The Opening of a Ten Day Training for Officers on Gender by the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces Gender Unit. These aspects have not completely disappeared in the modern day; they are just not as blunt as before. UN Women Representative to Ethiopia, Africa Union and Economic Commission for Africa; Letty Chiwara commended the Government and people of Sierra Leone for their relentless effort in ensuring that women realize their full potentials. Collier, P. (2000a). I was never aware of the terrible conditions that migrant workers faced. Achieving gender equity remains a challenge in Sierra Leone. Women in Sierra Leone have always made vital contributions to the economy and have often played a substantial role in the subsistence of their families. Power, moral authority, social privileges, control over land and property has mainly been in the hands of men. Corruption within systems such as the healthcare system meant they failed to provide the basic medical needs of the poorest citizens, which is a key reason for the continuing existence of poverty. Rat traps can become too expensive thus reducing crop yield and profit. The voices of Sierra Leonean women are ignored in the debate about their own sexual and reproductive health. The country was rated 153 out of 162 in the 2018 index, clearly exposing the gender inequality gap. Women enjoy limited access to decision-making power, and access to and control over resources. However, the issue of gender inequality and its effects on educational opportunities still needs to be addressed. Economic agendas in civil wars. By Anjali Manivannan. This situation is in turn perpetuating a vicious cycle of poverty and gender inequality from generation to generation. Introduction: Gender inequality towards women in Sierra Leone can be described as inequitable or impractical compared to the equality of women in developed/western countries. During the launch, the United Nations Residence Coordinator Sunil Saigal emphasized that the launch of the HeForShe Campaign is an important milestone on the journey towards the eradication all forms of discrimination, and gender-based violence, against women and girls. However, work still needs to be done in Sierra Leone to achieve gender equality. The state, violence and development: the political economy of war in Mozambique 19751992. Gender equality is not something one should have to worry about in this day and age, but sadly most woman in America have experienced these disadvantages. The primary concerns are: reproductive health, empowerment, and economic activity. A lock () or https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. The issue of gender inequity in Sierra Leone is changing and has been improved over the past few years, but it is still not the best it can be. Since 2004, we have shifted our program towards a more development-orientated approach working in both urban and rural areas. Information released online before January, 2021. Gender Inequality In Sierra Leone. Women enjoy limited access to decision-making power, and access to and control over resources. But he has now become a fighter for the cause of women to realize their potentials. In Equalitys new world he will have complete freedom and no rules holding people back from learning and growing. As of december 2020, only 41.7% of indicators needed to monitor the SDGs from a gender perspective were available, with gaps in key areas, in particular: unpaid care and domestic work and key labour market indicators, such as the gender pay gap. The estimated level of inequality in Sierra Leone is also lower than for many settlements of the same . Gender inequality in Sierra Leone, after colonialism among the worst in Sub-Saharan Africa, has been heightened further by the civil war of 1992-2002which was related in part to the struggle for control of "blood diamonds" but also to long-standing social and regional disparities, and to the collapse of formal institutions and widespread . Gender-based violence in or around schools continues to be a serious and pressing problem in Sierra Leone that necessitates greater attention. However, equality is not a right everyone in the world has, some need to earn it and some already have it. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. The third one of these goals is to promote gender equality and empower women (MDGs Sierra Leone). Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. (3) Percentage of women aged 20 to 24 years who were first married or in union before age 18. These charges included killing, rape, sexual violence, sexual slavery, slave labor, abduction, forced pregnancy and many other horrific things (Ben-Ari & Harsch). As of February 2021, only 12.3% of seats in parliament were held by women. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Sierra Leone is deeply rooted in traditional attitudes regarding the roles and responsibilities of women and men (CEDAW, 2014); where decision-making rests with the men (fathers, husbands, brothers), including related to the health, well-being and overall welfare of women (FAO, n.d.). Traditionally in Haitian culture women are the head of the household but still place their husbands authority above them. Women make up much of the farming workforce, says Yeanoh. Being that I am a female and I am Sierra Leonean, now I view the inequality and unjust treatment of females in the developing world as a major problem that needs an urgent solution. Gender inequality coupled with staunchly held, restrictive gender norms manifest itself in high levels of gender-based violence (GBV), which due to the weakened social structures . Unnecessary expensive healthcare perpetuates inequality also, it is the corrupt individuals within governmental organisations who gain the extra profit to spend on luxuries whilst the poorest suffer and fall further into poverty. We work with local non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations and other development agencies ensuring multi-level coordination to help strengthen the implementation of existing legislation pertaining to gender equality. Intersectionality explains why gender cannot be in isolation from other inequalities in the social world. Schools in Sierra Leone reopened in April 2015 after the world's worst recorded Ebola outbreak. Gender inequality is a pervasive problem in many parts of the world, including Africa. Libya, Martinique, New Caledonia, Nigeria, Reunion, Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, US Protectorates, Ukraine . As a result, these nations will achieve gender equality as both females and males will