I mentioned to my husband she maybe sees rocky. The only way my colleague could get Lambda to move past this point was to grab hold of his collar and physically tug him several yards along the path until he was well away from that spot. Though the tapetum lucidum worsens detail perception due to its light-scattering properties, it makes it much easier for dogs to see their general surroundings when light is scarce. When the Associated Press had the GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications group conduct what they called a Petside Poll, which involved telephone interviews with 1,000 pet owners in the U.S., it found, among other things, that 47 percent of dog owners report that at some time or another their dog has alerted them to some impending bad news. Its a perception of invisible auras, vibes, or energies that explains the intuitive feelings you get when you just know something, even if you have no other basis for it. When people share a common direction and sense of . In such cases, the hallucinations are often associated with aspects of the stressful situations which caused the patients problem in the first place. As an Intuitive medium & animal communicator, I can tell you for sure that cats & dogs see ghosts. The five classic senses may not be all that is at play when your dog seems to detect spirits. Its difficult to unequivocally prove that ghosts, spirits and other paranormal entities exist, but that keen canine perception can be pretty convincing. What makes them so different from humans? The way to work with them is the same over & over. If your dog follows you into the bathroom, its likely a result of their animal instinct and pack mentality. After an externship in Southern California for avian, exotic and wildlife medicine, he received his Doctorate from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1992.