learned to read the clues, dont tell them how theyve tipped their handit will only make the better for the next victim. He claims to be a 57 year old gentleman living in California who after 21 years of marriage lost his wife. V annoying. I currently have 3 men hitting me up. The responses here seem to be females receiving from males so Im kinda curious. The first two disappeared when I called him out on it. . I accept the invitation to play with them but after I play my first game, I mute the chat. Now I play the game and the scammer. Dead wife (cancer, childbirth, accident), one or two kids, with the nanny or in boarding school while hes away. Another alias GEORGIA MENDEZ possibly same scammer. Ultimately it doesnt matter whether the being trying to scam you while playing WWF is a person, program or combination. This man will use all info given to try to gain money or use your phone number to chat with others thru an app. Anyone had any dealings with Michael Hansen, originally from Norway has lived in US for many years. He lays it on thick implying hes in love. Do not reply to Hello. Please beware!!! George said that he was divorced and had a 14 yr. old son. Trying to pick up pointers on new ways to scam? If youre tempted to send money to a stranger and you shouldnt do it ask a friend or family member for a sanity check. I wish there were more laws and regulations in place to prevent this type stuff from happening on gaming/social apps. It sickens me! I like talking to you. I wanted to end my game with this guy but didnt want to hurt anybodys feelings so I was relieved to find out its a scam and immediately blocked the moron. I blocked him, and when it happened the next time I had assumed the first guy was a solitary case. Nice pictures on Facebook. Most have multiple languages. I get the sense that he actually is in Iraq on a US military base. Even if, like my mother, youre a skilled WWF player who is running out of challenging opponents, if you dont know who the person on the other side of the screen is in real life, then dont play. It is quite sad to hear that there are still people falling for these blood suckers! Plays on the heart strings for the purpose of a payout. Started chatting with all the normal stupid stuff, and then said that he was happily married before, but along the way my wife got blown up in a gas station fire with my daughter.. The third one goes only by the name Jacob, but hes using a picture of four-star general Stephen Townsend. Luis Chanaga LC from Florida and now living in Ohio working as President for an Adventist hospital had sex with my wife from WWF stalking. Dont know if reporting them had done any good. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Beware! Its sad these guys are scammers and fake. I had to change my name in settings so they dont actually track me down. I feel like as I waste their time it keeps them from scamming other people. There is a guy named Christopher Gilbert that is a scammer. Yes there is also a scammer pretending to be a UN worker in Afghanistan. Anyone getting those? Hes been romancing me and is actually very good. Ive had plenty of those people do the same thing. My profile picture was the Betsy Ross flag. Then, there was one with a dog picture. Ive only just had a few of these scammers. Yes, happened to me. He scammed me out of a little over $200,000. Next thing I know, they disappeared from the game. Right now i have 10 of these men wanting to chat. Lol. red for love white for purity. I was weak and now I am a broken man. I get these on a daily basis. Hes fake. Countless unfinished games because once they find out Im a happily married housewife who wont follow them to Google Hangouts, they just stop playing. for awhile and caught on. He me several times for my email address and I kept saying no. Do you report as abuse name impersonation? I wonder if they know General Kaiser who I also over there. Tap on your Profile. If you block one, they regenerate. You can chat with opponents, but like with any online platform, sometimes strangers aren't there for fun - they're there to commit fraud. I would never give out personal information. All told me theyre in the US, but originally from other countries in attempts to cover for broken English. I have noticed also that with these two people, there is no date on their profile when they joined WWF, whereas normal people have. gev1138 3 yr. ago. He goes by name of Steven Looney so beware. I also have been also getting friend requests on Facebook from military widowed men. Hi, got in on Academic Singles. And thats how he spelled, red flags everywhere! I am tired of getting letters to play like hope scrabble companies filter messages like those in the near future.. 8.8.19 same stories from Greg Owen and David Craig on words with friends, in one week..beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But now I dont respond. However the most recent game like that just disappeared so I didnt even have the satisfaction of a win. Now that he was on the ship he was always busy. them: Don't call me a scammer them: Don't like that them: Can you get it for me me: You can't get away with this forever me: Eventually you'll go to jail me: Where They persist and the English is appalling . Of course others I call out on their scamming threaten to kill me and go berserk. If anyone hears of a John Alexander on wwf. Hi Nella! Scammers that we have already banned can't comment. Same thing is happening to me. When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being a goal digger I really knew then he was a flake. I must have hit an age where they think I will fall for this garbage. But when Hangouts? His email to me was in my spam folder and consisted of him trying to convince me to do a long distance relationship because he knew I was a blessing from God. Scammer David Martin. There have been a few times I think weve got through to herbut after another 2hr phone-call, she is back believing them.. I believe that Words With Friends is liable for damages for allowing these money scamming degenerates on there site. Hopefully all the nasty things he said about her werent true or she likely didnt handle all his infidelities very well and hes cowering somewhere. Good luck.NEVER SEND MONEY! I was bored so I accepted most of them. He was waiting to hear if he got the job that would take him on contract to Turkey. Ive had all these men as well..now got Chrismorris Alex morris.and a few more.theyre very persistent, Ever play with a Davis Anderson? My favorite colors are red and white. Fortunately did not give them any personal info. Whats app is fairly safe but I trust no app now after my poor WWF app is now being inundated. Ive had a few Russian women try to spark up convos. I recall playing some of the people mentioned here like Luis Chanaga and Don Smith and the marines stuck overseas. Wish all these scammers would take a long walk off a short pier and sink to the bottom of the waterfor good. animal crossing language translator, dke uva hazing, Slept with so many women using this game!!!!!!!! 59 all of you this guy keeps changing his name and tells people his a military doctor or a worker... Working as a petrochemical words with friends scammer photos admit I have to admit I have to admit I to... After I talked w/him he told me to cut my finger and make a blood oath that am! Kaiser who I also over there me several times for my email address I..., literally daily to prevent this type stuff from happening on gaming/social apps the victim started to words with friends scammer photos conversation. Anyone hears of a payout, there are still people falling for these blood suckers good... 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