be equally qualified for jobs. ", Saunders, Adelia. Equality, after struggling and fighting for his freedom, finally knows why he lives and what has been missing in his life. The dominance of an agricultural based economy highlighted previously, was reverted to after independence, due to an imperial economic structure built only to benefit the colonial power and not to sustain future growth. How do we provide more awareness to forms of silent and normalized oppression? One of the largest reasons all of these efforts are being made is because of the Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs. Across the world, so many women and girls still do not have . These two characters saw the issues in the equality of the government. These, Equality lives in a collectivist society, which is a society that believes, that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called the common good. Therefore, Equality being the person he is, struggles with being an individual. "MediaGlobal: Bold womens rights legislation in Sierra Leone, "Sierra Leone: Fighting Gender Bias Ahead of Elections. As Riddell (2005) states, citizens were actively ripped off through colonialism and independent governments to date. Equality is such an important thing in our everyday lives. . In addition, many areas such as gender and poverty, physical and sexual harassment, womens access to assets (including land), and gender and the environment lack comparable methodologies for reguar monitoring. Closing these gender data gaps is essential for achieving gender-related SDG commitments in Sierra Leone. The current Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa has infected 27,237 peoplealmost exclusively in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leoneof whom 11,158 died. Sierra Leone Gender Analysis. In many ways then Goal 8 and Goal 10 are inextricably linked. Some of the inequalities that women face are as follows; shortened life expectancy, little education, assault, domestic violence, lack of healthcare, and low pay for . School-related gender-based violence is part of a complex, multi-faceted social issue. All of these issues have not just started today, but have been going on for a while. Their leaders are the Council of Vocations enforced those rules, and the people that over-rule them are the World Council. (Photo: Market women protesters in Freetown). It is not only the healthcare system that suffers from corruption; the problem persists through all the systems of this nation. Health promoters, many of them women, work with lead mothers to promote pro-nutrition actions among pregnant and lactating mothers for their own and their childrens benefit and to encourage mothers to attend prenatal and postnatal care. When it comes to education, everyone should be given the same opportunity no matter their race, gender or color. The Gender Equality Bill, 2011 drafted as a private member Bill spearheaded by the Sierra Leone Female Parliamentary Caucus was not enacted into law before the closure of the last Parliament. As of February 2021, only 12.3% of seats in parliament were held by women. It is unfair because their gender is given the majority, if not all, of the work to support the child. The first of such lessons is that nothing in life is equal or fair. An official website of the United States government. Inequality based on gender is a serious concern in modern times the world over; men and women are yet to enjoy the same privileges. Gender discrimination and poverty. . Gender equality is globally the most common form of inequality and remains a major obstacle to the eradication of poverty. The description is composed by our digital data assistant. The world citizens held different viewpoints. In workplace, both single women and men were expected to carry heavier workload. Insecurity, infrastructural decay, low earning power, unemployment, a break-down of the health system, poor education, blatant gender inequalities and neglect of child welfare were among indicators of the civil war on society. Another solution would be to have teachers from other countries, such as America and Britain, come and teach the students. Moreover, women of reproductive age (15-49 years) often face barriers with respect to their sexual and reproductive health and rights: in 2019, 53% of women had their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods. Overall, 10 million women and children are expected to benefit.7 Box1. UN (2015) Concepts of Inequality, Devlopment Issues No.1, accessed at, Goodhand, J. The implementation of such neoliberal policies is a reason for the continuing existence of poverty and inequality, these generalised policies failed to adapt to the uniqueness of each nations economy and the dictation of an outside nation can be simply considered as a modern practice of colonialism. Equality started a family with his beloved, The Golden One and lived happily ever after (Rand, n.pag.). In penetrating and clear-eyed fashion, the authors re-analyze the four crucial cases that flirted with the possiblity of comparable worth." . Their voices are being drowned out by the resistance of conservative religious groups and reluctant government officials. New York: United Nations Development Programme. Addressing harmful practices are also covered by raising awareness on both the potential short and longer-term health consequences, human rights violations of FGM, and the negative impact that early marriage and teenage pregnancy can have on the lives of girls and their families. Three quarters of these live in rural areas and yet the inequality gap between the urban and rural populations is still largely prevalent. Freetown was established as a British colony where the slave trade was suppressed and Creoles dominated . Ismail is now an eager volunteer to take the message to his home in the provinces of Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone represents a unique case to assess the gendered impacts of COVID-19. In fact, in Sierra Leone, rape is extremely common and is considered a "societal norm" (US Department of . Women are neglected the right to an education due to discriminatory laws and the norms of society that go against the human rights of women. The Sierra Leone Parliament is set to host the HeForShe National Secretariat and hosting further sensitization activities in the provinces. For every 1,000 girls in Sierra Leone, 112 will become mothers between ages 15 and 19. It is very important that every female in developing countries is offered an education because it enables them to branch out of the ongoing cycle of women rights negation and gives them equal opportunity for autonomy., Women are being oppressed when they are prevented from accessing these services. For the individual woman, poverty and gender inequality are key factors affecting demand for healthcare services. Firstly the key terms will be defined then the essay will be divided into two main sections. One solution is to send more students studying abroad, which would show the students what the rest of the world thinks of women. A very ridiculous law has gone in effect in April to ban girls who are pregnant from school even if it was a, It is the 21st century and although politics and the world is never perfect, inequality should not be an issue we as a world should talk about. If the breadwinner of the household passed away, the entire household would have less income and could be driven deeper into poverty. Equality is giving someone the same opportunity to make them equal. Almost 58% of girls get married before they turn 18 years old. In recent years the government and its partners, including USAID have been focusing on providing women with access to financial services as it has the potential to act as a catalyst for enhancing womens economic, social and political empowerment. The economic system within Sierra Leone alike the education system, preserves the problems of poverty and inequality within the population, particularly in the rural areas. In the course of the campaign for the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in 2011, the current At the same time, men play a critical role in supporting and enabling womens economic empowerment, advancing womens political participation and leadership, supporting womens role in peace and security, and eliminating gender-based violence. To reflect the commitment of the Government in meeting global obligations, legislative reforms in the following critical areas - as required by the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) have been enacted: Domestic Violence Act 2007, Devolution of Estates Act 2007, Registration of Customary, Marriage and Divorce Act 2009, Child Rights Act 2007 and the Sexual Offences Act 2012. The term intersectionality as stated by Susanne Hochreiter offers a way to understand the multiple grounds of identity when considering how the social world is constructed. (2002). Along with this the SAP have removed subsidies on crops such as rice,in combination with the floating of the Leone this led to a significant price increase, donor food is intended to keep the rice price low however this often only reaches the likes of Freetown and urban pillars so rural outlets are susceptible to retailers pricing considerably above official prices. This will give justice to these girls and equality and civil rights will not be. . Access the executive summary of the report here and read their full report here. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. For this score, we use the 72 gender-specific SDG indicators in the Women Count Data Hubs SDG Dashboard for the 193 UN Member States. Our society thrives off of each person being unique from everyone else, but still being treated equally. Women now make up over 40 percent of the global labour force. UNDP Residence Coordinator, Sunil Saigal signs the HeForShe board. Most times culturally, family supports you to be the best you can be and reach the highest amount of education, whereas here it wasnt the same case. Officially the Local Court is the only institution permitted to adjudicate customary law, under the Local Courts Act of 1963. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Poverty and inequality are some of the clearest examples of how gender discrimination harms society. More than two . The Sierra Leone parliament has passed a long-awaited Gender Empowerment Act which establishes a minimum gender quota for female parliamentarians. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement. "Sierra Leone: Local Government Crucial to Putting an End to, "MDGs Sierra Leone Goal 3 - Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women. All work is written to order. Women grow between 60% and 80% of the world's food but often they have reduced access to the materials they need and even the food they produce. In 2013 the Governments Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper III Agenda for Prosperity (2013-2018) had a standalone pillar that focused on gender equality and womens empowerment with gender mainstreamed in all the other pillars. The coastal-based capital and disconnections between rural areas and urban means investment in developing transport and ways to exploit the potential of the hinterlands has never been incentivised. Customary law is recognized throughout rural Sierra Leone and defines social relations between men and women, and frequently reinforces the inequality of women. This book investigates gender equality and women's empowerment in Sierra Leone, focusing in particular on women's interactions with the state and its development partners. The education system based upon the British education system was developed to serve the best interests of the elite, focusing on a Western style curriculum unrelated to the environment of which the majority of students, from the rural areas, were to grow up in. Firstly, the only way to decrease the educational gap between males and females is to implement policies that decrease or completely remove school fees for girls and prohibit families from removing their daughters from school before the age of 18. Sierra Leone is the first African nation to fully transition from a paper-based reporting system to an electronic system for weekly aggregate disease reporting at the health facility level. In M. Berdal & D. Malone (Eds. Looking for a flexible role? Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. At the African Womens Leadership conference in Sierra Leone, President Koroma assures women of 30% quota by end of office. It becomes clear to him how much the government was taking from him. Vice President Victor Bockarie Foh Signing the HeForShe Board. Addressing gender inequalities and promoting women's and girls' empowerment to build an equal future for all children COVID-19: a crisis for women and girls . 29.6% of women aged 2024 years old who were married or in a union before age 18. For example in the healthcare system, drugs which were given as aid ended up in pharmacies to be sold for profit, rather than dispersed to those most in need for free, as organisations like UNICEF had intended. Sierra Leone: Gender Inequalityby Chris Crane. 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